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Posts by sister act  

Joined: 3 Apr 2009 / Female ♀
Last Post: 20 Sep 2011
Threads: Total: 2 / In This Archive: 1
Posts: Total: 88 / In This Archive: 34
From: dublin
Speaks Polish?: yes a bit
Interests: talking

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sister act   
29 Apr 2012
USA, Canada / Living in Poland - prospects for Alabama guy ... need some advice! [146]

look my experience of moving to poland in started in july 2010, the move cost us thousands, getting rid of stuff in ireland sending the rest of our household stuff to poland, starting to build our house in poland. My polish husband got a good job in poland in a good company it paid 2500 zloty and it was a job he enjoyed. How ever after tax it paid about 1700 zloty. since we had some money saved towards our house building and we were living in a caravan on our site it was ok and work was progressing on the house I started in the university learning polish my daughter in play school.Then the worst winter I had ever experienced came so we had to move in with the inlaws as the snow came a month early than we had predicted.The move to the inlaws was the biggest mistake of my life and we only lasted two weeks and ended up having to flee the inlaws house to spend xmas in a hotel room while all our belongings where at the inlaws.

We rented a nice one roomed flat in the city and had our new years eve there all was well expect our belongins were still in the inlaws house, we decided to leave our stuff there until the snow cleared and we could move back on to our site. The snow lasted until march/april it slowly started to melt. But jan feb march there was constant 4 feet of snow and it was always around -25 to -30 which ment that when my husband went to work the only thing I could do was to get a bit of food shopping. It was a big change dragging my daughter and my shopping behind me on a sleigh, I had many a nasty fall on the slippy snow that i began to get nervous about going out incase if I had a bad fall and not being able to speak polish and me and my daughter being caught out in -30 so I stopped going out by myself and it was really hard staying in the small appt all day and having to be so dpendent on my husband for everything like communication to banks shops and docters everything. Also the rent was 1000 zloty a month which included bills and I think that was good value it still only left us 3 people with 700 zloty to live on pay petrol and his travel costs to work and phones.This was actually not possible to do I tried it no way not if you are buying your food from the supermarket maybe in a village if u grow ur own food u might but not in a city.

Also the freezing weather and snow played havoc with the car which meant more expenses of getting it fixed public transport was cheap and a monthly bus pass caused 100z for my husband to get to work as he started work some weeks at 6am and the busese only started at 6am as well ment he had to take a taxi which was really expensive. So after the snow melted we had lots of lying water on our land which meant we were delayed again on to moving back on to our site. We were lucky that were able to dip in to our house building funds to survive the winter and paying rent and trying the impossibility of living on one wage in poland. Also we were lucky that my husband managed to keep working all the way through the winter as alot of compaines closed up or cut the staff for a few weeks over xmas. Any way may came we fixed up or access with plans to contuine uild but the bad winter had cost us more problems and expense with the build and apart from that we went to the inlaws to collect our stuff to put in to the house like the cooker microwave washing machine all the house hold stuff duvets clothes delph knifes and forks which we had left 31/2 months earlier before the snow in the inlaws guesS what the ass holes mother in law had loaned our stuff out to other family members saying well if it is just sitting there is it not better that it is being use in other family members houses.

Even Duvets were loaned out. What scum she didn't even ask her son. We lost most of the stuff we brought from Ireland wedding presents pictures for the house even my daughters toys were given to family members my mother inlaws excuse that my daughter had to much which was not true. After all the set backs I knew we could not surrive another winter like that and on polish money replacing all the stuff we had lost for our house was not possible I had to retutn to Ireland june 2011 my husband haded in a months notice and followed me a month later. But that was not the end of my mother inlaws abuse while he was there working his notice she did everything in her power to keep him there, ******** about me slagging me when he finally returned to ireland on the 30th of june guess who had booked her self on the same flight yes the crazy polish mother inlaw.

Ok that was my experience of moving to poland it didn't work out not this time but there is always next time I told my husband I would return again to poland to finish builing our house only if I owned 3 apartments in the city that I could rent out and support myself and contribuite to the family. We are back one year in ireland both working and we have saved enough to buy at on apart in the city. So maybe in 5 years I might return but I will ensure my house build will be finished and my 3 appt will have tennets plus My polish will be hopefully a hell of a lot better than in 2010 and I will start a little business as well. They will be the only conditions I would move back, poland is a lovely country only if you have the money to surrive. Good luck with your move
sister act   
27 Apr 2012
Travel / Hitchhiking from Warsaw to Berlin via Poznan and Frankfurt (Oder) [7]

I would only pick up old ladies and women and children, my husbands friends and family went crazy at me for picking up people on the road side so I don't know how easy it would be to get a lift and I would say that they are hopping for some petrol money as well. If thats the case the busess are cheap is there no way you can take the bus.
sister act   
7 Aug 2011
Life / Reasons for moving to Poland [291]

Yes this winter was unearable for me to we had to move in to the city when the bad snow came and it snowed everyday for 3 and half months also the extemes of the heat indoors and then the minus 25 outside was just to much for me to get used the getting dark at 3pm Also arriving in the city in the snow. when everything was coverd in snow I couldn't get my bearings all the buildings and appartment blocks look the same in the snow. Even though we lived in the city I don't think I had a conversation with any one apart from my husband and daughter.
sister act   
7 Aug 2011
Life / Reasons for moving to Poland [291]

We moved to poland in 2010 I was filled with lots of hope for our new life in poland but now I find my self back in Ireland 16 months later. We are all glad to be back, it was a learning curve we made mistakes about location careers and other things it just didn't work out. But who knows maybe in time we will go back again and with what we learned during or 16 months in poland we might be more successful I would love to be fluent in polish but found it very hard to learn and I want my kids to be able to speak polish so in a few years we might try it again. Any one else expereienced this
sister act   
7 Aug 2011
Life / What is with Polish and their indoor plants? [26]

Do you also consider them unusual?

Yes that is unsual and very nice idea, I know indoor plants can be found in all countries but what is typicaly polish is the amount of plants and the over growing of the indoor plants also in official goverment offices I paid my car tax in ireland and not a plant in sight but in poland the goverments office's were overgrown with indoor plants. I wonder if a person choses to have tons of overgrown plants in their house which is the case in my husbands village, that is the indviduals choice but why to such extent is the overgrowing happening in goverment offices doctors and such.
sister act   
2 Aug 2011
Love / How do Polish guys feel about having an older girlfriend/wife? [30]

In general, do Poles look down on relationships where the woman is older than the man?

hubabuba is on your ignore list. [+]

Yes they do look down on the woman I know this from experience I am older than my husband and it is a joke in his family. Even thought his sisters both have boyfriends that are older that them with a bigger age gap than me and my husband have.

But canadian girl never worry about what other people think especially his family. My husband family have lead a sheltered and do not really know how things work in the real world. For example my husband grandad who is the main proster about my age Has actually never left his village in his life. He spend his life working in the forest and then on his farm and only goes into the village once a week for shopping . How can theose type of people understand how the world works today. I do respect that my husband grandad knows his stuff when it comes to land, anmials and growing things they are very narrow minded otherwise. Because this is his opnion of the granddad the head of the family it is everybodys opnion.

Also there is nothing going on in the village so I know they complain about the age gap all the time.
Any time I am not around my husband mother is telling why is he with an older woman even though there is only a 4 year age gap. My sisters in law have men 9 and 12 years older than then and that is perfectly acpectable. It is discimation that her son can not chose an more experienced woman and he is expected to marry an 18 or 19 year old from the village. I tell my husband the reason your family want you to leave me and marry a girl from the village. Is a girl from the village would be easier to miluplate and bully as my inlaws attempts to control me have failed.

I am happily married and our age difference NEVER has been a problem for us.
Don't mind what his family think.
sister act   
31 Jul 2011
Life / What is with Polish and their indoor plants? [26]

The answer is easy. When you want to have a drink, and don`t want your wife to see it, you can hide in the jungle and shoot a shot or two.

Love the photo so now I have my answer
sister act   
31 Jul 2011
Life / What is with Polish and their indoor plants? [26]

Evey office, bank. car test centre the doctors the dentist hotels EVRYWHERE I went It felt like I was in a jungle. Why is there so many plants over growing what is this obession and why. Even my mother inlaw's indoor jungle has over run the house I flet like swinging across the kitchen like Tarzan.

Any one else noticed this and can explain it
sister act   
31 Jul 2011
Life / Back from Poland! I belong there! [16]

Biedronka is you are speaking about the supermarket is not Polish but Portuguese.

What how is that possible I have seen the adds on tv for biedronka they sell biedronka as 98% of food comes from poland. Any way I still think it is so polish with the fresh bulki.
sister act   
31 Jul 2011
Love / Polish women USED TO BE much more attractive: [162]

Yes I was suprised to see in my husbands village most of the children were heavy or slightly over weight if they are heavy when they are 8 years old I would say they will be even more heavy at 18 years old. I put it down to the fact the parents have cars and the children do not have to walk to school anymore and now they sit at home in the village with nothing to do but play video games where as when my husband was a child he had to work on the farm now his nephews just surf the net and get fat.

So I wonder will the next generation of poles be as hot as the last I don't think so.
sister act   
30 Jul 2011
Love / Latest relationship drama in Polonia/USA... [39]

but what happens when the mother is hotter than her daughter

Well what happens if the daughter inlaw is way hotter than the mother inlaw and the sisters in law together.
sister act   
30 Jul 2011
Love / Latest relationship drama in Polonia/USA... [39]

If it weren't for this problem, my GF would be too good to be true! It's like she's perfect,

I told my inlaws around the time of our wedding when they interfeared that I was not joining his family he was not joining my family we are starting our own family with our rules and tradations/customs that suited us no one eles


Still, the fact is there's been no discussion about what I'm describing here between me/her and her mother/sister

Ok I have a polish princess mother inlaw and two sisters in law who are all out to break up my marraige and get there brother back to take care of them as the years go on we have children they of course only get worse with time. If you are going in to this you have to be ruthless video tape and record as much converstions as you can if they ask you for anything ask them to do it in writing. For example my sisters in laws the day after out wedding knew we had recievied gifts of money started trying to trick my husband in to giving some of our which the fool did and gave her 1000 euro, a few months ago I asked her for the money back her the mam and the other sister shouting and screaming that we never game them any money and that I was lying and they would never of ask us for money the day of the wedding. My husband was just standing there with his mouth open he could't believe they were lying he gave the money and I had a few words with my sis in law when I found out about it not about the money but about the timing of her request for the money back when it happed.

Same again my husband finances changed for the better when he met me I got him a good job at the time a car and he moved in to my house which cased a lot of jealously with the family. I thought at least his mother would be happy that her son came to Ireland with nothing and did well for himself but she had her eye on what he had for herself and her daughters

Again I just want to apologize to everyone reading this who get the idea that I'm some sort of controlling fascist in my relationships

Same as me but there is always a price to pay in this world and my inlaws are my price

Before I came into the picture, my GF was in a bad financial situation and working 100 hours per week, and after I showed up everything has really improved.

sister act   
30 Jul 2011
Love / Expat marrying Polish - honest experiences [38]

123z: Would love to hear some honest experiences of what it is like to be in an interracial marriage here in Poland

Well as a daughter in law I am seen as a slave for the family, the where quite suprised that I did not play the liitle games and the test the mother in law had set up for me. I did not go out of my way to seek there approval the mother and the daughters in law felt that it was an honour from me to be related to them and that It was my lifes purpose to be their driver, bank machine, abuse taker, so needless to say I did not live up to their standards .

My inlaws are always causing trouble for us and expecting us to get them out of jams that they created them selves. That has been my honest experience.
sister act   
30 Jul 2011
Work / Polish salaries - New statistics [38]

I don't know how they do it especially in the village where my husband is from. It is a vicious poverty cycle, but what is crazy is you go into a run down 200 year old house with gangs of people living in the house and of course they have a flat screen tv and an expensive front door once one of the neighbours bought an anti teft door they all had to have it and this would be in a village where there would be only about 6 homsteads and a small chuch that only opens for and hour an a sunday. why would they wast there little salary on all the latest nick nacks when money is so tight.
sister act   
30 Jul 2011
Life / Back from Poland! I belong there! [16]

Visiting my relatives was the best part of my stay in Poland too :)

I think most of my husbands relatives hate me

Oh and I loved Biedronka

Me to I miss biedronka so much I miss the lakes and the good places to eat but there is no way On a polish wages we could enjoy the lakes or the resturants. So there is a big difference between living on polish persons wage and spending time in poland with your dollars stg or euro the polish wage is not liveable unless you where born into that life.
sister act   
30 Jul 2011
Love / Latest relationship drama in Polonia/USA... [39]

Sounds like you have similar polish in laws as me you are too nice about that wedding. I have been treated like cinderella every time I am at the inlaws homestead in poland. but i do stand up to the mam and the sisters like they have never imagined, i would of done the things I did I know where it hurts them and what they care most about is the approval of the villagers and the extended family everything they do is for the benifit of the what others opnions are. Oh and the approval of the church.

Been in a marraige to somone from this type of family is so stressfull. Somthimes I think we should never go back to poland again and forget about all his family overthere. But other times I give in and go to the village but there is such jealously from the other villages of my husband in there eyes he has made it. My husbands mother now heavly relying on her elderly parents to act as her driver and to listen to all the dramas which I am sure are dramas concerning me. So my husbands anuts and uncles feel he should return to take some of the pressure of them.

Good luck in your married life and your struggle with the inlaws.
sister act   
18 Jul 2010
UK, Ireland / Irish Student Locating to Lodz - Can I bring Irish Car? [9]

If your car is a right hand drive I don't think it can be register in poland (that was the case last year when I tried)plus since I am living here and have my rhd that I still pay tax on nct and insurance at my Irish address. The best bet is do just buy a cheap polish car and sell it when you are returning to ireland
sister act   
24 Jan 2010
Life / Reasons for moving to Poland [291]

hello seanBM ;) yes i'm hoping to move in 3 month's to poland.
this time i hope it works out for me

Just wondering what happen last time you gave poland a go, I am just trying to find out what to expect. For my move
sister act   
18 Jan 2010
Life / Reasons for moving to Poland [291]

if it is that bad then we can go some were else

I think it is better to give poland a go than not to give poland. I think my husband is afarid of looking a failure if he has to go back or maybe it is so ingrained in the polish people that life is better in the west they just can't seen how f*@ked Ireland is. Most of the eastern europens I know are all haning around on social welfare waiting for the ecomany to pick up why not go back poland until it picks up in ireland, if ever will picks up.
sister act   
18 Jan 2010
Life / Reasons for moving to Poland [291]

Now you will have to compete with polish girls in every aspect.

what is in store for me? tell me don't just stand by and let me walk in to a big black hole..............
sister act   
17 Jan 2010
Life / Reasons for moving to Poland [291]

if it was you were would you go to work? i would just like to know what you think?

Hi shelly are you in ireland,? cos if you are. Ireland is so bad for work that we are moving our family to poland the end of jan. We know that we will have much less money in poland but still have a lot less out goings so as someone in a similar boat since your husband is polish I would move to gdsank and for the record my husband is dragging his heels about moving back to poland. But he has no work here and just can't afford the bills so poland here we come.
sister act   
11 Jan 2010
USA, Canada / Moving back from Canada to Poland, yes or no? [39]

well people in brighton didn't want to take our money for rent as a lot of landlords didn't want to rent to a polish family. When you weight it up, life at the moment is hard in most countries,
sister act   
11 Jan 2010
USA, Canada / Moving back from Canada to Poland, yes or no? [39]

yes thats is what i think to, it is just when we mention to friends and family people reactions are more shock why would you live in poland even my polish teacher tried to convince me to stay in ireland.So thats the plan sister act is moving to poland
sister act   
10 Jan 2010
USA, Canada / Moving back from Canada to Poland, yes or no? [39]

I thought that most of the brits and Irish that move to france are retired. I am living in Ireland and things for me are very bad job wise you will really struggle to find work my husband has been looking for work every day for the past year in Ireland and has got nothing we are talking about moving to poland to but we have house almost build there and only my husband will have to find a little job to keep him going and intime I will have to bring in some income. As for England in October 08 we travel to Brighton south east england as we had always planned to spend a few years living in the south east of england we spent one month lving in a hotel as no one would rent us an appartment as they said we would have to have proof of income,

I showed
them my bank a/c and told them I would pay 6 months to a year in advance but this offer was not accpected from the letting agencies. Then I heard that letting agencies don't want to rent to polish the bbc did an expose on it. You should really watch. Anyway after we came back to Ireland. My husband had gotten a job as a taxi driver in brightinbut we just could not surrive on that money.
sister act   
6 Jan 2010
USA, Canada / Differences in How Polish People Raise a Child and How Americans Raise a Child [149]

Hello I am Irish living in dublin, Married to a polish man and have the polish sisters in law and mother in law from hell. So 4 years ago on the 14th of april I gave birth to the first born grandchild to my polish in laws. on the 19th of april one of my sisters in law gave birth. They were really pissed of that I had won the race to have the first born grandchild. From me this was crazy to me,were they not happy that they had two healthy grandchildren.? I have noticed so many differences between how we raised our chilldren. For one my sister in law for two years was refearing to her son as my baby this and my baby that all the time. I refeared to my daughter always by her name which is mave since the day she was born. It is like this her baby is just her property that she owns, as she gave her baby life,where as with my daughter mave I feel I have been given a gift of this wonderful daugher who I must ensure grows up to be a healthy well balanced woman.Thats all that I want from my daughter mave is that she grows up well balanced and most important happy and independent. How ever my sister inlaw is already groming her son that he has to take care of her when he growss up. Another difference is that I did not breast feed simply because, I am self employed and went back to work 3 days after the baby was this was extermely frowned on by the polish inlaws why wasn't I breast feeding. (my sister in law sat back and recievd single mothers allowance rent allowance and had her boyfriend living with her.)I brought mave swiming daily since she was a baby and this was also frowned on. Once I sugested that my sister and law and baby join us that was scorned at and I was acuccused of trying to catch her baby a flu. another difference would be, my mave hated wearing socks or she would suck her feet and then she would be wearing wet socks so I stopped putting socks on her well the in laws accused me of child abuse.my sister in put tights on her son even during the summer. months. Mave always was a great eater at six months she stopped the bottle and could down an Irish breakfast no problem at four years my sister inlwas baby is still taking the bottle at night and is a really fussy eater.My sister inlaw follows her son around every where he is never out of her sight. Ifeel sorry for him my daugher comes and goes from her friends house as she pleases and of course with my self or my husband keeping an eye she was out playing in the street with the other children until 10pm during the summer months my sister in law spends every second with her son and he doesn't have any friends. Only doting polish grandparents and aunties. With big open eyes and mounths when they here of my daughers outings. ( WITH SHOCK AND HORROR) strange that they don't have shock and horror looks on their faces when they see their grandson been transport in the back of a his mothers latest boyfriends van in is buggy with no child seat alongs side latest boyfriends plumbing tools. Sister in laws son is always sick and she brings to the docter for a cut. at some polish gathering mave hurt her finger is was only a scrape, I told her don't worry you have 9 more fingers she didn't need it (joke) and gave her a ice pop and she rang off happy mother in law of course was horrifed about what I had said to mave about her finger and told me I should of brought her to the docter.
sister act   
26 Apr 2009
Life / Reasons for moving to Poland [291]

look up polish lessons on the internet and you will see alot of lessons that will help you. at the moment i am doing that also;) have you ever been to poland

Thanks I will give look in to that.

would personally recommend to anyone thinking of moving to Poland at least go over a few times first before moving over there at least then you can see the way of life, experience the culture and immerse yourself into daily life there but thats my opinion


you are right you have to know what your getting yourself in too