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Joined: 16 Dec 2008 / Male ♂
Last Post: 5 Feb 2014
Threads: Total: 12 / In This Archive: 10
Posts: Total: 409 / In This Archive: 332
From: UK, France and Poland
Speaks Polish?: mogę się porozumiewać

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16 Feb 2014
Work / Is 6500PLN/month enough for 2 people from India to live on in Wroclaw? [40]

It may be a good idea for her to occupy her time taking courses at the Wrocław Institute of Technology.

Studying is the most sensible of options for your wife, the obvious thing to study would be Polish. If your wife were to enrol in a Polish language course, aside from the obvious of learning the language, it would introduce her to other expats and would help create a social circle outside of just your work place, which would be healthy for both of you.


Just as an example and the first hit on google. The link is above.
12 Feb 2014
Work / Is 6500PLN/month enough for 2 people from India to live on in Wroclaw? [40]

4500zl netto

Apartment from 1000-2000zl pcm depending on location
Bills including ground rent anything from 400-1000zl pcm
Food for 2 people 800-1200zl a month depending on what you buy and where you shop

Travel. How are you going to commute to work?
Do you intend to run a car?

Medical treatment.

These all clock up the money.

For two people a comfortable life in Poland IMO costs around minimum around 8000zl netto a month.
11 Feb 2014
Law / No residency permit or PESEL number - worried that I'm here illegally [15]

everything is normal except that I don't have a residency permit or PESEL number or anything of that nature.

um...that sounds like standard normal practise, the no-one giving you a definitive answer, that is normal..... it's Poland....

If you are an EU national then I wouldn't worry, if not, well that is a different matter.
28 Jan 2014
Law / Value ( € or PLN) of handmade painting on clothes [10]

How long does it take to make ?
How much are the material costs?
How much will your distribution cost be?
Are you selling online, from a shop or both?
Who are your target market?

A t-shirt that was hand painted in the UK you would charge anything from £50 to the skys the limit, depending on location and you costs.

I have seen a pair of converse hand painted by Ronnie Wood (Rolling Stones) and they were on sale for £2500!
27 Jan 2014
News / Don't let Poland become like my country, France. [630]

It could be argued that the Judeo-christian tradition is an epiphenomenon in Western civilisation, not it's base.
I would argue the primary causality was and is and ever will be the weather.
16 Jan 2014
Law / What do I as a foreigner need to know before setting up a business in Poland? [16]

Location, location, location. If you are going to open a Moroccan cafe you need to be in right place.

There is an Indian restaurant/bar/club in Gdynia near the beach.
Please note I don't mean to be crass by drawing a comparison between Indian and Moroccan cafes, rather since they are exotic to Poles, my point is they need to be in a location which would be sympathetic to something outside the norm. i.e a cosmopolitan area.

If you are looking for other investors or partners it might be worth approaching smaller hotels and look to partner in their restaurant business.

Secondly, having visited Marrakech and absolutely loved it, my wife went crazy for the scarfs, jewellery, pots, pans ornaments, not to mention carpets. If you have solid trade contacts in your home country importing such goods it would in my opinion be a winner.

Selling such goods on allegro as well.

A Moroccan restaurant, which also sold traditional pottery, carpets, jewellery and scarfs, an Aladdin's cave of treasures, now that might work.
12 Jan 2014
Australia / Australian citizen wanting to go to Poland for as long as possible - needs Polish Visa [49]

Cold call sales/marketing or low-level collections in a call-center. A truly lousy job that pays too little to survive on. I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy.

I second that.

olish women are notoriously mercenary, and have little cash registers in their heads that keep a running tally at all times. They will know exactly to the penny where you stand

This is very true, however, it can be used to your advantage if you are smart.

Polish girls and "in-laws" are fine as long as you are bringing in plenty of cash, or at least enough cash to stay safely in the black. Once you dip into the red, the love withers and the hospitality dries up.

I don't think that it is a purely Polish phenomena, I think it is more a universal rule.
25 Dec 2013
News / British teacher stabbed in Poland [116]

Almost 100% guaranteed is that alcohol played a part. Sadly people get stabbed at house parties all the time all over the world. Que sera sera
22 Dec 2013
Study / How difficult is to be accepted as an international Undergraduate student in University of Warsaw? [6]

I assume the majority of foreign student who choose Poland do so out of economic society. The foreign students in the UK, comprise of wealthy Russians and Chinese. Same goes for other European countries cost of living.

1000 Brazilian real gets about £250 Sterling
1000 Brazilian Real gets about 1270 Zloty

Conclusion 1270 Zloty in Poland goes further than £250 in the UK. So if you are a foreign student on a tight budget, Poland is the cheapest European country to study in.
21 Dec 2013
Love / Rejected - Rafal thought I was ugly? [85]

Also, the person whom I stabbed and I got back together after I stabbed him.

that's alright then.......

Listen Uglywoman, 1) Don't call yourself Uglywoman, you need to love yourself first before you can love another
2) All this violence, stabbing etc... violence is ugly.
3) Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
4) Stop chasing after the man, if the man is being chased, it is because he wants to get away
21 Dec 2013
News / Poland, The Starbucks report. [42]


This links to a report compiled by business analysts on Poland. a few years out of date but never the less, for the hardcore Polish forum members who like to stay well informed here it is.

This report is massive and covers huge amounts of research and data relating to Poland, a great student resource.
21 Dec 2013
Love / Rejected - Rafal thought I was ugly? [85]

F*ck, I thought you were being sarcastic, which makes me the as5hole... and you must be American. <sigh> I'm going to crawl back under my stone now....
21 Dec 2013
Love / Rejected - Rafal thought I was ugly? [85]

How about, are you smart? Funny? Interesting? Talented? Ambitious? Creative?

The OP answers this in her only other post, I Quote

"The other day when I was applying a Dior foundation that I had just purchased, I realised that the colour was too light for me. I had asked the sales associate to get the right colour for my skin.

Therefore, I went to the mall today and asked if I can exchange it and gave her my receipt. However, she said that I cannot exchange it since it was already open.

I was annoyed about it because the salesperson made a mistake about the colour. In fact, when I lived in England, once I bought a blusher from Dior and later realised that it was too light. I had been using it for 2 weeks but I brought it back to the store and the salesperson immediately exchanged it and he was very polite about it as well.

So after asking to speak to the manager but she said no, I exchanged my foundation with one of the tester foundations in the display that was the right colour. It was pretty much full. No one saw me and the security guard certainly did not notice. I feel that I did nothing wrong because I paid for the foundation.

zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzz.......................................................what? Oh wake me up when you find a knife so I can stab myself in the face......
20 Dec 2013
News / The EU's plans for Poland. [10]

Well Fracking seems to be on the agenda, although the progress seems very stop start at the moment.
19 Dec 2013
Work / Average wage in Poland (towns / cities) [23]

What isn't so easily quantify are the grey/black market wages nor the myriad of ways in which people augment their meagre salaries.
The other area that is hard to quantify are repatriated wages, remittance from abroad. Many Polish retirees have money sent from abroad from their offspring, this is common practise. Even a young Pole earning the minimum wage in the Uk would be able to send a money home and £100 or 500zl can go along way.

easily quantify

easy to quantify ..... doh
19 Dec 2013
News / The EU's plans for Poland. [10]


(Not a riveting read unless you have an advanced level of English language comprehension and find this stuff interesting).

This links to the EU's region development plans from 2012 to 2020. personally I think it is interesting.

I have posted this in the History section because to understand the future you must understand the past first......
19 Dec 2013
News / Poland's atheist loonies have had their 5 minutes [239]

Pope Francis is doing everything he can to aggrandize himself with both the media and the dumb masses. There isn't an ounce of sincerity in his bones, he has been acting like a media star since his appointment.

Why would pope Francis need 'aggrandise' himself, he is The Pope. And acting like a media star??? You have lost me.
From what little I understand he is trying to sort out the Caligulan vipers nest of crypto-facist nonces that have infected the Vatican.
19 Dec 2013
Study / Are there any German or British universities in Poland? [21]


I appreciate this link is to an article three years ago but it is still relevant. The abuse of the UK Student Visa system is a means for some to profiteer, perhaps foreign students should have to raise a £100,000 deposit, which is returned when their studies are completed and they return to their countries.

Since the majority of foreign students are wealthy, this shouldn't be totally out of reach. No doubt for those students who might struggle to raise such finance might be able to borrow against assets owned by the students family.
13 Dec 2013
Law / Best City in Poland for Expat Starting Business [9]

The Pomorskie region has the highest number of entrepreneurs in Europe. I would advice the Tri-city, Gdansk, Gdynia and Sopot.
Gdansk is the only port of consequence in Poland, it is 5 hours drive to Berlin and a 3 hour drive to Kalingrad (Russian enclave). Gdansk airport flys to the UK, France, Germany and Spain. The other major attraction is the number of tourists the cities attract specifically during the summer.

I ran a business one summer on the coast selling clothes and in the two month season that we had, we made really decent cash.

So my vote is for the Tri-City.
12 Dec 2013
Law / Do I need a work visa before moving to Poland? [29]

I challenging to call me....

DOH! (ugh i hate myself).

perhaps I was exaggerating a little when I said the DoS wouldn't speak English. However, in the land of Polska B, the mickey mouse EFL language schools rule supreme. I appreciate in the larger cities and among the correct cliques the standard of EFL teaching is world class, however, this sadly is only a small, small percentage. You get what you pay for....... and outside of the large cities....well it is cowboy land......