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Posts by nincompoop_not  

Joined: 3 Nov 2009 / Female ♀
Last Post: 6 Jun 2010
Threads: Total: 2 / In This Archive: 1
Posts: Total: 192 / In This Archive: 98
From: heavenly UK
Speaks Polish?: tak
Interests: ludzie, ludzie i ludziska/ human species

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1 Nov 2011
UK, Ireland / What do you like about living in Britain? [134]

all about food?

what I like about Britain:
my neighbours don't poke their noses
I'm 2000km away from my 'family'
I wouldn't get where I'm (work-wise) working in Poland (because I don't have Masters)
Recruitment process is better and more transparent than in Poland (which I've found out recently - from a cousin)
They don't expect (UK) PAs or admin support staff to have BSc (or Masters)

Most of all - despite various legislations and other things that Joe Average calls silly - UK is more balanced/down to Earth than Poland

Food? viva English brekkie, viva Friday's fish and chips and viva occasional take away!
(Jacket potatoes also on the list)

Coronation chicken is one of my fav - for the taste and colour (if prepared properly)
5 Jun 2010
Life / Kissing on the cheek in Poland. Lips for lovers only? [39]


apply regional variations but in Poland - generally - adults don't kiss on the lips.

The PolAm you refer to Polonius, is the weird one obviously
5 Jun 2010
UK, Ireland / The number of Anti-English Poles... [228]

highly unlikely
except for hotels and restaurants :)

Over 96% declared to be Polish in Polish Census in 2002. Brits didn't make the list and Americans came 13th.

So if you think in terms 'top 5 foreign languages in Poland', English won't be one of them :)
5 Jun 2010
Travel / Visiting - Mazury? what else besides the obvious? [15]

found the website; didn't know about them.
well, I always recommend Mazury to anyone going to Poland. It's well visited by Germans obviously, but doesn't seem as popular or appealing to others.

Krakow, Gdansk and Warsaw are the main destinations for tourist and I know Poland has got so much more to offer so I'm happy to 'promote' other regions.

I remember something else - old railway bridges in Stanczyki: zabytki.ocalicodzapomnienia.eu/zabytek-2-7-1-202.html
In case any of you
4 Jun 2010
UK, Ireland / The number of Anti-English Poles... [228]

that happened; I know it's hard to believe but it's true.
I've known one thing tho - all English (teachers usually) encountered similar problems before and after 2000
So i do feel sorry for foreigners, Brits mostly, in Poland because I think Polish system doesn't provide equivalent of British services. Be it medical or anything else.
4 Jun 2010
Love / Inside polish women's psychology and mind [109]

my idea of being a parent is doing totally not what i like to do now after long day of work
Well thats basically what it boils down to and much more.

it wasn't me; it was pgtx :)

as for me, yes, I am a mother, and I have one of those troubled/rebellious teenage children - the arty type :)

i used to work with kids and i know it's not easy; motherhood is full of sacrifices

and you make this statement based on what?
4 Jun 2010
UK, Ireland / The number of Anti-English Poles... [228]

but last time any of my family needed health care here my partner spent five days on a trolley in a hospital corridor. L

tell me about it. I still have a Polish passport (ok, temp one) but I was initially refused to be seen by a doctor in a hospital (emergency) because....I didn't have Polish ZUS.

I told them I have mt Polish passport and Poland has got agreement with the Uk since 1990s. about exchange of medical healthcare and they were saying - no, no,no

cos i didnt have 1/ EHIC card (didnt need it before 2004); 2/ no ZUS number. 3/nothing whatever they asked me for

the funniest thing - they did have my records as I was in tihs hospital 3 times before
4 Jun 2010
Love / Inside polish women's psychology and mind [109]

is he trying to get a boy?

my cousins tried until their boy came long. Third one lucky ;) I'm pretty sure they'd try 'until'

my idea of being a parent is doing totally not what i like to do now after long day of work.

and probably many others, including me; but i got even somehow and cant complain ;)

and yes, I am a mother :)
4 Jun 2010
Love / Inside polish women's psychology and mind [109]

Its not harsh at all she has it down perfectly reasonably in my opinion

it's an idea; idea she has about being a parent
this idea may change as soon as she gets pregnant - I've had similar ones :)

Truth. Just wait until she hits 13 and develops that special attitude that only a 13 year old can have.

wait till she's 16/17 :)
4 Jun 2010
Language / Polish and other slavic language differences [60]

Sorry for the comparison but you are like my father - was it Czech, Slovak, German or Hungarian, or even Dutch on one occasion - he just had to :)

But the question still stands - clifborder4fm - what do you study? and why Slavic?
4 Jun 2010
Love / Inside polish women's psychology and mind [109]

Well, then what?

PF ;)

Funny isn't it?

feeling like regressing as well :)

When you get older and see how difficult is to grow them up, you think it twice!

nope; not everyone; I have a troubled teenager (still teenager because under 20) but tell you one thing: as much as I didnt want to/couldnt imagine my life as a mother, and was telling my family and friends 'I will never get married, I will never have a child; maybe a dog" that much I've changed my mind when I've had my child.

It's easy to make your mind up without knowing a single thing.

Partly when people grow older they dont want kids coz they dont want change, they are less flexible and they already have comfy lives which a baby would eventually destroy.

In their minds. But overall I agree with you.
4 Jun 2010
Language / Free and accurate Online Polish-English / English-Polish translator? [49]

I found the google language tool pretty good to be honest. Not in other languages (Russian).
The google one is created by users also, but only after approval; some words and phrases( more obscure) may be a bit 'off' but over all it's not bad
4 Jun 2010
Language / Polish and other slavic language differences [60]

I've only ever studied Czech and not Slovak, though;

may I ask how come?

I'm finding it very interesting, since Slawistyka has never been the most popular one in the past (in Poland). It was always a choice between studying Polish lit and language (teaching 'career') or Slawistyka.

So it's extremely interesting that so many people, and not from Poland, study it. Hats off.
4 Jun 2010
Travel / Visiting - Mazury? what else besides the obvious? [15]

Two of the people I know would like to go and visit Poland. They'll be going separately but I was the person both of them asked about Poland and recommendation.

And the question was - where would you recommend to go?

One of them heard of Krakow, the other one - been there; both were in Warsaw.
It wouldn't be such a huge problem if I was to go and take them places but it's not an option. ALso, they would like to see something different they've already seen. One of them was on a student exchange in Gdansk (before '89)

Now, I personally have been always fond of our lake district and took another friend there last year. So we went to Gizycko, of course we saw the Hitler's bunker (Wilczy Szaniec), we went to Sw.Lipka church, we stayed for a night in a hotel by the Nida or some other lake (we drove there from Sopot so we went to Olsztyn and Malbork castles and whatever was on our way). Staff there was speaking English and German, menus where in both languages - great.

But have any of you happened to visit this region and have some other places to recommend? Any experience would be good.

Since both of my friends asked for 'not the obvious ones' (places), I've had an idea to recommend the Polish coast. I know there's one of the national parks with quicksand, the coast itself is beautiful but not sure what else is there besides the lighthouses and great coast!

I was thinking Szczecin/ Swinoujscie but I've been there as a child and don't remember much except ferry, for example, and catamaran ride from point A to B and being sick.

Both of them have visited Krakow but none of them saw the national park, our own Jurassic one :). Again, that's easy for me to point out and there's plenty on the net. As well as Wieliczka and Zakopane.

I can't remember how long the trip suppose to last, but max 2 weeks I think, and I would welcome any suggestions!

Also, a place where Brits and other people tend to hang out would be great. In case they'll find themselves in Wroclaw, Krakow or other Poznan or Warsaw.

None of them speak a word in Polish and they both are 40+.

3 Jun 2010
UK, Ireland / The number of Anti-English Poles... [228]

aggressively enforce the collection of rent arrears, even when the tenants are vulnerable and in need of support.

very true; databases are not updated by council employees so you end up with stories like 'my father has been dead for two years and they sent summons' or about insensitivity of council staff in papers. The communications is usually broken and 'knowledge/info sharing' is non-existent. Sometimes within department and sometimes among the,

Which mirrors the information sharing (not) within governmental agencies and departments
3 Jun 2010
Language / Polish and other slavic language differences [60]

Czech and Slovak would be extremely difficult to distinguish for me

called my friend - half Czech half Slovak
main differences:
when both languages have, as she called it, 'dash' above C, S, Z (è), Czech has got one also above R (Slovak doesnt)

Slovak has got dashes above L and T (Czech doesnt) and Slovak has got 'umlauts' (I call them that those two horizontal dots - like in German lang.) above A (รค)

and Czech doesnt
3 Jun 2010
Love / Inside polish women's psychology and mind [109]

I don't want to have children for the same reason why I don't want to have a dog - too much trouble, filth, costs and in addition to that I wouldn't be able to leave house whenever I want for as long as I want for some 20 years.

wow! that's a bit harsh
your mum had a different point of view obviously

Perhaps one day nature will kick in and I'll start wishing for kids. It won't happen anytime soon, though

you've got a great chance with more women becoming mothers around 40.

sooner or later you'll find yourself alone in the sea of babies, nappies, mothers and fathers - bored and isolated by other people's temporary limitations

but then - there's A J to rescue ;)
3 Jun 2010
UK, Ireland / The number of Anti-English Poles... [228]

had onece guy who worked 4 years as self employed,fell from the scaffold,damaged his bacbone and end up 4 weeks in the hospital..

and probably had no insurance whatsoever just whatever he was paying in NI contribution

see? that's the problem gregy; if he got some kind of professional insurance as self-employed he wouldn't have this problem as and he'd be insured from accidents, death and also receive a weekly payment if he was unable to do the job. All from an insurance which cost - depending on trade - from £400 to £2000 per year.

OFF TOPIC - why gregy and Amethyst are highlighted black? Are they blacklisted or something?
edit - not anymore
3 Jun 2010
UK, Ireland / The number of Anti-English Poles... [228]

My point was that we have less council housing stock (longer lists as you will be aware if you have worked for a social housing department)

Yep, missed your point, but mine was simply stating the fact that we do not have a huge number of council housing in PL (compare to the UK) therefore no Brit would be ever able to live in one. :)
3 Jun 2010
UK, Ireland / The number of Anti-English Poles... [228]

Wroclaw Boy

:) even in communist Poland we've had HAs, called spoldzielnie mieszkaniowe, which weren't administered by local authorities. They were the first ones starting to sell of their stock to resident.

Hosuing stock managed by authorities was, and still is, called 'mieszkania komunalne/kwaterunkowe'.

To be honest, England doesnt have a great deal of "council" housing stock,

Still the proportion of HAs to council housing is bigger in Poland than in the UK. I dare to say that as I've worked on various housing stock transfer, including PFIs and ALMOs, and I've worked for HAs, ALMOs and various housing departments.
3 Jun 2010
UK, Ireland / The number of Anti-English Poles... [228]

Wroclaw Boy

Of course can't talk for the whole of Poland, but it was the tendency back in 70s. and 80s. and something what I saw in my home town, towns I visited and town where I studied.

But as I say - pre 1992