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Posts by Lodz_The_Boat  

Joined: 7 Sep 2008 / Male ♂
Last Post: 27 Jan 2014
Threads: Total: 32 / In This Archive: 14
Posts: Total: 1522 / In This Archive: 755
From: Lodz
Speaks Polish?: yes
Interests: chatting

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15 Jan 2013
Law / Before we buy the next t-shirt in Poland... [3]

Yeah. I know about Awaaz, its a Trade Union kind of a thing, but its not really helpful if you intend to understand what you are buying, rather than perhaps to believe a few people who say that are representing the workers. There is another Trade Union known as NGWF and operates in the same country - Bangladesh.

The interest part here is that their operations are practically non-coordinated and if less helpless to cosumers than what firms like RISE Society would offer. There was a certain man named Khorshed Alam, a good friend of mine, and he had many connections with European Researchers and Labor right people. Khorshed used to fund and cultivate these Trade Unions including Awaaz. I have purchased from Bangladesh quite a few times and have also worked with Brands when I did a job for one of them, I basically know how that country works.

Since Khorshed died, his firm dissolved (it was basically a one man show thing). The best of whatever he had and other real good folks joined up to launch RISE Society, and it looks very promising to me. They have a good set up, and this is what the labor right folks and researchers need to have a greater insight in Bangladesh.

More than just to view "truth", it becomes very important to know "unbiased" truth. The Trade Union, Manufacturer or Brand are all players at separate ends of the rope. Its best to get someone from outside of this game to work in favor of getting information out, thus a replacement of Khorshed Alam was neccessary in Bangladesh for conducting good researches with internal sources.

The biggest problems Brands or buyers of garment from these places face is the challenge that all nation in their early industrial period face "lack of ethics and sweatshops". The recent factory fires in Bangladesh saw no brand coming forward to help them. The Manufacturers allied with some greedy Union Leaders and paid them some money, called the press, and informed the world that the victims have been compensated. This is not what the end user deserve. The end user needs to know the whole truth and only then we can have a fair trade and a better world.

We need the new industrialized nations to manufacture for developed economies which are more service sector oriented. However, we have to ensure fairness, otherwise humanity pays a big price which can have dire consequences.

I still recommend Research Initiative for Social Equity Society (RISE Society) in Bangladesh above anything. I know that the people in there can really do their job well.
15 Jan 2013
Law / Before we buy the next t-shirt in Poland... [3]

We must become aware about sweatshop and brutalization of labor in some of the most needy countries in the world.

Bangladesh is one of the biggest hub for Polish (and European) ready made garment buyers. However we need to buy ethically made cloths otherwise we are only encouraging slavery further in this world.

Along with Clean Cloth and Fair Wear (established in Europe), there is a research firm on labor and industrial issues based in Bangladesh known as the RISE Society;

fanpage: facebook.com/rise.society
blog: risebd.wordpress.com
website: risebd.com (under construction)
email: tunazzinasahaly@yahoo; sahaly@risebd.com

These guys are awesome with their information network and statistics. It is raised by people who I've known from a long time. They've worked in some of the best projects which helped change the world for millions of such workers.

I have been involved in the RMG sector myself and went to India and Bangladesh representing Polish buyers. The conditions are sometimes really fishy when it comes to ethics and I recommend RISE Society to anyone who would like to check the firm's standards and reputation before coming into any kind of agreement with them.

23 Nov 2012
Love / Polish couples living out of wedlock? [108]

Get married if you love her. If you have no confidence in the relationship - then you are just under a shelter, not a home.
4 Oct 2012
News / Prediction: Poland to be World Superpower in XXI century [147]

[Moved from]: Had Poland been a superpower...

Have you ever wondered how the world would be had Poland been the sole Superpower in this Globe?

I think peace would've prevailed and the world could atlast breath a lung full of fresh air. We are naturally very friendly and respect diversity a lot. I think Poles are designed by nature to govern the world in its never ending search for peace.

This possibility cannot be completely erased that one fateful day, Poland will rise and the world would see its glory!

How do you think it will affect global politics and economy?
29 Sep 2012
Law / RE: Apostillization/Legalization of Documents by Polish national to be used in India [14]

Besides I have been ready to convert myself into Christian

Religion is meaningless for you? God is meaningless.... no firm belief system, no stable identity.... oneday your love for the girl would erode too as you don't really belong to anything, only there till the day your heart doesn't float elsewhere to something of a renewed interest.
2 Sep 2012
News / 1.3% birth rate = Poland's slow death [221]

The younger generation cannot constantly care for the older one

This is not how it should be. This is not the way we Poles are naturally. This is what the Americanization brought us too ... we just need to get rid of hit hopefully.
2 Sep 2012
News / 1.3% birth rate = Poland's slow death [221]

Hollywood's and mainstresm media anti-marriage propaganda, greed, selfishness, career obsession, narcissism (stretch-mark fear!), short-sightedness, here and now obsession or what?

I've always said the same. Its very unfortunate the way our population is declining. I would personally hope to wipe off all access to Hollywood crap forever. This "hollywood" culture will eat away our society. They show disrespect, and racism aswell. They show no faith on marriage. Anyones wife can start an affair or kiss others any moment, having casual sex is seen to be 'normal'.

I respect their own freedom to be what they want to be, but we Poles need to take a grip on our reality.

Actually its a European problem. I remember watching "From Paris with love". The French should kick the movie, but we are nothing more than loosers these days. Fools.
31 Aug 2012
Love / Are polish men very welcoming to foreigner and my doubts? [30]

Be careful when you are with him. Learn to understand him, and if he is interested to marry too, then talk about it. Have patience, encourage him to take a deeper look into his career. I think he will be very lucky to have you as his partner :).

My wife is a South Korean, and we have a daughter too. Its a wonderful experience, however, only with serious people. Unfortunately many stupid and selfish people are around in this world, and in every nationality.

Good luck.
29 Aug 2012
Love / Interracial Polish girls [19]

I recommend reading (and seeing) two related threads in PF (that I came across):

Multiracial Poles

I believe in an evolutionary process which brings the world and its stakes close enough to mix into one humanity. Mixed race is The Race of the future. You all may argue but thats my perception and I'm quite confident about it.
23 Aug 2012
Love / A Polish womans relationship with her mother in law. [44]

Please tell me, are women in Poland kind a respectful to their mother in laws?

Absolutely NOT.

I remember the relationship of my mother with my grandmother, and it was that of respect and friendship.

Your English son is the one who disrespects you, and your daughter in law is just ordinary. She chose a man who has no family values first hand, and I wonder how he must be treating her at this moment. Someone who cannot respect his mother will never respect anybody in life.

As for your question again, in a more general sense ... I would like to provide you a similar link for study (a woman asking about Polish daughter in law long time ago in this forum):

Polish girls and traditions

This was another mother in law from a COMPLETELY DIFFERENT background trying to come to terms with a girl as her daughter in law who she never saw before in her life. I think they are doing fine till now, as she said it was OK back then. Its long time ago, but thanks for the archives its still there, and I remember each event in PF whichever occured infront of me. YOU MUST go through that link.

People are people, they come in good and bad. However when it comes to traditions, I still believe that Polish girls are much better in it than others in Western Europe.

I would like to question you also: How did you raise such an indecent child? A mother is ones first educator.... so you need to ask the questions and find the answers yourself before you expect your son and your daughter in law (who once tried to be respectful, but lost it as your son doesn't even regard you worth a penny) to answer it.

Sorry if I sounded harsh ... but I like to talk straight.
19 Aug 2012
Life / Ideas for constructive Immigration methods for Poland. [30]

Congratulations Lodz_The_Boat! You won today's prize

Thank you for it.

If you can highlight your points in bullet form ... that is, what you would wish the Polish immigration system to include. It would be better.

And if you wish to add more explanations, add them under your bullet points in a paragraph. That would be better.
19 Aug 2012
Life / Ideas for constructive Immigration methods for Poland. [30]

Poland is a member of the EU. Do you understand? OK.

I understand where you are coming from Bieganski. But that is a place Poland will not go to.

Students will come through scholarships, it is something which is a wide debate in the Polish society, and its mostly in favor of scholarship.

As for me voting from my feet ... don't worry, my hand is still ok. I see you joined on march this year, that makes you a new comer unless its your fake ID in here. I presume you will join that dead and ever decaying group of racists who think that are the only people on this planet, and thus have been given the privilege to represent society. Even when they come from a country no where near Poland. Maybe some grand pa of yours was from Poland ... but thats another story.

What you are trying to say is that unemployed people from other EU countries should come in. But who is stopping those people? Do you know?

We have our unemployment issues too. The value that skilled and intellectual immigrant can add to society is far more than what your shortsighted perspective can see I feel. Its not just about the labor, but about the diversity and depth of knowledge that can drive a nations success story.

Yes, I do have an agenda. But that agenda is balanced and progressive. Not just a right wing rant which is not heart meets the others with bullets and bombs, cares less about the age of sex of the people they kill. I am someone who prefers logic and a belief that the world is one and man in all its forms are one race. We need to share and do the best we can to give our future generations a better planet to live in.
18 Aug 2012
Life / Ideas for constructive Immigration methods for Poland. [30]

why they are getting free education in a post-communistic country??

They are not. But Scholarships go to deserving student, and we have very few of them even, This must increase. Your hotel stuff goes over my head. I don't know what you are talking about.

If you really are so pro-immigration like you claim then you should go spend the rest of your life in Korea

Where are you from Bieganski? USA or UK?

By the way, I am a Polish and this reason is enough for me to think of Poland and its future. S Korea is a much developed nation, more than many in Europe including us Poles. It has its own immigration policies, and it benefits with a model of massive scholarship schemes to genuine and intellectual students. Please check the policies on education of the Asian Tigers (Korea is one of them).

I am not biased. Had I been, I would echo the opening of all borders without rules or regulations like many of my pro immigration POLISH friends ask for. Yes, they are just as Polish as I am or any other so called ETHNIC Pole is.

My family is my bloodline, and they have been such that I can remember and be proud of. This is perfectly normal, and should be something to treasure. Something that people with family and roots understand.

I mentioned in my Topic that only reasonable comments can make itself worthy. Comments fueled with other racist or primitive mentality issues is really not even worth a pity since the Norway shooting incident.

Every country benefits from highly skilled and diverse minds as part of their community. We Poles would want the same. Incase you, from your computer in USA, didn't know .... Poland historically have been a very welcoming country, and that is a part of our culture. In the modern world, we would like to build on it with new settlers who are willing to add to our values and build our intellectual capacity.

EU does not just comprise of whites, there are many ethnicities which are a part of modern day Europe. This is a reality which cannot be denied by any sane human. This is the reality of tomorrow's world and Europe.

While I mention immigration, I include not only Egyptian, Indian, or Asians ... but also other nationalities from Americas to Oceania. ANYONE. Even from outer space :).

If your agenda is a far right agenda, this is certainly not your thread. Its a thread which is pro immigration but discussing ways to make it more valuable for Poland. Anti Imigration sentiments are out of its framework. There are hundreds of threads in PF about those agendas, and you can very well post in them. However, if you have anything that can add value to an immigration policy common to the whole world for Poland (and not apartheid type, of segregationalistic kind of thing), you may mention in a good structured manner. Everyone would be delighted to read and analyse. BUT IT SEEMS YOU DONT.
18 Aug 2012
Life / Ideas for constructive Immigration methods for Poland. [30]

Yes, but you still speak for yourself not the other 38 million Poles.

I know more Poles than you do. To begin with, I am one. More? My forefathers have fought for this land and its freedom.

Even more is that I belong to a family which has been involved with the way Poland moves forward with time since a long period of time.

I've been involved with many student associations throughout my student life, and found that the few international students we had would find ways to earn a living. They do manage funds from home too, however, to disclose record amounts of money does not ensure anything, but only gives scope to the rougue and not to a true student who is not supposed to have such alarming amount of money at that stage of life. Certainly, I believe that to disclose so much fund is useless, rather a better law enforcement and more opportunities is the key. This also opens the door of cooperation between Poles and the international students. This widens the horizons of knowledge and understanding.

Some come down with these diseases and don't realize it until many months after they are infected

I mentioned that before getting a VISA, they must get cleared on the critical illness/disease check. After coming to Poland if they contract those diseases here, then they should get medical attention like any other Pole. But before entering, they need to be cleared. Thats all.


By this we can make an attempt to secure the best from the rest. It is worth a try.

The whole premise of your argument is that Poles are lacking

Absolutely wrong. Thus the rest of the things you wrote after this is null.
18 Aug 2012
Life / Ideas for constructive Immigration methods for Poland. [30]

But you are just a student

I used to be... once. A good one at that.

I have my own business, a wife and a daughter now. I think I've travelled and I've lived in my own country since long enough to propose such a change. Every change is very much possible.

If you read the first post (topic post), then you will find it easier to understand that I am talking about an immigration rule which will bring "good" immigration and keep out the bad. The bad ones far outnumber the good. It controls the whole process and tries to make it easier for the goods to come to Poland if they wish.

The call for immigration to fill whatever gaps exist in Polish society fails to address why such gaps exist in the first place.

We will go the way nature goes, but in the best possible way. Whether we put better laws or not, immigration will happen. Its the law of nature and the way mankind always progressed. Thus, our best chances for future is to have a good system in place for the best chances to have the best immigrants possible.

Most who immigrated to Poland have married among Poles. This makes me feel that eventually all will be Polonized :)
18 Aug 2012
Life / Ideas for constructive Immigration methods for Poland. [30]

I guess, in Germany

Germany has many immigrants who are not students. I will not accept your argument because I've made some wonderful friends who are doing excellent in Poland, and one recently had success in his business and now creates jobs in which he employs a few Poles in RELEVANT fields of their study (which is rare these days for job seekers in Poland).

If someone get a scholarship, they deserve the facilities you mentioned. This can go with Polish students too, if they do well in their studies. A higher level of competition can do benefit to our community, not harm.

To get a scholarship is not something a hooligan can get. Its a tough thing.

Poles still have a better chance with our education system. Study our system before making a comment.
18 Aug 2012
Life / Ideas for constructive Immigration methods for Poland. [30]


It is an interesting link to study. I would recommend it.

I think we in Poland are not aiming for following the American model, rather we would benefit from the experiences of other nations for our development. It is important that we forecast our future labor shortage, and need of intellect and skills and take the advantage from pools of talent across the globe.

feel guilty

Its not about guilt or anything. Its about strategising and using ones own sovereignty to shape the destiny of ones own country. As a global community we would love to share experiences, but eventually take our own decisions.

Educated Poles in their majority wish the country would be a little more diverse :) ... but more important, benefit from the Global pool of intellectual capacity.
16 Aug 2012
Off-Topic / I am a Pariah: My Horror Story [44]

Americans always have a problem wherever they go. They have a problem when they come to my country, Poland, and they have lots of complains and find way too many things funny or offensive.

I met a few Americans in my trip to India and Bangladesh, and the same story. They found everything offending and tried to hurry and compare each other their own country only to discover that they were OH SO GREAT!!!.

This is really crap and I feel so much more comfortable not being around such people, regardless of their nationality ofcourse.
16 Aug 2012
Love / How many Polish girls are married to foreigners? / How many Polish boys to foreign girls? [104]

to have multi-Slavic nation like before WWII

You know nothing of Poland before ww2. Infact, you might not be in Poland right now either. I can safely assume you are an american.

Polish men and women are citizens of a free country and can make their own decisions. No need for interference.

Yes, inter marriages in Poland are less than it is in UK, maybe because we dont have foreigners that much. But those who come here are so fond of Poland and its people, that they stay here forever and are often found into wonderful relationships. White or not white does not matter, a good person matters. A good person is not a ********* or a casanova.
15 Aug 2012
Love / How many Polish girls are married to foreigners? / How many Polish boys to foreign girls? [104]

My wife is a South Korean, and I'm a Polish. We also have a child. I didn't meet her in US or other parts of Western Europe, but in Poland where she came on an academic trip. No, this romance was not like hollywood (puke), it was way better and more respectful and a wonderful experience. We are living a good life in Poland, with all good relationships with our parents and inlaws.

I didn't marry her because Polish girls are horriable. Infact, Polish girls are some of the best one can ever come across. But love is something that just happens, and its not explainable.

There are many Polish girls married with foreign men not for money, infact these men live and work hard to make a living in Poland along with their wife to support a decent family. There is nothing wrong with that.

There are some Polish men married with decent foreign girls too, not because our women are horriable, but just because its a new world and we are a part of it. Love is best when it happens for its own sake, and not material boundaries.

Your post seems to be highlighting that you love to date women of different nationalities. If that is true, you are the one with the problem, not the woman. You don't have love, but you are just trailing on your lust.

Be careful.
6 Jul 2012
Polonia / Accomodation in Prague [4]

The Czech rep. is one of the most beautiful (if not THE most beautiful) places in Europe. You will be mezmerized... :)... lovely to trek!
25 Jun 2012
Language / Should I just learn German? [55]

Learn Russian. Germans are learning English very well, while the Russians have considerable number of speakers who do not know English. In this way it will help your future career and widen your horizon.