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Posts by Noimmig  

Joined: 16 Aug 2009 / Male ♂
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Posts: Total: 11 / In This Archive: 6
From: glasgow
Speaks Polish?: horrible language
Interests: going through womans magazines and cutting the eyes off of the models and sticking them on my bedroom wall

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17 Aug 2009
Polonia / Poland and France cultures are similar [112]

The fact is POLAND did NOT surrender! It continued her struggle!
France capitulated!
The mistake is that everyone is thinking that the surrender of Warsaw is the surrender of Poland...

The army didn't get crushed by the Germans alone and about crushing. how come that not even half of the Polish army died or surrendered? Crushing victory hard to say

you cannot be serious ?

what air, sea and land campaigns did you wage after the surrender of warsaw?. I find it interesting that the germans built many concentration camps all over poland and systematically sent jews and other "undesirables" there in there millions, all the while you were fighting them ?

stop talking ****, the polish army were utterly annihilated by the germans. And they were defeated because polands army weas weak, ill equipped and were fighting with world war one tactics.

to say that poland as a united country were fighting the germans after 1939 is laughable. You were fighting in fractured units as resistance, that is all.
17 Aug 2009
Polonia / Poland and France cultures are similar [112]

As a matter of fact, Poles formally never surrendered

It does not matter at all, poland surrendered to the germans this is a matter of fact. Poland was invaded, crushed and occupied by the germans. As was france (who had a far greater and stronger army than poland).
16 Aug 2009
Life / Why are Poles in other countries called "Plastic Poles"? [168]


I never said that. What I am saying is recognize who you are, what your culture is and where your homeland is. you are american and you homeland is america. You are not however, polish or irish.

Recognizing your ancestors is one thing. calling yourself polish american and masquerading as something you are not, is another thing. Poland and ireland are both are both foreign countries to you, as is there culture and people.