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Joined: 30 Nov 2009 / Male ♂
Last Post: 20 Sep 2015
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Posts: Total: 226 / In This Archive: 145
From: Kraków
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22 Sep 2015
News / Poland Parliamentary elections 2015 [1060]

PSL voters are also ideologically rather opposed to PiS, seeing as they consist of the rural middle classes.

You can have right as far as stability of Korwin but there is no such thing as PSL and ideology. Or rather: ideology of PSL is to rule. Yhere is o joke in Poland wchich is no joke but psl politition statement that the next elections will win the next PSL coalition party.
22 Sep 2015
News / Poland Parliamentary elections 2015 [1060]

If PiS get 38-39% of the vote but PO, ZL, PSL, Nowoczesna and MN take the remaining seats ...

As far as last survey

PIS: 33%
PO 22%
ZL 8%
NPL 6%
PSL 6%

So we probably can see the coalition PIS - KORWIN - KUKIZ and maybe PSL if they will want to rule.

16 Sep 2015
News / Pole-basher Gross up to old tricks [284]

He's more Polish than Chopin and is a professor of history at Princeton University.

Gross is not historian. Read about that. He has not properly education in thiss matter.

Jan Tomasz Gross studied physics at the Warsaw University.

In 1975 he earned a Ph.D. in sociology from Yale University, and has taught at Yale, NYU, and Paris.

13 Apr 2011
News / Poland ready to receive Libyan refugees [159]

Poland already signed up for it. The time for opt-outs was a while back. That's kind of the idea behind the EU, cede an amount of sovereignty in exchange for other benefits.

I see now that You are ignorant as far as european law is concerned. You don`t see the difference between international law and european law.
13 Apr 2011
News / Poland ready to receive Libyan refugees [159]

Which is all the more reason to stick to whatever good will one has declared. I know it's hard for people from certain parts of Europe to understand. You certainly don't seem to.

So our Prime Minister should say : We have good will but , Poland is poor country and we cant accept those refugees.

Yes it`s hard coz our law system based on hard law. Unfortunetly EU system too. ;-)

Which still works alongside the EU. And doesn't in any way negate the protocol on refugees that Poland has signed up to.

Right. But YOU CANT say that we should accept refugees coz we are in EU. The law of EU is not a source for accepting refugees.

We sign up some contracts, our law is compatible with international conventions, and we will obey this LAW.

BUT If you think that we will accept refugges only coz of politness, or coz " european solidarity" THEN You are WRONG.
UK and France didn`t obey european solidarity when they started WAR. They didn`t ask Poland when they started to bombard Libya.
13 Apr 2011
News / Poland ready to receive Libyan refugees [159]

But still a law. To be kept or to be changed following procedures

Not exactly. Soft law is rather declaration of good will. It`s like we are going to low our unemployment. I know that is hard to understand people from UK .

It has rather a lot in common

NO. Please read about it. The council of Europe is not EU institution. It`s another organisation. Russia for example belongs to it.
12 Apr 2011
News / Poland ready to receive Libyan refugees [159]

Read the EU protocols on refugees. Then we can discuss.

Tell me witch should I read??

Protocols and declarations are a soft law. If you know what is it.

And probably You are talking about Protocols Council of Europe. Council of Europe HAS NOTHING common with Eueopean Union.
12 Apr 2011
News / Poland ready to receive Libyan refugees [159]

It's an action by EU countries, and refugees to Europe regardless of whose war it is are a shared responsibilty.

You are wrong. read some more about european law, and then we can discuss.

Including those on refugees, and Poland is part of that whether you like it or not.

Show me this "european" treatie... Please show me.

That`s true, but IMO this treatie has nothing common with eu law. it`s "normal" international law.

To sum up, the obligatory or NOT as far as accepting refuges is concerned has not its source in EU LAW.

But You can prove me wrong.
12 Apr 2011
News / Poland ready to receive Libyan refugees [159]

Not 'them', but us. Perhaps the
some countries from EU
aren't 'obligated' to pay for new roads, railways etc in Poland?

Some countries are obligated to pay for our roads. etc. It`s about "Regional Policy of The European Union."
Poland is now beneficient of those funds 10 years ago Spain Portugal Greece and UK were. In next ten years we won`t be a beneficient but we will finance the roads in Bulgaria and Rumunia. We agree to THAT. It`s all about the treaties.


The operation in Libya is not EU action, is privat war between Libya and France, UK , etc. And they should be responsible for effects of that war.

Show me some law acts where EU agree to war in Libya...
12 Apr 2011
News / Poland ready to receive Libyan refugees [159]

They are. Plenty are going there. If, however, Poland wants to be in Europe (and they voted in a free and fair referendum to join) they have to do their bit too.

We are in Europe. You are talking about Europen Union. This war in Libya is NOT UE conflict, but conflict between Libya nad some countries from EU. They are acting their own way and we are NOT obligated to help them, and to finance cost of mess they did.
12 Apr 2011
News / Poland ready to receive Libyan refugees [159]

and the ones who married Polish girls to get a UK passport?

It is imposible to married Polsih girl and get due to that fact get UK passport.

Amazing with all those pilots

I`m talking about the fact that teaty between Poland and UK said that UK would fight for Poland with borders from 1939.

UK faild so they broke the law... They should help.

We have no interest in Libya we have no treaty with them.
12 Apr 2011
News / Poland ready to receive Libyan refugees [159]

I think they were fighting for Poland actually

They fought also for UK in RAF. Churchill lost the war, Poland after WWII didn`t exist,( independent) so they went to the country wchich was also defnded by them- to UK.

And there was me thinking it was the Libyan rebels

You are wrong, UK France USA started the conflict. The rebel is false ofc.

We don`t care about Libyan. Personally I think that Kadafi should win.

Poles whose migrated to UK in 2004 are NOT refuges. They could go everywhere in EU. If you give libyan refuges your citizenship, we will accept them in our country.
12 Apr 2011
News / Poland ready to receive Libyan refugees [159]

"So take the Polish ones back."

If they are ilegall in UK .. no problem. Ups, Poles can go to England.

We didn`t start the libya conflict. UK, france, USA did it. So they should aceept refuges.
12 Apr 2011
News / Poland ready to receive Libyan refugees [159]

Indeed, how many were taken in by the UK despite the country being financially ruined after WW2?

Maybe therefore that those soldiers fought for UK?
6 Sep 2010
History / Poles organized the first strike in US in 1619 [72]

washington slaveholder??;)
For Stalin all of you were slaves, people who admire him are really crazy. If you were my friend and told me that stalin is your idol, I would hit you in the face.
1 Sep 2010
Real Estate / Assets in Poland from abroad; possible to sell property without my knowledge? [11]


There is no simple answer to that question. The general rule is no

you are wrong. she can do it without his permission

Those issuess are simple:

Art. 31. § 1. Z chwilą zawarcia małżeństwa powstaje między małżonkami z mocy ustawy wspólność majątkowa (wspólność ustawowa) obejmująca przedmioty majątkowe nabyte w czasie jej trwania przez oboje małżonków lub przez jednego z nich (majątek wspólny). Przedmioty majątkowe nieobjęte wspólnością ustawową należą do majątku osobistego każdego z małżonków.

KR i O

Art. 36. § 1. Oboje małżonkowie są obowiązani współdziałać w zarządzie majątkiem wspólnym, w szczególności udzielać sobie wzajemnie informacji o stanie majątku wspólnego, o wykonywaniu zarządu majątkiem wspólnym i o zobowiązaniach obciążających majątek wspólny.

So If the apatament is a common proporty you have to permit, But if you didn`t sign a marriage agreement the appartament is her so she can do it with it whatever she wants/

Art. 37. § 1. Zgoda drugiego małżonka jest potrzebna do dokonania:

1) czynności prawnej prowadzącej do zbycia, obciążenia, odpłatnego nabycia nieruchomości lub użytkowania wieczystego, jak również prowadzącej do oddania nieruchomości do używania lub pobierania z niej pożytków,

1 Sep 2010
Real Estate / Assets in Poland from abroad; possible to sell property without my knowledge? [11]

If she owns an apartment in Poland, is it possible for her to give it to a relative or sell it without my knowledge?

according polish law generally yes, without your permission

Is it possible for me (as her husband) the get information about her assets in Poland (Bank accounts and/or property)

if is not your common property imo : NO
31 Aug 2010
Travel / My (short) Poland experiences - bad luck? [142]

If you don't think a suggestion that you take xyz back to [named country] has xenophobic undertones then it's worse than I thought

So is worse than you thought

31 Aug 2010
Travel / My (short) Poland experiences - bad luck? [142]


Jeden, I quoted two sentences and they are both short - I don't need to bold both quotes do I?

For racist replace xenophobic.

(Fair enough mafketis - but don't tell me you didn't know what I meant)

If you don't think a suggestion that you take xyz back to [named country] has xenophobic undertones then it's worse than I thought.

I don't see how there is any other way to read the assertion that "there is no machismo in Poland" as being blindly jingoistic - not to mention utterly illogical.

So is worse than you thought. She simply doeasnt`t want be trated like irish girls by irish men, If You find our gentlmen way of act toward women as sexist.

There is other way... There is no machismo in Poland is a true statemant.
31 Aug 2010
Travel / My (short) Poland experiences - bad luck? [142]


LOL. Well done. In one post you have managed to demonstrate 2 of my original observations: a comment with racist undertones and the old belief that Poland is great and has no negatives.

could you bold this part wchi is racist and the other wchis suppose to show belief that Poland is great and has no negatives. ??

IMO she only show you that this kind of sexism wchich you noticed in Poland is proper way of treating real woman by real gentleman
30 Aug 2010
Travel / My (short) Poland experiences - bad luck? [142]

Aesthetically, generally bleak soulless and depressing atmosphere.

True, it is famouse slavic melancholy. You are not used to it so you called it depressing atmosphere.

Many people have a chip on their shoulder about Poland - we are great everyone else is crap - type attitude. From food to architecture to education ... anything really.

True, We can complain about oureselfes but if foreigner try, we will be very angry ;) it is like telling jokes about jews onle they can do it. ;)

Homophobia, racism and a vague sexism seems to be rife.

maybe homo... and racism but sexism??? could you explain?

Stony faced, almost silent population when going about their daily business

linked with melancholy.

Appalling customer service in shops - even if you try in broken Polish.


Non-verbal rudeness - lots of disdainfull looks, people looking you up and down, turning their noses up etc - even in cities.

so when we are looking is bad also bad is when we turning noses up? i don`t get it;)
28 Aug 2010
Life / Any treatment centres for homos in Poland? [455]

It is offensive for gay men and denies people their choice.

why ? Everybody knows that homosexualism is a diseas/ or the kind of defect, and some of gays want to be cured. Let them know where they can do it in Poland.

If we can discuss on PF where gays can go to the party in Poland we can also talk about this.