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Posts by GrandeSande  

Joined: 9 Feb 2007 / Female ♀
Last Post: 2 Sep 2008
Threads: Total: 2 / In This Archive: 0
Posts: Total: 119 / In This Archive: 16
From: USA
Speaks Polish?: no
Interests: Genealogy, travel, reading, art

Displayed posts: 16
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23 Jan 2009
Genealogy / Last name, Kwiatkowski, where in Poland? [6]


It is always best to start with what you have and work backwards.
Did the person live in the US at all, if so, where and when?
Have you searched for immigration papers?
Did you check SSDI for the name?

What exactly do you know about this person, so that someone could help you?

8 Feb 2008
Genealogy / Polish Surnames Anglicized? [48]

Even when the census was taken, the people recording the answers were only writing what they heard, if the person giving the information didn't know how to spell it.
6 Jan 2008
Genealogy / Vintage Photos of Polish ancestors [144]

For anyone interested in old Photos, I came across this site of old pictures taken from a book of the Jewish in Poland.
There are many occupations and locations shown. I am not Jewish, but found them fascinating.

22 Sep 2007
Genealogy / Minkin from Poland? [10]

Thanks, that's good to know, because it is such a helpful source of info!
22 Sep 2007
Genealogy / Minkin from Poland? [10]

I think all of the data is as of 1990, and is not up to date.
13 Aug 2007
Genealogy / Polish Surnames Anglicized? [48]

Unless it had something to do with political immigration (or it was done a long time ago for some reason).

I believe that when immigrants came to the US, they could not read and/or write. When they were asked their names, they could only speak them. The people recording the names did not speak their langusge and wrote what they heard.

As for later on, once the immigrants were in the us for awhile, they chose to change their names to make them sound "more American". It wasn't till a few years ago that I discovered what my last name really was.
3 Aug 2007
Genealogy / Vintage Photos of Polish ancestors [144]

Great idea Patrycja, I love old photos and next month our Genealogical Society is having a speaker who will talk on old photos and hidden clues you can use to identify them.

anyone else is welcome to join in like peter did.

I have a neat old wedding picture of my GGGrandmother , but I can't figure out how to get it on to this spot.
24 Jul 2007
Life / Polish Folk Music [30]

You might try going to: polartcenter.com/Music_from_Poland_s/1.htm
8 Jun 2007
Food / Types of CHEESE in Poland [150]

I guess I have never seen brick cheese or farmer's cheese called that in the supermarket and I am still confused. So I will have to look more closely for this item.

Have you seen it labeled by either of the above names, or is it called something else, i.e. cheddar, gouda, havarti, etc.?

Sorry to repeat myself, but...
I never got an answer.... if I want to make Sernik, what kind of cheese do I use here in US?, I don't know what brick or farmer's cheese is called here!!!

1 Jun 2007
Food / Types of CHEESE in Poland [150]

Thank you, Eurola

I guess I have never seen brick cheese or farmer's cheese called that in the supermarket and I am still confused. So I will have to look more closely for this item.

Have you seen it labeled by either of the above names, or is it called something else, i.e. cheddar, gouda, havarti, etc.?

I feel like I am rolling down the hill trying to find the cheese I never heard of!

Chasing cheese down the hill...!
Is it worth it???

30 May 2007
Food / Types of CHEESE in Poland [150]

OK, so I have Googled Oscypek cheese and cannot not find what we have here in CA that is anything like it.

I don't have a Polish deli near me... what sort of cheese would I look for in the supermarket?

What is Brick cheese?

29 May 2007
Food / Types of CHEESE in Poland [150]

Polish Cheese

When a recipe (such as that for Sernik) calls for cheese, what kind of cheese is it? Is it what we in America call cottage cheese?
25 May 2007
Food / POLISH RECIPES! [287]



I read about a cheesecake called_Sernik_ It was described as having cheese, raisins and a crumbly, golden crust. Is this the recipe you gave? but with the raisins added?

Also, is _farmers cheese_ the same as cottage cheese?

7 Apr 2007
USA, Canada / Where to buy Polish food in New Jersey? [157]

You guys are making me homesick and hungry!!!

I was born and grew up in NJ, and both sides of my family are Polish. I haven't had Polish food in soooo long, I can't wait to visit Jersey, and/or Poland.

Happy Easter to all!
24 Feb 2007
Life / What is the reason for POLISH jokes ? [486]

This is just such a remark that gets the ball rolling and becomes a stereotype. Not ALL US Jews hate Poles.
Polish jokes probably began by a person with a dislike or bias towards Polish people.
I have heard the same jokes told about other ethnicities, just insert the nationality you have a bias against.