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Joined: 4 Nov 2008 / Male ♂
Last Post: 19 Feb 2009
Threads: Total: 15 / In This Archive: 1
Posts: Total: 590 / In This Archive: 105
From: Poland
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11 Feb 2009
News / Poland Should Beef Up Military [286]

Russians don't accuse Ukrianians for stealing it. They claim that one of comapnies (both owned by gazprom) is out of business. What is fake.
11 Feb 2009
News / Poland Should Beef Up Military [286]

Nun ja...when Russia delivers the ordered and paid for gas but it get's hindered on the way over Ukraine it changes not the facts but it is important for your interpretation of said facts as now the culprits aren't the Russians anymore...PS: With a link to the new baltic pipeline you would have your gas already!

The problem is that this two comapnies are owned by Gazprom and I don't want to go into detalis of agreements between two companies controled by gazprom ....

we ordered Russian gas ...

there is no gas.

This forum isn't the best place to post annything but this is simple fact.
11 Feb 2009
News / Poland Should Beef Up Military [286]

After the article you quoted it was a follow up of the Ukraine row...maybe that's why the polish gov is so quiet?It's not the Russians but the Ukrainians who somehow can't deliver? Some pipelines aren't working, right?Otherwise the behavior of your gov is inexplainable...if it were really the Russians fault I would believe your politicians would be up on all barricades screaming already and whole Europe would know about it!

Somehow Poland doesn't have whole gas supply ordered form Russia. I don't know what kind of news do you watch but it doesn't change the facts.

Poland doesn't have gas for which Poland has paid for.
11 Feb 2009
News / Poland Should Beef Up Military [286]


Sasha unfortunately (for you) Poland is more reliable country than Russia.

Are you sure?I never have heard about it...no screaming headlines in the news...nothing!Wouldn't the polish gove throw a tantrum heard over the whole EU about it at least???Something doesn't add up here...

We don't have whole amount of gas we have ordered.

I am not surpirsed but it is simple fact. We have problem with Russians. We pay for gas they don't sent it. We have startegic reserves but...
11 Feb 2009
News / Poland Should Beef Up Military [286]

Poland's gas deliveries via Ukraine still short


Poland`s national gas monopoly said Wednesday it is still suffering significant shortages in gas deliveries coming through Ukraine, long after a deal between Moscow and Kiev ended a bitter pricing dispute that prompted a temporary halt to supplies, AP reported.

Polskie Gornictwo Naftowe i Gazownictwo (PGNiG) is receiving only 76 percent of its total contracted deliveries from Russia

Now we have 11.02.2009 and we don't have gas.
11 Feb 2009
News / Poland Should Beef Up Military [286]

Russia doesn't respect trade agreements. Poland with gas being cut off is the best prove. That is why Europe should build Nabucco and other alternative pipe lines just to avoid Russia. After Poland other countries will be in danger.

Poland doesn't have gas.... we have paid for this gas. Why Russia cut off only Poland ?
11 Feb 2009
News / Poland Should Beef Up Military [286]

It is not boring Sasha I realy like Russian literature but ...

Russian policy towards Poland is hostile. We are last country in EU with gas being cut off ...

Russian policy towards Poland is hostile and Russia tries to reduce Polish suverenity.

After so many people being murdered by Russian NKVD after WWII ... I'd say nothing new
11 Feb 2009
News / Poland Should Beef Up Military [286]

But you know that much help and support to build up Poland souvereignity and "strongness" comes from german pockets and not from russian, don't you?

I simple prefere Bułhakow and Dostojweski than Goethe. I haven't been talking about big international goepolitical games (at this point) :)
11 Feb 2009
News / Poland Should Beef Up Military [286]

Just out of curiosity... do you have any over there except for oil and gas?

I've realized that we don't. So I've edited my post before your :) We shouldn't buy your gas because it is like heroine. :)

P.S. Think you understand that your message on the whole is hardly commentable.

In my opinion it is.

Russia - wants to reduce Polish suverenity.

America, UK, France, Spain, China, Japan ... have nothing agaist Polish being suverign country.

I like Russian literature but policy of your regime towards Poland ...
11 Feb 2009
News / Poland Should Beef Up Military [286]

Well Russians and Germans play in one team. I don't understand why Russia thinks that "she" can decide about Polish aliances or military development.

Last time Russia threaten Poland several times ...

So weaker Russia is in Polish interest as long as Russia tries to reduce Polish suverenity.

America has nothing against Poland as strong country so American domination is in Polish interest.

Russians and some other countries have problem with Poland being stronger and making own choices ...

Stronger China isn't in western interest in general but when we look on Russia ... I have nothing against strong China.

Now Russia is allied with China but in long term .... such alliance is suicide for Russia :)

When we look on Russians politicans statements that gas supplies will be like tank divisions . Poland should look for other natural resources suppliers.
29 Jan 2009
Travel / Polish Architecture [147]

Perhaps you should start a thread on it. I am sure there is a lot more to these palaces than just their architecture.

Not tonight I have a lot of work to do.

How did they heat them?,

You can read history of some palaces in Poland there is a lot of information about it.

Palace which was owned by my ancestors had been changing heating technologies together with technological progress :)
29 Jan 2009
Travel / Polish Architecture [147]

I never knew there were so many here, they are wonderful.

Well ... in many other european countries Aristocracy lived in properties owned by king and was just to collect taxes, they had good live thought but they weren't so rich because they had their king. In Poland king was elected in democratic way by aristocracy and was dependent from aristocracy... it was kind of democracy for 10% of people. In comparison 100 years after the end of 1st Polish republic only 2% of people in UK had similar rights.

Going back to money ... aristocracy was rich because king was weak, and king was just executing aristocracy decisions. That is why in Poland you can find so many palaces as long as they Aristocrats weren't working on despotic ruler.
29 Jan 2009
Travel / Polish Architecture [147]

I will add more pictures with places from different regions of Poland and smaller "Dworki". There is a lot of such buildings in Pland because 10% of Polish people were members of aristocracy in comparison to for example England where it was just 1% of people.
28 Jan 2009
Travel / Polish Architecture [147]

Raczyński Liblary Poznań


The Raczyński Library was founded by Edward Raczyński (1786-1845) in Poznań

28 Jan 2009
Travel / Polish Architecture [147]

Who is Branicki?.

Count Jan Klemens Branicki, Great Crown Hetman and patron of art and science.

This residency has been build in late 18th century.
28 Jan 2009
Travel / Polish Architecture [147]

Branicki residency in Białystok, Poland.
25 Jan 2009
UK, Ireland / Britain... What the Poles did for us. [444]

Yeah, I make them clear to my DOS/HOS and students when I teach.

It is not about Seanus but British plans in general.
25 Jan 2009
UK, Ireland / Britain... What the Poles did for us. [444]

British want all countries to enter the EU just because they want to destroy it (they want Israel, Algieria, Marocco onece they wanted Australia to join EU).

I'd like to see EU treaty being signed just make them fuked up.

Anny way they formed their country into colony shape ...
21 Jan 2009
Work / Studies In Poland, is it easy to survive on part-time jobs? [259]

Well Białystok trades mostly with east so English is less helpful in business, unemployment is below Polish average but wages are below this averge as well.

As to academic level there hmmm Białystok has one of the best Medical Univerisites (2nd in Poland).
20 Jan 2009
History / Battle of Grunwald 1410 The biggest medieval battle. Germans smashed. [174]

Polands allies durring this battle

Lithuanians nad Tatars mentioned is 2:00 minute of this movie.

500 Russians

(nice movie made by Russians from mediveal festival in Poland)

and some Czechs.

Grunwald 2008 14/18: Inscenizacja bitwy (it is good party) - every summer in Poland

18 Jan 2009
Genealogy / I am interested in tracing any of my Polish-Lithuanian relatives Sadowski [23]

Well Sadowski family can belong to different Polish Coats of Arms but if you don't know about your heritage ... I can't help you ...

Here are some famous Sadowski's :



Polish (there are differences)

There is asteroid called Sadowski:

18702 Sadowski 1998 HG68 John Paul Sadowski, 2003 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF) winner †

Here is map with Sadowski names in Poland.

(Mostly North East Poland)
18 Jan 2009
Genealogy / I am interested in tracing any of my Polish-Lithuanian relatives Sadowski [23]

Sadowski's family can belong to 3 different coats of arms ( I don't know to which you belong to) .

One of them is mine (Rola coat of Arms).

Sadowski is very good name first know Pole in America was Sadowski

Anthony Sadowski - Polish Pioneer

but he was from Nałęcz Coat of Arms ...
5 Jan 2009
Travel / Polish Architecture [147]

wooden houses are typical only in our neighbourhood.




5 Jan 2009
Travel / Polish Architecture [147]

I don't want to look like Bratwurst in different debate when he realised that Reichstag had been build by Pole he argued that it was rebuild and now it is "true" German building... but I don't agree with statements suggesting that folk culture is true Polish and all european trends like Renaissance, Baroque or something like that are not true Polish because came from Italy ... and were brought by somebody.

Now we are going to have new eco-style...noticable in whole world.

Edward Konieczny is nominated to Mies van der Rohe award 2009.

As to German influences (If you work in this industry you should know wallpaper magazine):

Is Warsaw the new Berlin?

Aatrial House, built for a family of three, rises from a beautiful open site not far from Opole in the Southern Polish region of Silesia.

Aatrial house. Robert Konieczny

It is polish architecture but it is part of worldwide trend.

No but as you have quoted the renaissance began in Italy, they had top architects come from Italy to Krakow to do it here.

In 16th century Poland was one of the richest countries in Europe so there was many Scots or Italians immigrating to Poland.

I am not specialist in Kraków's architecture so I am not going to discuse the history of buildings you have posted.

As to Poznań Old Market has been build long before strong influences you have mentioned.

Poznań's Town Hall (Ratusz) was first documented in Latin in 1310 as Domus Consulum.[1] The building was completed in 1300 during the reign of Wacław II Czeski. It was a one-storey building built upon a raised quadrangle..

5 Jan 2009
Travel / Polish Architecture [147]

I think it look like German Architecture

In my opinion it is renesance architecture... inside part of old market is typical Renaissance.

have posted are actually Italian architecture


Yet it remains unsure why the Renaissance began in Italy, and why it began when it did.

Do you call all Renaissance buildings in Europe Italian ? Nooo