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Posts by Ireland32  

Joined: 23 Feb 2009 / Male ♂
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From: Ireland
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21 Jan 2010
UK, Ireland / The Irish, the biggest tax evaders ever [21]

Irish people can work and still claim many benefits. This does not mean they are evading tax

This is true and it is here that the problem lies. The cost of living here is still too high. even with a minimum wage that is over and beyond that of the UK, many people here still get benefits to make ends meet.

You can work 3 days and claim 2 days dole....thats how it works here. Unemployment benefit is paid by the number of days your in work not whether you work or not.

I think the statement that alot of people here are benefit fraudsters is totally untrue and I applaud those who are satisfied to return to work even if it is for only 2 or 3 days a week. This assists in lifting the economic burden from the state.
24 Aug 2009
UK, Ireland / Poland continues to milk Ireland dry. [129]

I actually get on quite well with foreigners. I treat them just as well as Irish workers.

Post of the night so far.......hypocracy wins yet again.

Slan go foil my fellow posters. I go to sleep now for a new day dawns soon for those of us who keep the wheels of this great nation turning.

Oiche mhaith.
24 Aug 2009
UK, Ireland / Poland continues to milk Ireland dry. [129]

Says the meat packer!!!

Yeah I packed meat from the age of 8. My father was a butcher and had his own shop and I followed the trade. Went to Uni and got a Degree in Agriculture and Food Science. Went on to work for the Department of Agriculture as Veterinary Meat Inspector before becoming an Operations Managers with 15 managers under me and employing 220 people.

Im proud of where I have came from and where I am today.
23 Aug 2009
UK, Ireland / Poland continues to milk Ireland dry. [129]

I have a masters degree in Hospitality & Catering Management

Soft subject. Did you not get enough points in your leaving cert ?

You seem to be struggling with employment law, maybe you should send yourself on a course.

Dont profess to be. That is what we pay a HR manager for and levies to IBEC.
23 Aug 2009
UK, Ireland / Poland continues to milk Ireland dry. [129]

I work in the hospitality sector

Not the best person in the country be doing that sort of job.....did you pass the course ??

To top it all off, the ***** giving the two day workshop was a northern prod.

what the feck has religion to do with it?
23 Aug 2009
UK, Ireland / Poland continues to milk Ireland dry. [129]

You are a spoofer. You are full of it, you where on here around that time claiming the Poles took all the jobs and now you claim you where over in some eastern european shithole at the time recruiting more slavs? I say you are telling porkie pies.

I was not on this forum last year (may 2008) and Kiev is one of the most beautiful cities I have ever visited. I do not tell lies on this forum. I speak my mind maybe, but always the truth.

I will not name my factory. I have a right to protect my workers.
23 Aug 2009
UK, Ireland / Poland continues to milk Ireland dry. [129]

Under new legislation non EU workers will only get a work permit after the following criteria has been met;

-They earn over 30,000 per annum after tax.
-No EU citizen has applied or is qualified to do the job.

You are breaking the law you stupid northern fool.

You are some fecking *******. The jobs were advertised. No one met the criteria or skill. Enterprise Ireland and IBEC assisted us in identifying the skill base we required. We do not break the law little boy. Now feck off. If you hurry you might catch the end of Ben 10 or Power Rangers.
23 Aug 2009
UK, Ireland / Poland continues to milk Ireland dry. [129]

There is now way in hell a meat packer earns 30,000 euro per annum

They are not meat packers numb nuts. Do you think I would go to the Ukraine to hand pick Meat Packers. They are skilled boners and trimmers. I could get a brain dead prick like you to pack meat.
23 Aug 2009
UK, Ireland / Poland continues to milk Ireland dry. [129]

Blaming the government, is some times a cop out

well blaming the foreign nationals is the biggest fecking cop out i have heard yet. I am convinced you fall into 1 of 3 categories;

1. Your mother dropped you as a baby.

2. You were abducted by aliens

3. You have been brainwashed by some religious cult.

Either way I am beginning to understand how in the animal kingdom some mothers are prone to eating their young !
23 Aug 2009
UK, Ireland / Poland continues to milk Ireland dry. [129]

If your Ukranian workers earn less than 30,000 euro per annum their work permits will not be renewed

They earn more.......now feck off little boy. Is it not past your bedtime. Not to worry. school doesnt start for another week !
23 Aug 2009
UK, Ireland / Poland continues to milk Ireland dry. [129]

Simple question ...Why do you think Irish, or UK business owners and business leaders employ foreign labour, generally?

I would like to answer this one if I may.

I am a Manager at at Meat Plant in Ireland. We employ many foreign nationals simply because we cannot get local people to do the jobs and also because of a lack of skills. we employ Brazilian, Polish, Latvian, Slovaks, Ukranians, Lithuanians, Czechs etc because alot of them have the skills we require. Last May I went to Ukraine to interview 63 men who wanted to come and work in my factory. I went to see their skills and hand picked 12 on them to come over. They are still there and are some of the best employees we have.

Now that the good times are gone and jobs are scarce, those same Irish who left these jobs for bigger pay packets on the construction sites would like to think that these jobs are theirs by right.

Well im sticking with my Ukranian and other foreign national workers who have stood by me and who get the same rate of pay as everyone else in the factory.

I hope this goes some way to answer your question.
23 Aug 2009
UK, Ireland / Poland continues to milk Ireland dry. [129]

Myth. Tell me, who worked these jobs before mass immigration?

The jobs were not there. Why you think we were immigrating to US, England and Aus. Jobs came with the celtic tiger. There were not enough people to fill them and thus they were filled with foreign nationals.......as this country encouraged.
23 Aug 2009
UK, Ireland / Poland continues to milk Ireland dry. [129]

He is an armchair patriot who would rather poison the pages of this forum with his horse shite than get off his ass and work to change the policies that this government saw fit to implement.

Change wont happen by insulting the people of this forum.
23 Aug 2009
UK, Ireland / Poland continues to milk Ireland dry. [129]

RN has never done anything for his country. He is a bigot and I am ashamed of his vile arrogant comments of this forum.
23 Aug 2009
UK, Ireland / Poland continues to milk Ireland dry. [129]

Tax payer for all my adult life. You?

I pay my 42% and 2% levy every month as is required under current income taxation laws in this country.

You talk of your 'Ireland for the Irish'. what you ever done to further that aspiration?

You are some clown.

Would rather be a clown than a bigot anyday. Clowns are handy at childrens parties. Bigots have no place in society.

Tell us who pays the bearded ones wages these days?

As an elected representative (something neither you or your like will ever be) he is entitled to his wage.