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Posts by mephias  

Joined: 14 Nov 2008 / Male ♂
Last Post: 3 Jan 2012
Threads: Total: 10 / In This Archive: 5
Posts: Total: 296 / In This Archive: 181
From: Warsaw, Poland
Speaks Polish?: no

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19 Jan 2012
Life / Do Polish Marlboros differ? [21]

Huh? If there's a law like that i

It has been changed long time ago, and I think it is logical, word 'light' make people think it is less harmful than the normal cigarette which is not true.


Yes even in some cases if I tell I want to buy gold they don't understand and ask for confirmation if I want to buy light or white.
13 Jul 2011
News / Multi-culti (in Poland) -- roadmap to disaster? [344]

Some people's favourite subject is on. To keep it short.
Is there some target quota of foreign-born in a given country that should more or less be adhered to in order to avoid major problems?

It depends on situation.

Can immirgants be allowed to form insular communities (ghettos) without learning the host country's language and ways?
This should be avoided and there must be any kind of support to make integration easier (they shouldn't accepted if they are not willing to integrate).

Should they be given the same rights and privileges (social benefits, education, healthcare, etc.) as taxpayers who are bankrolling the system?

7 Jul 2011
Travel / Avoid being ripped off by some exchange outlets in Krakow and elsewhere [44]

The problem is people

I don't agree, If you mean 1-2 percent difference or known commission like in airport, alright this is not a rip off. But if you get different price only because you are a foreigner or tourist this is clearly rip off and you are not the one to blame.
7 Jul 2011
Travel / Avoid being ripped off by some exchange outlets in Krakow and elsewhere [44]

the prices were displayed

In my case, when they understood I am foreigner she printed receipt and gave with money(normally they give it before but it was my first day in Poland and I was not aware) , I checked there was mysterious 10 percent minus of the total (probably there is an option in their software), and, I asked what is it about but she pretend she can't speak english (till that moment she was speaking very well).

This is ripp off, but in last two years I have only been ripped off twice which is quite acceptable :) (second was in a Laptop service I wanted to buy a original battery they sold me a chinese replica with very high price which don't even last for 10 minutes, and same story again when I went to complain and change it they suddenly forgot English :))
6 Jul 2011
Travel / Avoid being ripped off by some exchange outlets in Krakow and elsewhere [44]


I was also ripped off by a kantor in Chmielna street my first day in Warsaw by % 10. I tried to discuss but lady suddenly forgot English. Anyway it can happen anywhere you should avoid kantors in central and touristic areas, Generally kantors which are located in big shopping malls are the best option and reliable in Warsaw.
21 Jun 2011
History / Why does the idea of a "Slavic Union" with Poland seem so popular on this site? [96]

It is Crow's spamming and for some unknown reason it is allowed here (it is getting better recently). If there is a cultural, political, sociological need (no sign of such need) there is nothing wrong in a Slavic union but the truth is it will not create wonders. In my opinion it could never bring more positives to Poland than what EU brings recently(economical, political, cultural positives).
12 Jun 2011

I have lived in Poland for 4 years now.

He is lying and probably have psychological issues or just a troll. I was recently in Wroclaw for 5 days trip. I have been to many clubs and I can say everything he explain here is lie.
12 Jun 2011
Food / Expats' Polish food favourites [140]

Although it is a Lithuanian soup :-)

I first tried in Poland so it is Polish to me :),

Does anyone need my zupa ogórkowa recipe?

Would be useful if I leave Poland one day :)
12 Jun 2011
Food / Expats' Polish food favourites [140]

"Zupa ogórkowa". I don't know if it is typical Polish, but I am a soup fan, And it is already one of my favourite soup.
16 May 2011
Work / (IT field) moving from India to Poland -Wroclaw in May '11 [46]

esp relating to the treatment of ethnic and religious minorities

It is not a valid excuse, situation is not worse in Turkey than some EU countries. On the other hand it still makes sense but if things proceed in this direction joining EU will become meaningless for Turkey.
10 May 2011
UK, Ireland / Will a Playstation 3 purchased in UK work in Poland? [6]

All games are region free, but it may not play all blue ray movies (Again I think all movies officially sold in Poland will work , only the ones bought from other regions like US may not work ).
8 May 2011
Love / Hot Polish girls in clubs - why don't they dance/talk with the most attractive men only? [148]

So any girl should know that unknown guys approaching her in a club won't do that just for the sake of having a funny conversation, in 99%

This is the point you are lost, with your logic if you have 10 minutes conversation with a girl in a club she should be ready for sex . You should try to reconsider everything you know about the women and relationships.

Then you don't look good, because there's plenty of poor looking guys with a hot girl

Which already explained below. I am approached by girls or spend all night in the club together but never asked any of them out that night, Sleeping with a girl I just met that night is not for me.

- People has different tastes, one is attractive for you may not be attractive for others
- Appearance is something more important at first sight, might not be important for many after you get to know each other,

No sorry, i don't want to be recognized as "that sad guy who can't get girls". ;)

It is how you will be remembered with or without photo.
8 May 2011
Love / Hot Polish girls in clubs - why don't they dance/talk with the most attractive men only? [148]

This is the most ridiculous thread on this forum yet.

Agreed, one of the most ridiculous,

posts: 86
Hot girls in clubs, why don't they dance/talk with the most attractive men only?

- People has different tastes, one is attractive for you may not be attractive for others
- Appearance is something more important at first sight, might not be important for many after you get to know each other,
- Most people are not going clubs to get laid but to have good time, So it is very normal a girl dance/talk with someone who she thinks she may have fun (even he is not attractive), this is not a contest

- Usually it is very easy to spot guys whose only aim is to get laid with anyone and they will be ignored by most girls

Instead of clubs first you should try to have some healthy friendships, Also it is not difficult to understand your observations are inaccurate and biased, I am also going clubs sometimes but I rarely see couples incompatible to each other.
28 Apr 2011
Life / Expats, are you happy with your life in Poland? [43]

Expats, are you happy with your life in Poland?

Yes, Winter is a bit tough but anyway perfect spring is already here.

People are people regardless of where you go.

Good post, explains exactly what I think about the subject.
17 Apr 2011
Study / Is Poland a good place to study for Black Africans? [90]


This thread is not about mass immigration, Please stop your regular bs if you don't have anything to say about the subject.

IS poland a good place to study for Black Africans?
Not hundred percent sure I am not studying here. But if you mean racial discrimination it is unlikely. You might rarely meet some stupid people like the poster above but mostly you will be OK. Poland is not very expensive (only accommodation is not cheap), it is a positive. On the other hand living/studying in a foreign country is a challenge. It can take time to adapt, and probably you will need to work/study much more than your country to become successful.
2 Apr 2011
Feedback / A Personal Request to all PF members [119]


A Good thread, and a good call the people. On the other hand I have doubts it will have any effect in the end.

Post 11 sums it very well.

This forum have some trolls you know, regular trolls

Unfortunately, there is a lot of nonsense and stupidity because of those regular trolls and they are protected here for the sake of freedom of speech which is only an excuse to keep PF tabloid in my opinion.
30 Mar 2011
Work / (IT field) moving from India to Poland -Wroclaw in May '11 [46]

It means they really need them.

I agree, it is more or less what I said.Not only for IT, International companies also encourage employee exchange between countries for key management positions (As a challenge maybe ).

Noone is stealing other's job and percentage as I already said very limited but if you are stupid enough to say we don't want foreigners at all this also means we don't want investment.
27 Mar 2011
Work / (IT field) moving from India to Poland -Wroclaw in May '11 [46]


Yes, foreigners will not be more than % 2-5. It is not a good idea from cost perspective to open a branch here and hire only foreigners. They are investing/will invest only if they think there is enough local workforce available for relevant subject.