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Posts by Barney  

Joined: 26 May 2008 / Male ♂
Warnings: 1 - O
Last Post: 15 Oct 2024
Threads: Total: 17 / In This Archive: 8
Posts: Total: 1637 / In This Archive: 1040

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15 Jul 2015
History / Climate, weather event and Polish history [23]

If its on topic then yes however as fracking is not an historical event it would be difficult.

You could start a thread about climate change if you wish.
15 Jun 2015
News / Poland's fight against paedophilia [277]

Polinus3 and Harry

Would you please stop the coat trailing in this and other threads and discuss like adults
11 Jun 2015
Life / Marketing Speak or mumbo jumbo talk from Poland? [22]

Marketing speak or Mumbo jumbo is the kind of language that has become increasingly popular among those facinated by pseudo intellectual pursuits, it can be identified by the use of both hackneyed and meaningless phrases.

I wondered if this ridiculous phenomon had taken root in Poland.
2 Jun 2015
Life / "BIESIADA BEZ GRANIC" - can someone tell me what this is all about? Poland's songs video. [6]

Several DVD's of this show are available to buy online, one review (possible written by someone involved with the production) states....

The excellent idea of Zbigniew Gorneg was realized on Polish television with the release of Gala Songs. 110 minutes of singing, fun and games by popular Polish actors and singers. Starring Piotr Gasowski, Katarzyna Jamroz, Wojciech Kaleta, Boguslaw Mec, Robert Rozmus, Maryla Rodowicz z Zespolem, Hanna Sleszynska, Ryszard Rynkowski, Krzysztof Tyniec, Zespol Afabre.

It appears to be a Polish TV special from the 1990s
19 Mar 2015
History / The Riga Peace Treaty [64]

I don't see your point at all, digging people up and destroying war memorials is not the same as renaming public places or relocating political symbols, infact most post colonial places leave statues etc in place.
18 Mar 2015
History / The Riga Peace Treaty [64]

Goofy it's grand to have an opinion don't however confuse it with made up nonsense.
18 Mar 2015
History / The Riga Peace Treaty [64]

Desecrating war graves and destroying war monuments is what goofy was suggesting, that is not the same as renaming public places or removing party political symbols. ISIS destroyed Assyrian monuments, the Taliban destroyed the big Buddhas, ISIS in Libya want to destroy Greco-Roman towns. It wouldn't be an attempt to falsify history it would be worse it would be an attempt to basterdise the past.

The de colonial argument always fails at the first economic hurdle.
18 Mar 2015
History / The Riga Peace Treaty [64]

That must be one of the few Guardian articles that is not rabidly anti Russian. It is ridiculous that any explanation need given as to why it's a bad idea to destroy these monuments.

knuckle dragging iconoclasts don't do reason just ask ISIS as they attempt to destroy the past, today blowing up a museum with Polish visitors in Tunisia.
11 Dec 2014
Life / Will an English bought TV work In Poland? [20]

Kpc21 is correct, British tv was initially broadcast in mpeg2 during the Digital roll out now it is broadcast in MPEG 2 and the euro standard mpeg4. A basic rule of thumb is that if it says HD on the TV it will receive mpeg4 and thus work in Poland.
12 Aug 2014
News / Closet homosexual politicians in Poland [83]

When was the last time someone was outed in Polish politics?

Outing is a thoroughly disgraceful practice those doing it should be ashamed.
22 Jul 2014
History / Restoration of Poland's Monarchy? [40]

Should Poland implement Feudalism too?

Very good point.
There is absolutely nothing in your post that any reasonable and well balanced person could possibly disagree with.
22 Jul 2014
History / Restoration of Poland's Monarchy? [40]

I gather that you are not in favour then, Barney

No I'm not for the very simple reason that I believe that people should be treated equally.
22 Jul 2014
History / Restoration of Poland's Monarchy? [40]

In your opinion (especially if you are Polish!), what are the views of the Polish people towards ever having a King or Queen again?

Those in favour of such a thing would have to make an argument that the present system is not fit for purpose then they would have to make an argument as to why it was a good idea to treat people differently by opting for such an undemocratic thing.
16 Jul 2014

Furthermore, the Germanic countries (Germany, England, Holland, Denmark, etc.) have also contributed much more to science than all the Slavic countries. Perhaps there is something about the competitive nature of Germanic people that has something to do with this. Afterall, we are talking about the people who managed to take out the Roman Empire.

I just picked your quote as an example of the absolute nonsense typed on this thread, it's just self evidently bollox as is the crap about feudalism, anti Russia racism, mixing up the renaissance and the enlightenment and a whole catalogue of similar bollox.

The poster above (AiK) asking about the German underachievers in occupied Poland was correct there is a supercilious if not outright racist overtone to the debate.
30 Apr 2014
News / The US sends troops to Poland for drills [83]

The parliament building was surrounded by a violent mob, some members of the parliament were beaten, others couldn't enter the building, and during the votings some members pressed more than one button.

This is true and widely reported, the mockery of democracy in Kiev was as convincing as the mockery of the referendum in Crimea.

Can ALL posters get back on topic please.
4 Mar 2014
News / Is this the first clear and open signal that Poland makes preparations for war with Russia? [163]

Paulina, I never watch RT, Iranian TV or any other obviously questionable news sources. I gathered my information from mainstream Irish, British and frequently Spanish sources, they are all reporting the nature of the coup and the nature of those who fought the police. They have also pointed out that the police did shoot unarmed people. The reporting has been in the main even handed though with a sharp western bias. The BBC broadcast a report a few nights ago about the nature of the opposition


I just have a problem with coups and neo nazis. What happened was a coup there can be no doubt about that, the message sent was that your vote, your opinion, is worthless.

The oligarchs who funded this coup have been rewarded with positions of power no one elected them, the people thrown out of power in the last election were just as guilty of theft as the present president. The looser as ever is the Ukrainian people.
4 Mar 2014
News / Is this the first clear and open signal that Poland makes preparations for war with Russia? [163]

Tell me if you think this is accurate.

The Cuban thing I think is out dated though has a beautiful symmetry about it. I don't believe anyone wants to see a partition of the country, the coup leaders did make it easy for Putin to do what he did and the Russian speakers do have a point. They elected the president and the losers removed him that would make anyone doubt democracy.

Russia was born there making the place have at least some emotional significance for Russians and I believe that these events are more than just strategy, for the Russians they are existential.


Again we are largely in agreement, it's a pity that the agreement between the pres and the opposition to hold early elections was rejected. The average Ukrainian just wants the issue settled by a fair election, the people thrown out at the last election were given a chance but they messed up. This latest guy also messed up, the words and actions of the current crowd don't look good.
4 Mar 2014
News / Is this the first clear and open signal that Poland makes preparations for war with Russia? [163]

Partially true Shawn, I do have a problem with political parties that are neo nazi especially when they have gathered some power.

The information above was lifted from mainstream British and Irish media, it is being reported but ignored. The EU's reaction to the elections in Austria and also Hungary when far right parties were elected was very different. These guys are being portrayed as our guys the great democrats bravely struggling for clean politics but they are rotten to the core.
4 Mar 2014
News / Is this the first clear and open signal that Poland makes preparations for war with Russia? [163]

It's not propaganda, Neo-Nazis are in Control of Armed Forces, National Security, Economy, Justice and Education the right sector and justice parties control these ministries, the oligarchs who funded the coup have been appointed governors in the East.

These political parties are anti Semitic russophobes and openly fascist.
One of the founding members of the svodoba party Andriy Parubiy helped found the social national party of Ukraine.

These guys are in charge of the army, police, justice and secret police. Their behaviour in Western Ukraine is frightening especially if you are a Russian speaker. It takes a special form of fascist to make Putin look good. I can't blame him for taking decisive action against this bunch of fascists.
4 Mar 2014
News / Is this the first clear and open signal that Poland makes preparations for war with Russia? [163]

No, you claimed Russia did what any other country would do.

Yes In similar circumstances the (converse) circumstances you attempt to outline are not the same. The Ukraine contains large amounts of Russian speakers and Russian ethnic people.

The air lifts and European "peace keepers" entering African Countries to protect their people would be comparable.


Tom Clancy

I think I'll pass on that
4 Mar 2014
News / Is this the first clear and open signal that Poland makes preparations for war with Russia? [163]

Good to know that you support Northern Ireland staying in the UK.

Why would I? I'm a democrat and dont support undemocratic partitions as stated above.

The six counties seceded from the rest of the country and petitioned the English King to be readmitted to the UK. That was a deeply undemocratic division of the country. No I dont support an undemocratic militaristic division of my country.

So if Ukranians imagined their citizens were under some kind of threat in Russia, they would be just as likely to invade Russia as Russia is to invade Ukraine.

Now you are being silly....again. You keep inventing ridiculous scenarios to make a non point.
4 Mar 2014
News / Is this the first clear and open signal that Poland makes preparations for war with Russia? [163]

Fortunately Poles do not share your views here.

There are too many seems and appears there Harry.

I do not believe that the Crimea should leave Ukraine I don't support secession in my own country or in Serbia (Kosovo) so why should I support it in the Ukraine?

The point is that there in nothing that the Russians did that any other country faced with a similar situation would not have done.
4 Mar 2014
News / Is this the first clear and open signal that Poland makes preparations for war with Russia? [163]

Making a statement of fact is not supporting anyone and is particluarly pointless when the fact is not disputed. That is what you did above and why I described it as a non point.

Yes winning an election does not give you a blank canvass it doesnt give the loosers ot that election a blank canvass to overthrow the government either. Harry what is your point?

At no point have I voiced support for any Kleptocracy or taken a political position for contrary reasons. That is in your mind, would you like to link to the quotes you clearly think I made? Again harry you are arguing with something I didnt say, that is decidedly unhealthy.
4 Mar 2014
News / Is this the first clear and open signal that Poland makes preparations for war with Russia? [163]

Are those the 'non points' you refer to?

The history of the Crimea is common knowledge and a non point similar to advising a thirsty man to drink water.

You refer to an opinion poll, well the last major poll in Ukraine elected someone the Fascists didn't like; someone the EU was happy to deal with and someone who faced street protests after he chose the package that was cheaper and more favourable to the Ukraine.

Its a bit cheeky to bring up the constitution in defence of actions and proposed actions by leaders of a coup which was led by neo nazi parties. Parties with members displaying the "88" symbol and who blame the Jewish/Russians on their own problems, that makes them fascist neo nazis. Feel free to support them if you wish they have no mandate but you know better don't you?
4 Mar 2014
News / Is this the first clear and open signal that Poland makes preparations for war with Russia? [163]

"You call it a coup, in the democratic world we call it a revolution of dignity,"
In the real democratic world it's a coup, the man was elected and the losers forced him from power. Of course a man who owes his job to an illegal regime will say what they want to hear and he duly obliged.

I can't get enough of foreign politicians standing in Kiev lecturing the people of Ukraine that outside countries shouldn't interfere, they do it without a hint of irony.