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Posts by szkotja2007  

Joined: 29 Dec 2006 / Male ♂
Last Post: 15 Jul 2013
Threads: Total: 27 / In This Archive: 3
Posts: Total: 1498 / In This Archive: 296
From: Scotland

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17 Jan 2014
Love / Why should I support my partners sister and boyfriend? [23]

Put it down as experience.Having a child changes your priorities.
Before, yeah, of course you would help out. Now, sorry, but your partner and your baby comes first.
A couple of hundred quid is a small price to pay, put it down to experience but learn from the lesson.

Work on your relationship with your partner.
28 Nov 2013
UK, Ireland / Mentally ill people in British society [55]

Somebody had tourettes

What makes you say that ? Given the context, this doesn't sound like a phonic tic or copralalia, it sounds more like...............a heckler.

People agree with me and know they feel awkward

F60.8 - definately.
26 Nov 2013
UK, Ireland / Mentally ill people in British society [55]

In Church is the worst

Yep, you wouldn't want anybody seeing apparitions or hearing voices from God in Church would you. Lol
24 Nov 2013
UK, Ireland / Mentally ill people in British society [55]

a lot of mentally ill people

Please define mental ill health.
Have you never had poor mental health - anxiety about paying a bill or having a grief reaction ?
What help did you need at that time ?
What would have happened if you didn't get that help ?

Get yourself a book about mental health and start at page 1.
27 Sep 2013
UK, Ireland / 1.2% of scottish population born in Poland [37]

So 2.16 million households paying £145 a year licence fee should be grateful for

£15 million of licence-payer money

Aye, the great subsidy myth strikes again.
26 Sep 2013
UK, Ireland / 1.2% of scottish population born in Poland [37]

The Scottish census was published today. 55, 000 ( of those who responded ) were born in Poland.

The main news story was that 62% of Scots consider themselves "Scottish only" - not British. census

In Scotland, twice as many people now speak Polish than speak Gaelic.
21 Aug 2013
History / Poles and Scots over the centuries [4]

postwar "Poles Go Home" calls. (pp. 160-161).

First I have heard of this - are you sure this was in Scotland or was it in "Britain" ?

From the book quoted......
Rachel Clements embarks on a comparative analysis of the press portrayal of Polish emigrants after the World War II and after the European Union accession. Another comparative angle of her study is present in the juxtaposition of the British and Scottish press, with the latter displaying generally more favourable attitudes towards the Poles
21 Aug 2013
History / Poles and Scots over the centuries [4]

Thanks Polonius.
What would be interesting is the chapters relating to the years after World War 2.

Another interesting author is David Worthington. He works for the University of the Highlands and has a particular interest in the Highlanders contribution to Poland.

Here is a link to one of his books looking at "Scots in the commonwealth 16th to 18th centuries"
15 Aug 2013
History / Foreigners who fought for Poland [14]

A brief summary of some of the Scots taken from

1571 - Captain Cullane died in the Polish service.
1581 The Scots took part on the Polish side in the Livonian campaign. Two hundred and fifty of them participated in the assault on the fortress of Pskov in Russia.

1601 Against Sweden, Fieldmarshal ( Hetman ) Zamoyski had in his service two companies of Scottish infantry with 300 soldiers each.
1609 James Murray, a naval engineer, was engaged in building naval vessels for Poland. Prince Janusz Radziwill had special Scottish units in his private forces at his Court in Kieydany.

1619 Colonel Peter Learmonth served in the Polish forces. against the Duke of Sudermania, and during the whole of the Russian War
1617 Andrew Innes, Captain in the Polish forces, during the reign of Sigismund III
162I Scots soldiers fought on the Polish side against the Turks.
1683 George Guthry; organized at his own expense a regiment of Hussars at Vienna in 1683.
1756 Francis Gordon held the rank of a Major General in the army of the last Polish King

'It would fill another volume'-writes T .A. Fischer-'to write extensively on the Scottish officers in the service of Poland. Their numbers were. ..very large, their services much appreciated'

Za naszą i waszą wolność - Tak 2014 !
6 Jul 2013
Travel / Just visited Poland - here is my random rant [154]

A much larger population for one.

So a financially secure England cannot afford to give its young free education ? But a small country like Scotland can?Doesn't that argument support the Nationalists stance ?

Free university education, free personal care for the elderly and free NHS prescriptions

This is comparable to

Bread and circuses.


It isn't an issue, since there won't be any change in your lifetime or mine.

....and there will never be a majority SNP government in Scotland.....never be a referendum on Independence..........

I wouldn't see a federal Europe as a threat to an Independent Scotland. I believe the two would be compatible.
6 Jul 2013
Travel / Just visited Poland - here is my random rant [154]

English students sitting next to Polish students the English must pay university fees and the Poles study for free due to EU law

So why doesn't England provide free education like Scotland does ? Free university education, free personal care for the elderly and free NHS prescriptions simply reflect the spending priorities of the Scottish government.

Scotland is subsidised by the English tax payer.

Do you honestly expect people outside of the U.K. to believe that Scotland, the EUs largest oil and gas producer, would not survive if it wasn't attached to a country with £900 billion

debt !!!

The question is, would the U.K. survive without Scotland
18 Jun 2013
UK, Ireland / Study about Polish immigrants in England [29]

If you need the services of an academic proofreader/editor

That sounds like a good offer, Mien. I would take him up on it.
9 Jun 2013
UK, Ireland / Scots better than Poles? [41]

If you agree with that statemennt,

Have you got a reference for this ? Just sounds like a wee troll statement without one.
However, any excuse to promote Scotland so......
Impressive list from Mr Taylor yet just touches on the list of famous Scots. Here is a favourite of mine..
James Croll who discovered Ice Ages whilst working as a Janitor. A kind of original "Good Will Hunting".

In modern times Scotland has became rather 2nd rate area even inside of GB

This is entirely intentional by the Westminister Government. (Yes I can provide links etc).

have oil..

....half of Scotlands oil revenues came from overseas last year.
Scotlands expertise in deep sea exploration is being exported around the world - Falklands, Vietnam, Angola, Gulf of Mexico, Alaska, Mauritania etc etc

Scotland, the largest Oil producer in the EU., is the only country in the world to strike oil and become poorer !!

hanging on to Britain's coat-tails as it were

When Scotland gets Independence in 2014, without Scotlands oil revenues will the rest of the UK still be in the G8 ? G20?

history around the world by majority is written by Anglo-Saxon disregarding to all other cultures and do not forget who wrote the history books.

5 Jun 2013
News / "Shale Gas Revolution" will make Poland a Leading Country in Europe! [202]

The Bloomberg article would have been written before SLE ( San Leon Energy ) gave this appraisal of their Czaslow 1 well.


Not that the amounts talked about are likely to change anything - even when accompanied by some bullish comments about a "Bakken" type play.
2 Jun 2013
Life / Why aren't Polish dope-promoters prosecuted? [15]

Seriously ? Amphetamines ??
The largest group that take speed are truck drivers and shift workers. I don't lose any sleep ( pun intended ) thinking about the social problems that speed causes. More worried about a truck rolling through my living room.
22 Mar 2013
Law / Bank accounts taxed by up to 10%. Can it happen in Poland? [150]

Re Gazprom.
Proven Cypriot gas reserves are around half of what is needed to cover the debt.
Any co operation in extracting gas would be opposed by Turkey.
Turkey could prevent oil and gas being transported from the 'Stans where Gazprom has a major interest.

In short, not worth it financially to Gazprom to get involved.