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Posts by Kazikowski  

Joined: 2 Oct 2008 / Male ♂
Last Post: 10 Feb 2012
Threads: Total: 17 / In This Archive: 12
Posts: Total: 101 / In This Archive: 74

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7 May 2014
Law / Setting up small business in Poland? [191]

If you have the cash/capital, I wouldnt bother searching for a business partner. You are more than capable of doing everything yourself business-wise.

Two great sites with loads of information which I recommend:


Loads of info. Good Luck with your ideas and ventures!
28 Apr 2014
Real Estate / Are Mortgage brokers licenced in Poland? Can anyone become an real estate agent? [18]

Heya I too have taken up an interest in real estate, so my search led me here :p I've actually read so much stuff I think there is potential in it, particularly in Poland. I've read an interesting article the other day though can't remember where exactly, I think it was on the PolesMakeMoney website. I'm 97% decided to go for it! Not to become an agent but set up a chain of agencies in the major cities. I've thought about this for years but never was eager to do the years of study.
11 Jul 2013
Law / Opening "Budke Gastronomiczna" [37]

I am aware whose toes im walking on, roughly. And the chip truck is always good. Everyone knows that on chips you can easily earn 300-400% but need something extra I think a usp. I will examine everything more in depth in the next few days.
11 Jul 2013
Law / Opening "Budke Gastronomiczna" [37]

Cities are great for business but I'm adament about starting out in the country. A service road coming off the main road is a good idea. Need some land :/
11 Jul 2013
Law / Opening "Budke Gastronomiczna" [37]

I just can't see the GDDKiA agreeing to what you've done there. You need to find an area that you can rent that is clearly off-road, without causing an obstruction to the main road, that has enough space for parking and so on. Such a place isn't going to come cheap, because anyone owning such a place will know of its potential to be used for such a thing.

All valid points. I find the idea great, however there are many many aspects which need to be addressed: Sanepid, GDDKiA, security, BHP, electricity, etc. I'm certain the idea is good[b][/b]. People must eat all year. Delph I think your point about obstruction on the roads is my most major concern, as the other details can be ironed out. Other people have done it (maybe not beside main roads, but on streets), check out these fotos:

11 Jul 2013
Law / Opening "Budke Gastronomiczna" [37]

go back home you've just had your "vacation


Correct me if I am wrong

thanks for pointing that out.

if a prepared food item costs you 50% of its retail price just in raw material, then you are not on top of your game

I thought so too to be honest, but seeing as I haven't contacted any companies yet, I've estimated 50% as the worst case in terms of margins.

However, I think your estimate of energy cost is a bit conservative. With the grill fired up several hours a day, energy may very well be your highest overhead.

Probably. Especially if its powered by a generator.
11 Jul 2013
Law / Opening "Budke Gastronomiczna" [37]

won't be any new funds until next year

If that won't work, then I'll use my savings which I've put aside for investment.

Sanepid will be interested - you need to make sure that they're happy. Have you thought about how you're going to keep them quiet?

Cross that bridge when I get to it. I don't think anyone can plan what sanepid will say, but I'd have to try to cover what I can. Normally these "budki gastronomiczne" can come with a sanepid certificate.

Security - how will you ensure that the site is secure, as well as providing adequate parking facilities?

Cameras. I've installed a many.

BHP - what about the safety of people on your site?

Not familiar with BHP, so its something I'd have to get a grasp of.

What about the GDDKiA? They will get involved if your place causes any disturbance to the main road - and you also have the issue of needing to comply with planning laws.

Need to look into this still. I am after all in preliminary planning, getting facts together, trying to test plausibility.
11 Jul 2013
Law / Opening "Budke Gastronomiczna" [37]

Three times as much work and four times as many problems

What other work do you mean? With good organization and staff it should be ok. I AM afraid, that I will basically work from early to late, and that's not living at all. BUT I don't see it that way if ALL the cogs are working properly.

do you seriously expect a single member of staff to manage the whole operation with only two hours per day of supervision from you?

yes. if they can't then fire them and hire someone else. all they have to do is make kababs all day. I'm the one who organizes re-stocking etc.

process has tightened up somewhat. In many ways it is classic Poland

I won't deny that the administrative paperwork will probably overwhelm me.
11 Jul 2013
Law / Jobs and Economic Status in Poland [64]

Could it be, that one sees the economy based on their own lives. I mean, if a person works in a collapsing building industry, and other in a booming texstyle industry, then one says life is great where the other that life's a struggle.
11 Jul 2013
Law / Opening "Budke Gastronomiczna" [37]

It's not worth the invcstment, then, if this is all that you exect to make

Open 2 and you'll make 3000zl

try to make a living as a teacher

hate it

Everything you make until then should be put back into the business

Re-investment is everything

I wouldn't even think of staff costs or having a social life

According to my calculations, selling 50 kebabs should cover it. Even if my own earnings will be for example 1000zl less, meaning 500zl a month for me, its still affordable (just need to open like 4).

What about your rent? You're not going to manage to rent a place at the side of the road for 1500zl...

In the closest town, a 15m2 space near the old town costs 500zl. So assuming on a road between 2 towns (in amongst villages), it will be significantly cheaper than 500zl. Just need to borrow 10 x 5m from a farmer and I cant work from there.

it's highly unlikely that you'll get funding to open a kebab shop

I've got that covered. Got someone on the inside, who say's that I could get a grant for whatever I want. She would make sure of it.
10 Jul 2013
Law / Opening "Budke Gastronomiczna" [37]

Ryz, about the funding, I look at it like this: All I need is about 40-60 thousand zl to buy one of those "gastronomicznych przyczep/kontenerow". I don't care for other stuff. If the business goes upside down within 12 months then the fundee has to repay the dotation, so given the "IF" I'd rather borrow as little as possible. Oh if my idea materializes then I'll gladly give you a free kebab on the house.

newpip, kebabs do appeal to the masses, and "mase robi kase". Youth's will go for kebabs over a healthy sandwich. Especially...hey now here is the proven thing about hunger... the hungrier someone is, the more they crave unhealthy food. proven scientifically. I prefer healthy sandwiches like PRET in London, but I can't envision the masses going for it.

Here is my breakdown:
50 Kebabs a day for 10zl = 500zl a day X 30 days = 15,000zl a month
15,000 - 7500 (half is the production cost of a kebab) = 7500
MINUS 2000 (elec, water, gas)
MINUS 1000 (bloody ZUS)
MINUS Czynsz/Dzierzawe 100zl
= 4400 - 19% taxes
= 3500
MINUS 1 worker 2000zl
= 1500zl for me
10 Jul 2013
Law / Opening "Budke Gastronomiczna" [37]

That's pretty affluent and intelligent advice. I certainly wouldn't invest more than I have, but would make use of a EU grant for funding and trial this idea for 1 year.

I think its a good idea overall, but ZUS scares me to be honest.
10 Jul 2013
Law / Opening "Budke Gastronomiczna" [37]


So I've been in Poland for a year. First 8 months on vacation, next 4 months looking for a job. I like it here, but job-wise its terrible. So its come time to decide whether I want to go back home, or "create my own job". I've been brainstorming several ventures and come up with this business idea: A "Budka Gastronomiczna" on a "trasowa droga" between 2 towns in Kujawia. Selling kebabs as they are most popular. In a economic crisis people still must eat, and eat all-year-round.

Thoughts Ideas ???
5 Mar 2012
Work / Student cost of living in Poland (Transport / Rent / Food / Courses)? [5]

Heya! Now ive seen hundreds of threads bout the cost of living in various cities, but have not yet read about costs and expenses in the students life. Anyone has insight?

The way I see it, monthly:
Transport - $100
Czynsz & oplaty - $350 shared (or more if indie room)
Food - ???
Courses & study material - ???

As some might know, ive posted about various avenues to pursue for new travellers to poland, and came with 4 solutions: teach, work, business, or save up some savings to recon the country. I havent investigated yet the possibility of being a student. REALLY interested to know costs.
9 Feb 2012
Language / "Pan" or "Ty" - how people address each other in Poland? [55]

Hiyaz! In too many movies and media younger people address older people by using "Ty". Seems inappropriate as traditionally you would say it formally "Pan" or "Panie" or "Pani". Whats it actually like in Poland??? Also, as I'm in my 20's, is it customary to address everyday people of my same age as "pan" or "ty"???
25 Jan 2012
Travel / Predicting the Summer 2012 weather in Poland [6]

Hi. Any predictions as to this years summer? Just seems this incredibly hot belated winter could have impact on this years summer season. Could it be rainy or scorching summer this year?
25 Jan 2012
Love / Any Polish Muslim girls living in Poland? [103]

I think the "enemies" reply was based on the fact that in todays time the two countries dont "cheer for the same team". Simply said...come war there would be conflict. So I think that comment is more macro scaled in this thread rather than to do with relationships. At least thats MY take on it, I may be wrong.
25 Jan 2012
Australia / I would love to meet Poles living in Sydney [56]

Theres lotsa pol ppl in sydney. I was there few weeks back and overheard several groups of ppl speaking polish. None here in Brissie though...if I ever come across anyone polish i'll run buy a lotto ticket.
14 Dec 2011
Feedback / Polish Forums Android / iPhone app? [14]

Polish Forums Android / iPhone app?

Is there? Will there be? I would be online more often and I think others too would.be more connected.

29 Oct 2011
Work / Englishman seeking non teaching work asap - to stay in Poland or ..? [37]

If you don't have the experience, confidence, dedication and commitment to teach in Poland, you're not going to succeed here at all. All in all, teaching is one of the easier things here to do

Okay so you say its one of the easiest ways to earn a living. But what I mean is, for me, teaching will be as unpleasant as as working in a call centre. I never considered myself to BE a teacher. I don't care for it, and I'd rather put my efforts into doing something that I will enjoy. Still have to find out what that could be.

Delph, I agree with you that anyone who doesn't put 100% dedication into whatever they do, won't succeed.
29 Oct 2011
Work / Englishman seeking non teaching work asap - to stay in Poland or ..? [37]

Topic is "Englishman seeking non teaching work asap". Key word is non-teaching. As I'm in a similar situation (well planning phase), I have wiped teaching from my list of options. Neither am I experienced or confident, and I do not possess the dedication and commitment to gain a CELTA. Teaching is out! Its just not me! I'm interpreting richwright to be the same, somewhat.

Can I just ask....and this is a question which I'm trying to answer about myself as well...what is your interest in Poland (Krakow) and what do you want to achieve there?

The End Goal?