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Posts by rtz  

Joined: 3 Jan 2010 / Male ♂
Last Post: 14 May 2011
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Posts: Total: 46 / In This Archive: 32
From: Warszawa, Polska
Speaks Polish?: Już mówie ;)

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26 Feb 2012
Love / Polish girls want to be dominated. Fact? [63]

And you're insane if you think money has anything to do with this.

don't be naive.

The bitter truth:

1. You're always on your own. Build your life and a woman will find you and pick you from the crowd.
2. Women are meant to care about their childs, not men. They're moody because of their nature, can't blame them.
3. Love is very abstract, there's huge difference of what's going on in your and her head while in the same boat...

The show must go on.

Good luck!
6 Mar 2010
Life / Proper dose of life in Poland... the harsh realities. [64]

I edited a bit my previous post. Yes, the good news is that EU won't release funds before BG proves - is capable of giving them to projects, rather than someones's Swiss accounts...

The bigger problem is: education and qualification is an undiscovered-yet power which BG don't have and won't have soon ... everyone will have to re-qualify and be motivated before anything good to come ...

... and I don't have that much time!
6 Mar 2010
Life / Proper dose of life in Poland... the harsh realities. [64]

Really bad means: from the 7 000 000 we used to be ... 1 000 000 is abroad 4 000 000 are above 60 y/o 2 000 000 live and work in major cities ...

10 000 are worth of anything at all.

10% own 100+ mil. EUR in Swiss accounts and don't care about the rest ...

Most kids grow without parent's real care (their parents are too busy with surviving to control them)

- they don't want to go to school, if they go they think childishly and immature and have no good examples in life and are blind to other choices life has to offer.

Kids are not motivated in any way ... This means that near future doesn't promise anything good.

To be worth of anything they will have to re-discover the power of being well educated at their late 20s instead when they were supposed to ...

Whoever is talanted and capable - leaves anyway ...

It will take another 20 - 70 years before life goes to normal.
6 Mar 2010
Life / Proper dose of life in Poland... the harsh realities. [64]

Let's put it this way ... it was really bad ... Bulgaria is going through a huge change, this should have had started 20 years ago ... and it was postponed - now it really started ... alas I don't have another 20 years to loose ...
6 Mar 2010
Life / Proper dose of life in Poland... the harsh realities. [64]

I am not polak :) at least not yet :) My origin is Bulgarian and I've seen even worse things in my ex-country ... that's why these are completely workable-out and I believe Poland will overcome the bad old-inherited past (but also keep some really good things from that time too - there are such!!) ... and move on!

I choose to move and live in Poland - for I see light at the end of the tunnel - something I can't see in Bulgaria. Apologies for misleding you that I am native :) (I'm doing my best though, and I am slavic!!!)
6 Mar 2010
Life / Proper dose of life in Poland... the harsh realities. [64]

If you choose not to mention harsh realities then please go to another thread.

I havent said this! All I said is: YES these are typical realities for ex-comm countries - the life and social system in the past MADE this things THIS way. I'm not SCARED of these realities. I HOPE they will be improved in the near future, so that I can benefit on living in a normal country while I'm still alive ... if they improve after I'm alive - it is still ok, but I won't be able to see them with my eyes.

There is no topic to argue about here - you're trying to make it out of nothing I said ... and I'm too lazy to keep on defending myself - I don't care that much honestly what your mood today is and whether you get my point right or not ...
6 Mar 2010
Life / Proper dose of life in Poland... the harsh realities. [64]

This time you're the bucko - all I am saying is that this is the reality of other ex-comm countries - it doesn't impress me much, hope it will change one day ... and I still will be alive.

Use your strengths somwhere else!
15 Feb 2010
Life / Streaming online Polish TV [85]

I've downloaded the 3 days trial. It works. Seems clear and connects to standard ports TCP/UDP http

If you're sure about the payment "thing" and that they won't scam your CC: google for opinions - to me it seems ok.


Here are some free I think work from time to time: radiostacje.com/indextel.htm
13 Jan 2010
Love / Find a Polish girl using Internet [67]


Are you so much interested in a lady with

gentle character

- ok! You'll have to deserve it:

1. Learn the language.
2. Find a job and move to Poland.
3. Be the real man she's dreaming for!

After all you're cool11 !!!
13 Jan 2010
Work / What jobs pay 10,000 zlotych per month? and Where can i find one? :o) [101]

I think most Poles are asking themselves why they can't afford to buy their own property on what everyone is telling them is a decent salary

The answer is: imdb.com/title/tt1332128/ just don't believe every word they say, but in general every century had its slaves and masters ... and this is not going to change.

I can't afford too!
13 Jan 2010
Work / What jobs pay 10,000 zlotych per month? and Where can i find one? :o) [101]

I totally agree :) It's not how much you get, but how you live. I'm not yet living in Poland, but I am going there a.s.a.p (May 2010) and not for the money, but for the best balance I can afford nowadays!

P.S: yes, I'm earning more than I will as we speak, but that's not all in life you know ;)
11 Jan 2010
Work / Salary expectations in Poland [373]

Here's what I found about some prices, hope it helps