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Joined: 28 Jan 2009 / Female ♀
Last Post: 20 Mar 2010
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2 Jul 2010

What were these people thinking? :)

Apparently there weren't any polish equivalents to name these objects. Usually the use of borrowings is well grounded. Only sometimes is caused by snobism, but then those word don't survive.

Nowadays we "borrow" from English, 200 years ago or more (I'm not sure) we would borrow from French.Later from German, etc.
How many people know that 'sport" is a borrowing? Or "dżem"? Or the new usage of word "generalnie"? and many more..
1 Jul 2010

Sad thing is, it's not just Poland. I hear in Germany it's similair.

These are borrowings, mainly lexical. Please educate yourself on this subject as it is too vast to present it here. Every language contains it. The most popular are nowadays from english, as it is the most commonly spoken language nowadays. "Drives me nuts", eh? -Pffft!
29 Mar 2010
UK, Ireland / Polish Lessons / Polish tutor wanted in Manchester [22]

Polish Tutor: The problem with Polish grammar is that it influences the form of Polish words stronger then in English.

That's why it's inevitable.

Polish Tutor: They get massive grammar theory not a useful tool.

There are different approaches to teach grammar and to learn grammar,too. Theory does not do any harm and people do not learn grammar by theory, but by practice.

To me, your method is as effective, as Callan's one, thus rubbish to me; no offence. Teaching words? So it's more like a two-week course rather than proper Polish teaching.

I'm a teacher myself and I'll tell you one thing. Before I started studying English at University, I had to take an exam in Polish too. You need to know your mother tongue well enough to learn another one. In your case, to teach Polish you should improve your English so that you are understood perfectly. And if you state that you don't have time to learn english, then what kind of teacher are you?
28 Mar 2010
UK, Ireland / Polish Lessons / Polish tutor wanted in Manchester [22]

Polish Tutor: Unless you test me in person.

Can I test you, please?
I read all the superlatives you used when describing yourself as a teacher, methods that you use...Oh, let's not forget that:

Polish Tutor: I do not to avoid teaching Polish grammar. I teach it as a useful tool.

Grammar is the basis!of every language! I have no idea what you mean by:"I teach it as a useful tool", so I advise you to sort your english out, so that you can become even a better teacher that you are now!

Still curious of the methods you use, dear Polish Tutor.
17 Feb 2010
Life / Why do you choose to stay in Poland, why not other country? [152]

Im guessing she lived there.

Even if she did, it doesn't mean that she knows everything about everyone and everything. I'm Polish and I wouldn't dare to make such assumptions since I might have met a few people behaving in a certain way, but it doesn't mean that whole nation behaves like this.

Thankfully I escaped. I feel alive once again :))

I'm also glad you did :)
17 Feb 2010
Life / Why do you choose to stay in Poland, why not other country? [152]

Would make more sense as they are the ones who moan the most about all things Poland.

I read some other comments of yours and I'm really surprised that you know so much, if not everything, about:Poles generally, polish food, living in Poland, unmarried women in Poland, etc.

Where did you learn all that, beelzebub?
17 Feb 2010
Life / Why do you choose to stay in Poland, why not other country? [152]

Where? I tried, oh lord have I tried. The fruits and veggies just aren't good. Here in Wroclaw you can go to Epi, Alma, Hala Targowa, Piotr and Pawel, it's just not there.

Then go back home and shop there.As simple as that.
You really made me laugh with the whole "oreo" thing mate. It's like me living, say, in Italy for some time and whinging that I can't get my favourite Flipsy with toffee flavour and calling them "decent food".Hilarious.
17 Feb 2010
Life / Why do you choose to stay in Poland, why not other country? [152]

You get fresh fruit and vegetables throughout the year, dear, however if you wish to buy some strawberries, say, in February, there's no chance to get them as cheap as in June or July and without a label, since we don't grow strawberries in winter.Look around.

Besides, I don't know where you shop but I feel sorry for you if you can only buy rotten vegetables or fruits. Since what you wrote above implies that Poles don't eat them at all or only in small amounts due to the fact that to whichever shop they go, the fruits are rotten.lol.

What's more, you can buy "cheap, plastic cheese" in every country, Poland isn't an exception. When you want to buy a good cheese or a good ham (polish btw), you have to spend at least 50 zlotys per kilo for the cheese and round 80 zl for a good ham. And I'm sorry, but my country isn't a rich country, so there's plenty of cheese which is cheaper so that everyone can afford it.

Pretty much everything is substandard there when it comes to food in my experience. But then I don't like white doughy crap, cabbage and pork with everything.

if you don't like it...who tells you to eat it,eh? Go to a decent shop and buy what you like or buy the ingredients and prepare it yourself.
17 Feb 2010
Life / Why do you choose to stay in Poland, why not other country? [152]

If you CAN find a decent place to buy the things the rest of the developed world can the prices are 4X as high.

Can you please enlighten me what are "the things the rest of the developed world can buy", which are so nice compared to polish food please.
17 Feb 2010
Life / Why do you choose to stay in Poland, why not other country? [152]

the bread is the worst in the world. Even slums in India make better bread.

Have you tried ALL kinds of bread ALL OVER THE WORLD? Do they make bread in each and every country?Is it really the worst? I reckon you should add " to me" so that it makes more sense.

And maybe the food isn't expensive to make, but at least it tastes good. Besides, I think that Polish people buy (and use!) more spices than only vegeta lol.

I can agree that some of the compatriots can be rude, but at least they don't pretend to be happy when they aren't.
16 Feb 2010


-british accent
-salt&vinegar walkers
-it's never too cold nor too hot over there
13 Feb 2010
Language / Polish and Hungarian, how similar? [53]

Polish and Hungarian, how similar?

Those two languages are completely different, thus a person who knows Hungarian won't understand Polish and the other way round. There are a few similar words in those two languages, but grammar, spelling and all the rules are way different. Even the way the Hungarians read some words for us, Polish, sounds ridiculous.
8 Feb 2010
Life / Is it true that you cannot swear in public in Poland? [13]

It can't be true, the whole story is made up, I reckon.
Besides, I can bet no Polish person would pay that much for such a silly "crime". You get 100 zł fine when crossing the street on red light, but 500 zl for swearing? Give me a break.
5 Feb 2010
UK, Ireland / Recently beaten up in England by 3 Polish guys [93]

Hi i am an English guy with a Polish girlfriend.

I recently got beaten up whilst i was with her, in England by 3 Polish guys,

If it makes you feel better...some polish guys can beat up people despite their nationality. Even if you were polish , they might've done the same.

I think that there might have been an unclear situation between them, i mean your girlfriend and those guys. Maybe she doesn't tell you as much as she should...? Better ask her.

Oh, and hope you get better soon.
2 Feb 2010
Study / A Portuguese student wants to study in Poland [10]


try here perhaps. There are some useful numbers given as well, so you can simply call them and inquire.
It's much cheaper if you live in a campus than if you are to rent a flat.
Also, if you are to dine at a student's canteen, prices over there are usually reasonable, compared to those in restaurants and bars.
29 Jan 2010
Language / Problems remembering Polish vocabulary [20]

To remember a word, you need to see it, say it and write it down 7 times in total. This is what I've been once told by my English teacher and it works for me perfectly.
28 Jan 2010
Love / Beauty and physical apperance - Is it so important to Polish boys? [26]

Just wonder if Polish boys are generally like this?

It doesn't concern Polish boys/men in particular, but men generally. They first SEE you, then they can decide whether they want to get to know you better. If someone(I mean, a man) is to deny it, then he's a liar! ;)
24 Jan 2010
Work / Polish qualifications, what are they worth ? [137]

When there is a closed-shop. ( employment given to family/friends, regardless of qualifications ).

I have to agree with this one, though. I've heard about it, seen it, and even experienced it a few times.
24 Jan 2010
Life / Horribly cold in Krakow at the moment , how do you cope with such temperatures ? [124]

Horribly cold in Krakow at the moment , how do you cope with such temperatures ?

I wear two pairs of tights, two pairs of gloves, two pairs of socks and a warm hat. Oh, and at least two jumpers. It helps but today my nose got frozen and that actually made me think why something like a nose-hat hasn't been invented yet? Or if it has, why then I haven't heard about it?
16 Jan 2010
Love / English boyfriend coming to visit me in Poland [55]

Why don't you just ask your parents? Then we can end this boring thread!

She already did. Maybe you should start reading first. Besides, if it's boring for you, why would you post anything here, eh?lol
To me, if you say, sunshine, that your parents prefer him staying in a hotel, then he should stay there.I presume he will be invited for a dinner to your parents, so this is when they can meet.
8 Jan 2010
Work / Average monthly salary in Poland is around 1000 PLN (few hundred bucks). [387]

Poles earn much more than You've written. average net salaries are between 1500 and 3000 zlotys per month. minimum net wage is 980 zlotys per month(2010 year) and this amount is earned by only 10% employees(generally cleaning stuff, dustmen etc.). If you have good qualifications you can earn more than 3000 zlotys, however if your qualifications are poor I cannot expect more than 1500 zlotys!!

ffs!I've got no bloody idea where do you get this information from.minimum net wage is 980?hahaa how do you know that, 2010 has just began and you already know how much they're gonna pay us?LOL

And of course it is only earned by 10% of polish people,another 10% is on the dole!And another 10% earns even less! And believe me, Beck's, not cleaning stAff earns that much money. I'll tell you something.I'm currently looking for a job. I've graduated from Uni, last year. I was looking for a job in teaching.They offer 1276 zlotys , which is net sth round 850zl.PER MONTH. A job offer, secretary. Expectations: At least Bachelor's degree, perfect english, some courses done of accountancy.max pay 1317.minus all the taxes and everything...1000zl. I've got all that and a company wants to pay me 1000 zlotys.for 40 hours of my hard work.5 days a week.Poor qualifications you say?LMAO.

Best you teach english at school or private lessons and earn 6000zl a month.

Honestly, mate-PMSL.
4 Jan 2010
Love / All Polish women can't be nutters can they? [257]

you see, it's very hard to ignore somebody when you live with them. how often can you go to your friend's and stay there until your boyfriend sorts himself out, eh?

when mira realized he has a big wallet she decided not to "try" anymore as it was risky and she is married to he now

I've never been with anyone for their money, I would usually date those tight-fisted...
4 Jan 2010
Love / All Polish women can't be nutters can they? [257]

There's really no debate about this, All women are nutters!

Excuse me, are they all nutters? Of course, sometimes everyone can go mad, I reckon it doesn't only concern polish females. I have to admit we can be a bit crazy at times and we can make it almost impossible for a man to understand us.But hey, it's a two-way street, we don't understand you,men either.And you can be nutters as well!

I remember dating a nutter. A real pain in the bum, couldn't stand his constant whinging. When I tried to ignore him, he went mental.Every time. Believe me, a real nutter:)
29 Dec 2009
Love / Opinion from Polish men on this please (Polish men so 'spiritually' romantic?) [43]

Opinion from Polish men on this please (Polish men so 'spiritually' romantic?)

No, Polish men aren't romantic, men aren't romantic in general.They make you believe that they are, but as soon as it becomes to difficult to continue pretending, they stop. As if it matters. At the end of the day, you're now their girlfriend anyway.
29 Dec 2009
UK, Ireland / Polish people in the UK using the English version of their name? [56]

she told name her name was 'Agnus'

I don't understand why people do that to be honest. I understand that for the English some polish names are hard to repeat. But if you're polish, u weren't born Agnus nor Agnes, but Agnieszka.

My name's Agata, very simple polish name, even for a Briton to repeat, however, I've already heard more than a few different ways of pronouncing it. The funniest thing, however, is when my English boyfriend asked me how many "r" there were in my name.lol