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Posts by Gregrog  

Joined: 2 Feb 2009 / Male ♂
Last Post: 24 Feb 2013
Threads: Total: 4 / In This Archive: 4
Posts: Total: 97 / In This Archive: 69
From: Poland/Kraków/Leżajsk
Speaks Polish?: yes

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14 Mar 2013
Language / "No tak"; The Oddest Phrase In Polish For This American [75]

Heh, back in England when I was listening to my English supervisor giving me orders for night shift I was wondering why he was staring at me strangely ... than I realised I was answering him "No ok, no problem" ;)
9 Mar 2013
History / What do Polish think of Gen. Pilsudski? [12]

ehh Indeed. Hitler attended mass for the Marshall in Berlin

"Hitler uczestniczył również we mszy świętej na cześć Marszałka, jaką odprawiono 18 maja 1935 r. w Katedrze św. Jadwigi w Berlinie przy symbolicznej trumnie Józefa Piłsudskiego"
9 Mar 2013
History / What do Polish think of Gen. Pilsudski? [12]

Pilsudski is considered as national hero in Poland by most of the people. He is beloved by most of right wing and hated by leftists.

Pilsudski(and some other ppl of that time) was creator of independent Poland and great patriot. When it comes to dictatorship - he was supported by most of the society. He wasn't like Hitler or Stalin. He didn't enslave people except far left politicians and Ukrainian nationalists.

What Chinese is writing in their books looks like communist propaganda. He is perceived totally different here.

Hitler considered Pilsudski as a great lider and he even attended the funeral: Hitler at Pilsudski funeral in Poland

and funeral itself: Funeral 2 of Pilsudski
19 Jan 2013
History / Polish armored trains form I and II World War [32]

Operation of pl arnoured trains during September Campaign

Smok Kaszubski - improvized armoured train, build by Gdansks shipyard workers. They took ordinary train and armour plates from not yet built destroyers "Orkan" and "Huragan" and weapons from sunken ships. Finished at 7th of September, the next day went to battle. Supported infantry in several battles and fire exchange with German artillery.

At 8th of Sept. Smok encountered platoon of armoured vehicles damaging one of them by Wejcherowo. Also damaging one enemy plane.

Damaged by Luftwaffe at 12th of September, taken to Gdynia for repair. Abandoned along with the city.

During a visit in June 1939, the Free City of Danzig Reichsführer -SS Heinrich Himmler , during a meeting with Albert Forster acknowledged the need to strengthen local SS forces . Soon the Senate of the Free City of Danzig , with the knowledge of the authorities of the Third Reich , passed a proposal to organize a military unit Gdansk under the pretext of creating your own defenses . As a result, by sea was transferred illegally to Gdansk ( in civilian clothes ) III. Battalion 4th Regiment of the SS Totenkopf , which became the basis of Gdansk SS- Heimwehr . Strengthened him about 500 volunteers from Gdansk, subdivision przeciwpancernym of Prettin in Saxony and the squadron flak from East Prussia . August 18, 1939 r . In SS Heimwehr Danzig was the flag ceremony and parade through the streets of the city.
1 Jan 2013
History / ORP Orzeł Polish submarine in Estonian Press [10]

At that time they know about disaster in Poland and they had Soviet Union and Germany at the gates. Tiny, undefendable country against two superpowers. Yes, they broke the international law and acted badly, but I'm far from calling them.

Germany pressed them and they went under.
1 Jan 2013
History / ORP Orzeł Polish submarine in Estonian Press [10]

I do not expect you Pawian to know Estonian... maybe some other user of PF will know:)

I wouldn't be so harsh for Estonians in that matter - they were in deep **** in that time, same as other Baltic states.
1 Jan 2013
History / ORP Orzeł Polish submarine in Estonian Press [10]

Hi, is here anybody who could tell me what is written here about this submarine in the articles of Estonian Press?

article 1

article 2

article 3

article 4

article 5

article 6

article 7

article 8

From [forum.iceland.pl/viewtopic.php?t=111531]
24 Nov 2012
Travel / First Time Visit To Poland (travelling from England) [14]

Motorcycle, photography... and motorway(A4) ? Wouldn't it be better for you to drive some local roads? It'll be better to see something interesting, maybe some worth of picturing than this...
23 Aug 2012
History / Interactive map of Poland 960-2004 [43]

Zaolzie terrain:
caption IX 1918, XII 1918 in Polish hands
since caption II 1918 in Czech's till caption III 1939.
23 Aug 2012
History / Interactive map of Poland 960-2004 [43]

With state of almost civil war with Ukrainians and other minorities? It's far better to peacefully moan on my Polish neighbour ;)
23 Aug 2012
History / Interactive map of Poland 960-2004 [43]

I'm perfectly happy with present borders:) Maybe the Kaliningrad Oblast isn't very desired, but I don't mind.
22 Aug 2012
History / Interactive map of Poland 960-2004 [43]


Use red arrows at the bottom of the map.
Description in Polish.
5 Mar 2012
News / About fifty injured after two trains collide in Poland [73]

As for the accident, I'm surprised that there is still a direct train from Warsaw to Przemysl. I'll have to investigate that one (Przemysl is a cracking little city, the only downside is the lack of decent accommodation).

That's because this route(Przemyśl, Rzeszów, Kraków) is the main route from and to Ukraine(Lviv, Kiev).
14 Feb 2012
Language / Sorka means przepraszam [17]

This is used mainly by low-educated, lower class youngsters.

Total bullshit. I'd say that people under 30 use it often. Class or education doesn't matter. It is just a slang.
26 Jan 2012
News / Poland now soft-pedalling ACTA signing [107]

Ten's of millions people demonstrated in Poland in 1980' Did that make them right? As you see, invalid argument. Sorry to say, but you are talking bullshit.
26 Jan 2012
News / Poland now soft-pedalling ACTA signing [107]

Polonius3 - are you mental? What the hell are you talking? You are painting people black just because of accidents in Kielce? What about this thousands in other cities, as Kraków, where 10k people demonstrated peacefully? Totally peacefully, but for you, they're just hooligans, right? Here we talk about internet mostly and piracy, but what about medicine and cheaper drugs(replacements for more expansive ones from big international companies) which in sense of ACTA will be illegal, as breaking copyrights?

If that means that PO (as someone suggested) will lose the youth vote, then that's not saying much for the common sense of today's young people.

Really? What concerns youth is not politics, economy, Katyń etc. But when politics starts to bully environment of youth, which is internet, the situation is quite different. Do you remember why PiS lost majority in Sejm? I remind you - after making big conflict against internet users, which erupted in VERY big politic activity among younger part of polish society and during the pools drowning Kaczyński's party.
25 Jan 2012
News / Controlling the internet ACTA in Poland (Like SOPA) [34]

It does not matter what your rules here are, because they will and are defined by agreements like ACTA and you can do nothing about it. They just say you are breaking the law and you will be prosecuted.

But it was not my intention to discuss freedom of speech here but I just put observation that the thing which are concerning Poland now, have small coverage here, on PF. It simply shows gap between PL and PF :)

Today there was demonstration in Krakow of about 10 000 people against ACTA. Also in many other cities there were demonstrations.
25 Jan 2012
News / Controlling the internet ACTA in Poland (Like SOPA) [34]

how in practice, the authorities are going to enforce all this downloading is anyone's guess
however blocking access to the torrent source sites would be a good place to start

ACTA force ISP to share information about user activity in internet with for example RIAA without court decision. Isn't it enough?

Of course it won't be like that tomorrow will it happen - it will take time.

Interesting how you bring up the USA specifically while overlooking other countries like.....ooohh I don't know....China?

Maybe because China do not pretend to be land of freedom?
25 Jan 2012
News / Controlling the internet ACTA in Poland (Like SOPA) [34]

That's because Poles in Poland experience the censorship of the mainstream media, whereas here they still have freedom of speech :).

You have noticed that ACTA refers to all EU countries? Also SOPA/PIPA to US, Canada, Japan, Australia and Morocco? If yes, please tell me why do you refer to censorship exclusively in Poland?
24 Jan 2012
News / Poland now soft-pedalling ACTA signing [107]

You have counted minor support for ACTA. Here it is, but in other places it rather looks like a war. Try to read news about ACTA in wp.pl, onet.pl, serch facebook, demotywatory and other services and you will find that there are only few supporters of this act. In wp in one article they counted by opinions and something around 95% of comments were against. Many people call hackers from Anonymous a hero's who's defending Internet.

What wrote Polonious is rather bullshit. I wonder if he read anything about it or just hear - it's against pirates - great - I support it!
11 Nov 2011
News / Polish Independence Day-Beware? [59]

After all; Poland was created by US President Woodrow Wilson.

Poland created itself in X century. Wilson just proclaimed independence, mostly because of friendship of Paderewski with Woodrow. Also we don't need to thank you for existence of our nation - you can't create nation with 13th paragraph. We thanks you for it, but after WWII, it's nothing we care for.

Woodrow put words, we put blood. A lot of...