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Posts by catsoldier  

Joined: 27 Sep 2009 / Male ♂
Last Post: 22 Jan 2013
Threads: Total: 54 / In This Archive: 48
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26 Jan 2013
Language / When is speaking Polish showing off and when is it ok? [46]

BTW, how are your studies going?

Not too bad, I am not a serious learner, it is a pastime and I don't take it too seriously.

How are your studies going? I hope things are going well for you, do you still have someone to practice with? I remember that you used to have a lodger that you practiced with. Are you going to move to Poland?

I presume you're talking about a Polish shop in Poland, and not England.

No I was talking about Polish shops outside of Poland.
25 Jan 2013
Language / When is speaking Polish showing off and when is it ok? [46]

May I ask why you ask this question?

Sometimes my judgement isn't the best and I wanted to get a second opinion on what people thought.

I do have my own ideas also though:

At a Polish course in Poland where you are supposed to speak Polish in the school building:
Speak in English if that is what your classmates prefer to speak, break the rules of course, it will help you get along better with them making the course more enjoyable.

If you have to have a conversation with them in class only use words that they can understand.
I suppose the lesson here is that if you can speak Polish better than they can you are in the wrong course, it isn't suitable for you.

Generally don't speak Polish outside of Poland unless you are in Polish class (unless it is a life or death situation and you have no choice :-) )

Whether or not to speak Polish in a Polish shop is a tricky one, these shops are like Polish enclaves, when you go in the door you are usually greeted in Polish, it is definitely rude not to say anything in return.............the question is whether to reply in English or Polish???
4 Oct 2012
Language / Learning Polish to communicate with my boyfriend's family - where to start? [16]

my boyfriend has zero patience he tries but he just gets all yelly so i dont bother anymore friggen hot temepered man

I don't know much about your boyfriend, but from what you have written he doesn't seem very nice. No one deserves to be treated like this, you should consider if he is the man for you.
2 Oct 2012
Language / Polish Grammar quiz/puzzles: [47]

Thanks Emiwis, but I don't have a clue what to say in Polish. Jan went around the lake. The lake got circled by Jan.
2 Oct 2012
UK, Ireland / Learning English but after reading comments in DM I feel it's no use [59]

Now I'm dishearted to English language because I see no sense in learning so advanced words.

If you like reading books you should keep learning these words, they crop up in books a lot, radio also and surprisingly on television in comedies etc.

Keep up the good work, you can always go to Whales, Scotland or Ireland or other places..............
1 Oct 2012
Language / Polish Grammar quiz/puzzles: [47]

Grammar is a puzzle a lot of the time:

If you solve this one please post your own grammar puzzle:

Is "torba z uchami" correct? If not why not?

torba z uchami
30 Sep 2012
Language / Is rosetta stone any good for learning Polish? [51]


I found some videos about rosetta stone software:

This one is an example of how it works:

This one is an opinion about the software:
26 Sep 2012
Work / NEW TO POLAND (Student in KRAKOW). Life questions. [8]

3. What things should a foreign student must bring to Krakow if he intends to live there for a year

Probably a sense of fun etc. so that you can meet new people, but this goes for any new country that you are going to.

Best of luck in Kraków. I am jealous.
20 Sep 2012
Language / Learning Polish to communicate with my boyfriend's family - where to start? [16]

Any advice on where to go to start learning polish and the best ways to learn the language would be greatly appreciated

I would say that you need a teacher, get some lessons regularly, do your homework etc.! :-)

Find out how you learn best, what kind of a learner are you and then start learning. When learning pick something that interests you also, don't always stick with boring textbooks.

Powodzenia hej!
12 Sep 2012
Food / Favorite Pierogarnia in Krakow [5]

Hi Rybnik,

What is your favourite city in Poland? And to keep everything on topic do you have favourite pierogarnia there or some other favourite food place, maybe a pancake place?
12 Sep 2012
Po polsku / sjp.pl słownik języka polskiego [8]

tylko się nie przestrasz ;)

Nie ma szans. Zazwyczaj tylko sprawdzę co to znaczy słowa x i tyle. Nie umiem uczyć się wszystko w krótkim czasie i nie chcę.
12 Sep 2012
Language / Collection of learning resources for learning the Polish language [129]

if i were to buy it, would i have bought something usless to me?

No, it is a good book, but you would need to use it with a polish teacher.

he said hurra po polsku is all in polish; is that true?


Here is a link to a blog in spanish teaching a few things in polish.

11 Sep 2012
Po polsku / Dlaczego uczysz się Polskiego? [101]

Czy napisałem coś złego?

Wydaję mi że jesteście że Polski i mówiliście po polsku, znacie język polski! :-)

Nie uczycie się polskiego.
11 Sep 2012
Food / Favorite Pierogarnia in Krakow [5]

I like świat pierogi, it is away from the tourists and the hassle of the city centre.

I am not a pierogi expert, I ate pierogi here twice, they were 300% better than the frozen strawberry ones from lidl that someone cooked for me once, no surprise there. I loved listening to people ordering them at the counter and trying to figure out what was doing on. They have some nice choices. One woman ordered a portion of pierogi, half of one kind and half of another kind which was a great idea because you can get to taste 2 kinds for the price of one portion, the next time I was there I ordered half and half also :-) ............it was half a language test and half an experiment to find some ones that I would like again.

The woman behind the counter asked me something about how I wanted them cooked, she suggested something and I just agreed with her..........it seemed like a standard question, maybe someone knows what it could have been.

Before I ate pierogi here they always looked like something raw and doughy that I wouldn't want to eat, now I would try them again but I have yet to find a filling that I really like.
10 Sep 2012
Language / The most effective methods to learn the Polish language? [56]

The run before you can walk approach might be OK in a classroom with a Polish teacher, who can give you explanations of how the language works in your own native language

I agree with you, but anyone learning Polish should get a teacher to help them.

e.g. should have the target language as their mother tongue, no?

9 Sep 2012
Language / The most effective methods to learn the Polish language? [56]

Ideally he should use it with a teacher, but the teacher should also speak in Polish and avoid the students native language except in exceptional circumstances.

This book is made for teaching Polish through Polish, there are pictures etc. in the book, there is also a teachers book with advice on how to teach Polish through Polish.

There are advantages and disadvantages to this method.

One of the big advantages is that you have to speak Polish, this is particularly useful if you are learning Polish outside of Poland, if you don't speak Polish in your Polish class you would never speak Polish, the student wouldn't make much progress and forget what was learnt.

Everyone has their own methods and it is up to the student to do what suits them best.
9 Sep 2012
Language / The longest polish word in existence is..... [23]

I feel as old as Dąb Bartek :(

I am sure that you are not that old though :-)

There is something to be said for living in a time before the internet, look at all the time you saved by not being on facebook, you tube and Polish forums etc. You read books etc.
9 Sep 2012
Language / The longest polish word in existence is..... [23]

Good one! I didn't even know it. Cats, how did you find it?

I searched google :-) with the keywords najkrótsza nazwe miasto and then when I found Oś I searched about this place.
9 Sep 2012
Language / The most effective methods to learn the Polish language? [56]

Slightly connected question. What are currently the best language schools in Warsaw?

I don't know anything about schools in Warsaw, but for me it would be about finding a good teacher rather than a good school.

You could have bad luck and get a bad teacher in a good school which would ruin things for you.

I have listened to some of Kamila's podcasts, in my opinion she seems like a good teacher and it would be worth taking a trial lesson with her on skype.
