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Posts by nunczka  

Joined: 13 Sep 2008 / Male ♂
Last Post: 28 Feb 2013
Threads: Total: 8 / In This Archive: 4
Posts: Total: 457 / In This Archive: 192
From: USA
Speaks Polish?: Honky style
Interests: loafing

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23 Dec 2013
Language / What is the Polish word for "friend"? [13]

I am probably going to make an ass out of myself. But does Komater mean anything to y'all..I know that we Americans slaughtered the Polish language but this is what I remember.. Przyjaciel was also used.
30 Oct 2013
USA, Canada / Only one county in the USA has more Polish-Americans than any other group! [38]

DominicB, hit it right on the head..One still sees scores of Polish names in America. But just as Dominic said ,the Polish language has all but disappeared in the states. I for one can still speak it.. I am 88 yrs old and picked it up in a Polish speaking household. We used a lot of slang words that are unheard of in Poland. Unless a person from Poland speaks very slowly to me, I have problems understanding them..
1 Apr 2013
Food / Borscht - Zurek / Bialy barszcz recipe [153]

This is actually ZUREK.. But it is also called WHITE BORSCHT.. For those who want to try it, make sure you temper the sour cream with a little hot water.. If not the soup will curdle
30 Mar 2013
Food / Recipe for babka? [5]

Merged: Making Babka with Poppy Seed

As a 1st generation Polish American' I grew up on Poppy seed (MACK) Babka. I still have my Moms grinder and a source to purchase Poppy seed. My problem is as to mix with the Poppy seed.. I bought some already prepared in a can, but it was lousy'''Does anybody have any suggestions on what the secret is. All of my relatives are dead, and the recipe went with them
13 Feb 2013
USA, Canada / Looking to buy a vacation condo. St. Petersburg FL area. Pros / Cons? [6]

Condo's are a dime a dozen. You might consider a time share. As far Polish people go you will find that although there are many Polish decendant's all over Florida. But they do not gather in one neighborhood. But it is not too hard to find a lot of Polish clubs all over Florida
28 Aug 2012
USA, Canada / Where could I go in Pittsburgh that has a high population of Polish-Americans? [39]

Don't know if they are everywhere.

Baltimore has just the neighborhood that you described. It was originally a mixed neighborhood occupied by Polish, German,and Irish immigrants, It is known as Canton. As the old folks died off and the kids moved into the suburbs,there was an influx of young professionals that started to move in. Old can companies were converted into condominiums on the waterfront. Where there were once merchant ships, there appeared expensive yachts owned by the Yuppies. Homes that once could be bought for $5,000.00 now cost up to $500,000.00.. Blacks could not afford the prices and were kept to a minimum.. This is one of the last desired neighborhoods left in Baltimore
19 Aug 2012
Life / Polish people and racism. [943]

Oh hush up you old nutter...

It is nice to see that you/all have so much love for each other.. Actually I find it that you/all deserve each other, It could not have happened to a better country
19 Aug 2012
USA, Canada / Where could I go in Pittsburgh that has a high population of Polish-Americans? [39]

Pip When was the last time that you were in Philadelphia? It has become one of the most decaying cities on the east coast.

As documented by the 2010 Census, Philadelphia has experienced significant changes in its ethnic and racial composition over the last two decades, with many neighborhoods undergoing sweeping transformations.

Since 1990, the city’s white population has fallen by nearly a third. The black population has shifted to new parts of the city. The Asian population has more than doubled. And the rapidly growing Hispanic

population has expanded far beyond its traditional home in eastern North Philadelphia.
The changes were especially striking in Northeast Philadelphia, which went from 92 percent white in 1990 to 58.3 percent white in 2010. Despite losing one-third of its white residents during the period, the Northeast grew in population by 5.4 percent, thanks to an array of new arrivals.

Look out Canada.. You are next
19 Aug 2012
Life / Polish people and racism. [943]

I think that Poles are noticing how integration destroyed America ,, and the riots that they brought to England,amd France, find that this is something they can do without.
19 Aug 2012
USA, Canada / Where could I go in Pittsburgh that has a high population of Polish-Americans? [39]

It sounds like those Pennsylvania hills are calling you home. Whats wrong with Florida? Too hot?? Not according to what I saw in the NE this summer.. 108 degrees.. I lived in Florida for forty years.. I have yet to see it go over 100.. But we have 8 months of beautiful weather., Oh yes! there is such a thing like air conditioning
19 Aug 2012
USA, Canada / Where could I go in Pittsburgh that has a high population of Polish-Americans? [39]

What you are looking for is no longer available out side of Chicago. After WW2 ethnic neighborhoods began to change. We GI's came home from the war and life as we left it began to change.. Some of us went to college under the GI bill, others went into blue collar jobs which were plentiful due to the transformation from a war time production to civilian products. America was on a roll. Many of us moved into the suburbs. The old folks began to die off. The old ethnic neighborhoods began to change a lot of it was caused by white flight. People started to make good money and found greener pastures. Life is no longer like the life of the European immigrants.. You have to look no further than Detroit. At one time Detroit was very Polish and other ethnic populations\of European origin.

As the population thinned out,the churches which held the people together began to disappear. There went the Polish schools taught by Catholic Nuns.. In my city (Baltimore) things began to disintegrate Polish was no longer taught in Parochial schools.. The was no longer a need for Polish speaking households. (The old folks learned to speak English)
6 Aug 2012
Language / Using the correct grammar is stopping me from progressing with Polish language [35]

I am not too sure about PR.. As an American, I find that Europeans have the knowledge to speak many languages..Unlike most Americans,you find the ability to speak foreign languages as a rare gift..

Could it be that the borders are so close with many foreign toungues, that it is a must to be bilingual?
16 Jul 2012
Language / The Polish word for fart? [28]

My parents used the word.. (Pierdzuk) I suppose it depended on where you came from in Poland
5 Jul 2012
Genealogy / my Polish Grandfather in Hitler Youth? HOW? [65]

There is a good chance that your grandfather came from Pomerania, or he could have been a Kashubian. Prior to WW2 these people were as much German as they were Polish. My Mother came from Turin and attended a German school. She spoke fluent German along with her Polish. They made sure that she knew all about the Kaiser.

Also as the war progressed, a lot of other countries fell under the German rule and were drafted into the Wehrmacht. During the end of WW2 we Americans captured a lot of Polish soldiers fighting for Germany

They had no intent to die for Hitler. Our POW cages were filled with foreign conscripts