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Posts by chaza  

Joined: 21 Dec 2009 / Male ♂
Last Post: 3 Feb 2013
Threads: Total: 50 / In This Archive: 45
Posts: Total: 253 / In This Archive: 220
From: milton keynes england
Speaks Polish?: just a little, but i'm getting there
Interests: languages, but i do all kinds of things

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30 Apr 2014
Genealogy / Does anyone have any 1925 to 1945 images of Grudziadz [10]

hi koyoman, i recently asked you about some photos about grudzianz, my mother lived at droga wonkowa by the railway station. i am interested to see what it looked like back in 1930. maybe even see her house which she telle me was some coach station, if you can help that would be great.


11 Dec 2012
Language / Confused about Polish Nouns [8]

hi livs
i understand your situation i was in the same as you are now, in fact i havent completely got it yet, i suggest you download the book polish in a nutshell, i found this book to be good, you may want to buy 301 polish verbs by janecki. best thing is the try to talk polish, thats the best way to learn.

4 Nov 2012
Language / Polish past tense of chodzic/ jezdzic? [23]

i think your right pud, the best i can come up with is dania na wynos or just wynos. that begs the question then. dont you have chinese take aways in poland.

4 Nov 2012
Language / Polish past tense of chodzic/ jezdzic? [23]

i am a student also, and i believe what you are looking for is'
idą = they go . this indicates they actually made the trip.
zostały = they have been. indicates they completed then action.
they go to the take away = idą do take away(i dont know this word)
one zostały do take away

i hope im right.

19 Sep 2011
Language / Word usage: wybierać and wykręcić [12]

can some one expand on this word
i have looked for it in my dictionary but it seems to avade me.
is it from zdjemować to remove/pick up

18 Sep 2011
Language / Word usage: wybierać and wykręcić [12]

hello guys
i am presently doing a polish course, i came across the following;-
wybierać and wykręcić
it confuses me when i get these situations, i understand both mean ' dial'. can you explain their usage.
and in polish!
jestem zmierszany kiedy dostaję te situacja, rozumiem oba znaczy 'dial'. czy mogesz wyjaśniać ich stosuj poprosze.

6 Sep 2011
Language / word usage, obstawać/odrzucać [9]

thanks gumishu
i hear what you say and understand. the difficulty i still seem to have, is when i read polish( which is still difficult), what i read and what it is supposed to mean dont make sense, for example;

'co sobie pan życzy' is supposed to say ' what would you like'
but when i read this sentense with the words i know, i wouls have said ' co był chciałbyś'
'czy podać coś jeszcze'= would you like anything else' i would say ' czy podobasz coś inny'
they are probably totally wrong, but jeszcze means yet/still,

i dont get it right now

6 Sep 2011
Language / word usage, obstawać/odrzucać [9]

am i right in say then that 'obstawać' means to have abn oppinion, and wykłócić is more to argue.
odrzucać meand to 'throw out' and odmawiać is more to decline s/th.

6 Sep 2011
Language / word usage, obstawać/odrzucać [9]

i am doin a polish course, busuu.com. i have come across some words that according to my dictionary appear wrong.
the course says;
obstawać means argue, but my dictionary tells me that 'wykłócić' means to argue.
odrzucać means to decline, but my dictionary tells me that it should be 'odmawiać'

some explanation please.

23 Aug 2011
Language / Oblatanym - word usage [13]

i have taken your point, sorry!
where would i use partii for example.

23 Aug 2011
Language / Oblatanym - word usage [13]

thanks boletus for that indepth explanation, it is a lot clearer.
dzięki boletus dla że głębokszy wyjaśnienie, to jest partii klarowny.

22 Aug 2011
Language / Oblatanym - word usage [13]

oh good, at least its not comlpetely nonsense.

thanks gumishu
22 Aug 2011
Language / Oblatanym - word usage [13]

did you understand my first two sentenses given my bad grammar.