Love /
All Polish women can't be nutters can they? [257]
I didnt at first - then i did (still loved her and wanted to give here (anotherXhundreth) chance
She turned out to the same (if not worse i think :( )
Then I got the odd text etc and that was fine
then one night i got - "did you leave a note on our car?"
" oh its prob nothing, just someone left a note on our car saying 'im watching you xxx'
No, not me.
"well its just, were thinking of going to the police about it"
I would prefere you DID go to the police, I left you remember, Now stop texting me.
and that was that.
You see, she is an only child, centre of the universe drama queen, attention seeking, liar, demon in the sack though (prob why it lasted so long but that doesnt speak well of me lol, i loved her and its why i tried to put up with, change, work with her about it but it had started to effect my health. and either she stopped for good or i had to go.
I could write a paper on here she had WAY too many issues and so forth.she was irish folks and gave women in general a bad name
I cant be her friend - she made it clear she couldnt keep to that lines.
I think for her sex was acceptance. she had a CONSTANT need to be the centre of everyones attention - even when i was ill, seriously ill - it was like "you never said you loved me today"
I looked in amazement at her....dumbfounded....
and thanks Lt Navy - now i know i made the right choice :D :up: