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Posts by backhander  

Joined: 9 Nov 2008 / Male ♂
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Threads: Total: 7 / In This Archive: 5
Posts: Total: 22 / In This Archive: 9
From: Katowice
Speaks Polish?: Nie :0)
Interests: The missus, football, beer, travelling

Displayed posts: 14
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10 Mar 2012
Work / Briton teaching freelance - and the law in Poland [21]

I'd say you should you should knock the idea on the head because you need to be an open minded, approachable person. From your chat about £10 an hour being "peanuts to me", I'd say you're just an arsehole
1 Mar 2011
Life / Car wash full on March 1st. Does it mean something here or is it just coincidence? [3]

...that every single car wash I went to today, and that was at almost in every single garage within a 5km radius of home, had queues of 8, 9, 10 cars waiting. and that was for the whole day.

Like I say, is there something about this day I didn't know, some superstition about things being cleaned on the 1st March or is it just a coincidence?
14 Feb 2011
Law / Tax problem (NIP, REGON, PIT, GUS involved) [2]


I registered a company in Poland about 6 months ago and at the time I enquired about the need for a new NIP to go along with the new company. The tax office told me that as a sole trader I could pay tax under my personal NIP without the need for a corporate one and that's exactly how I've been paying tax on my income from the cmopany, via my personal NIP.

However, I was using the GUS wesbite (national statistics) and on doing a search for my REGON I noticed that a diffeent NIP had been automatically assigned to my company yet no-one informed me of this therefore I am worried that I have a problem with the tax authorities now given that it could look like my company hasn't been paying any taxes for the past 6 months.

I haded in my PIT on the 19th Jan, noted on there that I was claiming as an employer and received note that I am due a rebate. Everything was ok'd and stamped at the tax office back then and I have their confirmation slip.

Does anyone know of any problems I may have with this?

9 Dec 2010
Food / Irn Bru in Poland [20]

You can get Irn Bru here, fishandchips.pl

the shop is at Koszykowa 30 in Warsaw and it's 7zl a can
9 Dec 2010
Law / Poland's Online Services for TAX, ZUS, etc. [4]


Does anyone know if it is possible to view your "account" online relating to your ZUS and tax payments. I don't trust the fact that I'm paying these things every month but getting absolutely no confirmation whatsoever from either of the relevant authorities

29 Mar 2010
Classifieds / Poland Tartan Army [19]

nice one lads! hopefully it gathers momentum and we can get a good bunch of folk and perhaps have some regional clubs. Failing that, if we have enough to make at least one main club we can decide if it's to be a full on official club or just one for shits n giggles, bi-annual weekend **** ups etc. I'd love it to be the former, to aid with match tickets etc but we'll see how it goes
29 Mar 2010
Classifieds / Poland Tartan Army [19]

Hi, I'm looking to get in touch with any scots living in Poland, who would class themselves as football fans and would be interested in the idea of setting up a Poland Tartan Army, as I've tried to find one here to no avail. If you're interested then please join my facebook group and leave a note of where you are in Poland. Cheers, Jas.

facebook.com/group.php?v=photos&ref=nf&gid=108947232459649# !/group.php?gid=108947232459649&ref=ts
20 May 2009
News / Juwenalia - holidays for students in Poland (updated) [20]

I've just had a look at the Juwenalia websites and have to say I am extremely disappointed, I have heard a lot about Juwenalia and what a bbig party it is......however although I'm sure there is plenty of drinking going on the events themselves look pretty poor
15 Apr 2009
Life / Parking Fines in Poland [26]

And why should this be? Should a Pole living in the UK expect an explanation in Polish as to why he got a parking ticket?

In response to your question, my opinion is that yes, they should expect that, it's only fair to at least have a reason given to you before parting with cash to pay the fine. If I were Polish living in the UK I would do exactly the same as I have done here i.e. expect an answer given to me in Polish before paying up
14 Apr 2009
Life / Parking Fines in Poland [26]

Well, in case anyone is interested. I went down to the Straz Miejska in Kato this afternoon, with my parking ticket. I went to the desk and asked if the guy spoke english, "a little" was his reply so I began by asking what was this ticket, he looked at it and said "parking ticket, you must pay 100 zl". So I asked him to explain to me why they had given me the ticket before i would pay, I had no problem paying, but wanted to know the reason first. He couldnt explain it in English, because he didn't know the english word for 'Wyscie' which I believe is 'exit', so he called in the guy who actually gave me the ticket. He arrived, with his son who has been studying english at primary school !, and proceeded to try and explain, he drew some diagrams and I understood why I had the fine, but then i told him that there were no signs saying I should not park there, this had him stumped, and he floundered about for another couple of minutes, before handing my licence back to me and saying, 'ok, finished'. Result ! so I went, fully intending to pay as long as they could explain their reasons to me in English, but as they couldn't do so i got off on a technicality. I would say this is a warning to the police/traffic police here in relation to the euro championships, they really had better learn more english or lose out on many such fines given that a very very small percentage of people travelling here for the finals will speak any polish
14 Apr 2009
Work / What jobs pay 10,000 zlotych per month? and Where can i find one? :o) [101]

Of course, people work to make money and to be successful, and the more money we make the better....I'm not stupid mate, I worked in sales for many many years which is indeed ALL about the money...my point is, I have never liked nor will I ever like or even respect anybody who likes to shoot their mouth off about how much they earn, expect to earn and comments of 'I wouldnt get out of bed for less than...' or ' Getting less than ... is poverty' etc just show that these people are mindless materialistic idiots who have no clue about the real world. Do you really have the need to make yourself feel superior to others by telling us how much you expect to earn and to have the same standard of living as you have in the US etc etc or perhaps you are compensating for something???
12 Apr 2009
Work / What jobs pay 10,000 zlotych per month? and Where can i find one? :o) [101]

why is everyone on here talking about how much money they all make/made, materialistic twats! Making a pittance when comparing to UK wages is enough here lets face it, you don't need much to have a comfortable life in Poland so get over yourselves
7 Apr 2009
Life / Parking Fines in Poland [26]

Thanks folks, the Secritariat at my school reckons the fine will be 30zl as she has had one before. It doesnt say anything on the fine itself, if it is indeed only 30 I suppose its wirth it just to keep em off my back....still, I think it will be fun trying the dumb foreigner act ! :0)
7 Apr 2009
Life / Parking Fines in Poland [26]

Dobry Wiedzor,

I brought my british car with me to Poland when I moved here, we'll leave the discussion about whether to convert or sell to another day as what I need to find out about is as per the title of this post, parking fines.

Yesterday i parked my car outside our block of flats, where there are no markings, and was surprised when getting into the car this morning that the local Straż Miejska had went n given me a bloody parking fine for blocking the exit to the car park (which is bs by the way, there is another way out also) anyhoo, back to the point, Should I a) ignore the fine b) pay the fine c) go to the office to look like I intend to pay but use the dumb foreigner on a driving holiday routine? Is there anything they could do if I didnt pay, by which i mean, will they even be able to find any details of a UK registered car which links it to me meaning points could be added to my Uk license???

Any info appreciated