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Posts by whyikit  

Joined: 1 Sep 2008 / Male ♂
Last Post: 9 Jan 2015
Threads: Total: 6 / In This Archive: 1
Posts: Total: 102 / In This Archive: 56
From: Edinburgh
Speaks Polish?: Starting to learn
Interests: Golf, Fishing

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24 Apr 2015
Real Estate / Stronger zloty - potential driver for Poland's property market [42]

Interesting discussion although you are missing a very important point with regard to the NOK, in that it is artificially pegged to the EUR.... Just like CHF use to be pegged to the EUR until it was removed earlier this year and we all saw the impact it had on the CHF-EUR rate...
12 Jan 2015
Life / Want to become an expat to Poland? Consider your options before going abroad. [18]

I have heard allot of people expressing how this is has a very negative impact on company moral when you find out the guy next to you is getting 1000 more to do the same job.

This happens across all industries and countries. So is nothing new or surprising, the only surprising thing is that people tell co-workers what they earn... I get the feeling this happens more with younger inexperienced employees...

the same seems to be happening now in the UK too, redundancies like me, I got replaced by a recruitment agency

This has been happening for years in the UK and is not a new thing.

I am really not sure why this surprises anyone. As a business you are looking to get the best value for owners/share holders, all that happened to your old company was you position was outsourced. The above situations have been happening since I started work in Financial servies over 15 years ago and in my view is a standard part of business to try and get best value for the company.
8 Jan 2015
Work / Overtime no honoured by employer in Poland [7]

I do not know what the laws are in Poland however in the UK you would have been laughed at. In all honesty if I was your manager I would be looking to manage you out of the business now. The company decided to let you away 2 hours early and you complained about coming in 30mins early which was your choice....
13 May 2014
UK, Ireland / British or polish Passport ' Advice feedback [47]

Oh dear someone has chip on their shoulder I feel....

Neither passport is better than the other as it depends on what country you are wanting to visit. For instance my Polish partner and I are traveling to the US, it is a lot easier for myself with a British passport to get the Visa. However if we were traveling to Russia for instance it would be a lot harder for me to get the visa.

"Who is more likely to be singled out, kidnapped for ransom, or killed on a hijacked plane or in far-flung war torn area of the globe? Someone waving a British passport around or someone who can produce a Polish passport?" That is one view the other is that the British passport will pay whilst you may has well shoot the Polish one as they will not, I am sure that is what you were meaning Bieganski?
19 Dec 2013
News / Poland's atheist loonies have had their 5 minutes [239]

Despite all this, lefists will still gripe and complain, since it is the Church itself they hate, pedophile priests and things like that are just an excuse.

No I would say that is your view point and not a fact. yes there are some who are anti religion but not most....

I am probably one of those you call a "lefists" however I do not see myself as such. I personally think The new pope has been a breath of fresh air and have for the first time in years agreed with what he has being saying (at times). I still think more can be done to sort the CC but feel he is at least moving in the right direction. He seems a lot better than the previous recent popes and is trying to sort some of the problems out.
2 Dec 2013
Life / Lack of human rights in Poland? [132]

Seems simple if you carry a knife with out reason you deserve to have the full weight of the law thrown at you. There is no reason why going to a football match you would need to take a knife, irrespective of the type of knife. The only reason they would have a knife is to stab someone, for me that is good enough reason to be locked up...
17 Sep 2013
Life / Why foreigners in Poland do not respect Poland's culture and traditions? [68]

Check definitions of traditions or culture and proceed from there.

I know what the definition is but that still doesn't explain what you are meaning?

Remember that even if there are difference in opinion about something you shouldn't take sides as you being foreigner don't fully understand what it all about. That would make your choices ill informed.

I disagree I still have a viewpoint and if I feel I want to air that viewpoint I would. If someone expects me to respect their viewpoint then surely they should also respect mine? With specifics though it difficult to understand what you are trying to say. For instance I remember reading sometime ago about a teacher asking pupils to lick cream of his knees because it was tradition, am I supposed to not say anything and allow my child to do that?
30 Jul 2013
History / Poland is a Catholic country [177]

You may think it is far fetched that anyone in Scotland would use religion as a source for identity

Especially when this sort of thing is still going on, the RCC has little to no hope in Scotland never mind the UK as a whole:


An interesting quote from the above article:

Alan Draper, an academic and former advisor to the Catholic Church in Scotland on child protection issues, said he found the BBC Scotland investigation both "moving and shocking".

He praised the men who shared their stories and said: "What we all saw, was that these men live with the trauma all the time.

"It is the failure of the institution. This is a worldwide issue for the Catholic Church - their failure to reach out to victims."
30 Jul 2013
History / Poland is a Catholic country [177]

spokesperson for Britain as you would like to think you are for Poland.

Coming from the latest spokesman from Scotland.... Kettle black?
30 Jul 2013
History / Poland is a Catholic country [177]

And if it so happens that the Vatican were to endorse or go further and recognize an independent Scotland you can bet it would be used as political capital by separatists.

Yes very it is very far fetched as Scotland has become less and less religious and that is not about to change soon. Due to the image the RCC has and the resulting the issue which happened over recent years there is little chance of that actually happening.

Even if the RCC supported an independent country this would do nothing for the RCC cause in Scotland. The main reason for this is that Scotland has had many religious tensions for a number of years and therefore would not be supported politically as it would cause a riot. This is still evident in a number of places, for instance football, although it is starting to get better I am lead to believe. The segregation that existed years ago is finally starting to leave although there are still areas this exists in the west of Scotland.

Scotland does not try to be different from the rest of the UK and does not look for reasons to be different as there is no need. The last thing that would be need would be to try and make a religious statement over an independence Scotland. To say we need a religion a source of identity is crazy, we know who we are and do not need to redefine ourselves.

Apologies for using the word stupid naïve would be a lot better as it is clear you know very little about the country and the attitudes of people here. I would say they is better chance of Sharia law taking effect in Scotland than it becoming a Catholic state.
29 Jul 2013
History / Poland is a Catholic country [177]

Bieganski, you know very little about the UK and even less about Scotland. Honestly you are just making yourself look stupid.
22 Jul 2013
History / Not only Mazowiecki damned an innocent bishop [74]

For well over a century teh USA has been the world's arsenal of democracy

Lets not talk about 2000 election...

f ghting for freedom wherever in the world it was being threatened

This is very debatable with most conflicts the US have been involved in

The USA is a noble coujntry fighting the ignominous forces of death and destruciton.

I would say large proportion of the world would say the US is the force of death and destruction.
8 Jul 2013
News / Poland's John Paul the Great canonisation this year [177]

I do not think so goofy... although this may depend on the country... Goofy as you are making the statement you should be able to back it up. Or is this just another rant without factual backing?
6 Jul 2013
News / Poland's John Paul the Great canonisation this year [177]

Correct very few things are 100% except taxes and death. However condoms and latex gloves are 99.97% I would prefer those odds to 0% as the RCC would like it.

In your world and RCC feel people who have been infected through no fault of their own should be condemned and ostracised. In my view that goes against what is Christian qnd did jesus not help the sick instead o condeming them?
4 Jul 2013
News / Poland's John Paul the Great canonisation this year [177]

The issue which people here will not agree is when does it become a child? Is it the first chemical reaction? Or later in the growth? To be fair noone knows no matter what we believe. Those that feel that is later can agree with abortion those that don't, don't.
4 Jul 2013
News / Poland's John Paul the Great canonisation this year [177]

But still no comment on the impact to the female.... Although from your other posts females are just possessions so their view doesn't count.

So if you were raped you wouldn't want them to use condom?
4 Jul 2013
News / Poland's John Paul the Great canonisation this year [177]

Why should a child suffer the consequences of rape?

So it is OK for the women to suffer these consequences then?

It is still a human life, as precious as yours, or mayby even more precious?

Exactly but if the person were not to use a condom they are in effect murdering the person they have slept with by infecting them with HIV? But in the views, I think, of yours and Polonius3 this is fine.
4 Jul 2013
News / Poland's John Paul the Great canonisation this year [177]

So someone who is raped they should not have the right to abort the child? For condoms if someone who is HIV positive has unprotected sex this is ok? In your view this is not attempted murder if not murder?
3 Jul 2013
Work / Dutch speaker (native) experienced in Finance: job opportunities in Poland [63]

One thing to remember about recruitment agencies they are effectively sales consultants and in my experience they will always show things in the most positive light.

the salary range is between 5000 - 7500 PLN gross, depending on the experience and the city (£odź is cheaper than Kraków, hence salaries are lower - for £ódź the salary is around 4000 PLN gross.
Pleease note that salary 6500 - 7500 in Krakó is given for candidates with relevant experience).

They say the salary range is from 5k to 7.5k then quote £ódź at 4k... Remember these are gross salaries, after tax and what not these will be around 30% (the rate given by other posters) less give or take so between 3.5k - 5.2k with £ódź at 2.8k. The consultant also states the higher salaries are for people with experience, not sure how much that would be but I would be thinking 5 years at least....

Given the above both on this board and the recruitment agency are saying around the same levels....
3 Jul 2013
Work / Dutch speaker (native) experienced in Finance: job opportunities in Poland [63]

I do not expect to earn 5000 zloty a month, but 2500 is certainly a lower-extreme which i frankly don't want to believe.

OK your expectation are now getting lower you initially wanted 6k - 7k per month net. 2.5k is on the lower end of of the ranges a lot are speaking about so you could get more. Now comparing you to your friend, the role they got probably required (I could be wrong) Spanish and a relevant degree that they had. So you could assume that you would get similar amounts. Yes you know a number of languages but you would not be compensated for them unless you can get a job that requires these languages. All because you know them doesn't mean you would be paid a higher amount if they are not required.

Your experience seems limited again unless you have been the new star of the department and leading these projects/teams? Now if you can find a job which 100% requires the languages you know, completely matches your experience and you interview very well then 5k may not be that far off. However is there a job out there for that? That is where the luck comes in (or you have contacts) and as said before this is main the factor probably.
1 Jul 2013
Work / Dutch speaker (native) experienced in Finance: job opportunities in Poland [63]

Ok I work in finance for a multinational investment firm with a large office in Poznan. I have employed numerous people in that office for instance I recently built a team of 10 data/research analysts. The salary you are wanting is not going to happen why? What you are wanting is what I would pay, probably slightly more, if I employed in the UK or Germany. However Poland is considered a low cost country for multinationals and therefore that impacts salaries offered. I do not think Delph estimates are that far off.

Not trying to be funny but 2 years experience is nothing, basically means you know how to work properly and would not need a 6 month induction program. However there are 2 ways you can get the salary you want, getting a transfer or being very very very lucky.