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Posts by Sasha  

Joined: 19 Apr 2008 / Male ♂
Last Post: 2 Oct 2015
Threads: Total: 2 / In This Archive: 1
Posts: Total: 1083 / In This Archive: 320
From: Moscow/Kyiv
Speaks Polish?: Russian, English, Swedish, Ukrainian
Interests: Slavic countries, politics, languages, culture, people

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8 Dec 2017
News / Poland - Ukraine. Młodzież Wszechpolska against Ukrainians. [180]


He might well be somewhat schizoid but the former Soviet countries haven't seen a leader who fought corruption as effectively as he did. He managed to transform Georgia. I wish he could serve Russia one day.
19 Oct 2014
Food / What are my chances if I open Grill of Serbian cuisine in Poland? [14]

You know, ... ćevapèići, pljeskavice, etc things

I can't say for Poland but there would certainly be a demand in Moscow. Although Moscow is a big city with an actual population nearing that of Mexico there are very few restaurants that serve Yugoslavian cuisine and literally none katana like. So if I were you, I'd seriously consider this option. I think you'll have hard times here to keep your cuisine authentic and soon learn the verb 'podmazat' (to bribe).

By the way, have you already been to this notorious 'Putin bar' in Novi Sad? How come that Serbs betray the whole Russian nation naming a bar after a #1 Russophobe?
8 Oct 2014
Genealogy / Looking for city of Pluslaw Russia [16]

Andy, do you approximately know the area where the city was located?
Can that be: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pereslavl-Zalessky ?
15 Sep 2013
History / Poles and Russians -- love-hate relationship? [209]

if Russia herself is strong enough. But, if that`s not the case

How do you want to be realistic then?

Now if we go back to Poland's role for Russia in the light of simple partnership, then Russia needs a strong and reliable e.g. trade partner anyway be it Poland or any other country that's willing to carry on trade. Military, Russia has always been in need of strong (and obedient) Poland as a client state, sort of an airbag against potential Western Aggression.

Now that the military means has changed drastically, client state strategy doesn't work any more and Russia will continue to fall apart until find a solid economical solution to stop this.
15 Sep 2013
History / Poles and Russians -- love-hate relationship? [209]

The third - the Kazan Tartars (6 million strong nation, dreaming all the time about re-gaining their lost statehood) etc.

Too generous estimate I think. Population of Kazan is a shade more than a million with yet a majority of the Russians. Nationalistic message among the contemporary Tatars is a way too weak, many are mixed with the Russians and rather adhere to nationalistic stance of the Russians than the other way round.

Although separation of the Southern Caucasus is a very likely thing to happen in case of more or less liberal movements. There's currently no reason to keep it but for the sake of sustaining putin's regime.
31 Oct 2012
History / Polish relation about Russians, Ukrainians? [281]

Vlad I'm afraid I have to disappoint you. Your fine getures you make here are somewhat pointless. You look like a surgeon who's sewing on a finger. By the time you wiil be done with just a single one your interlocutors will have cut a dozen off. The guys you're trying to address your noble impulse to are most likely over their 20s hence they are hard to learn, adopt other ideas which are beyond the reach of their understanding.

The Poles who think like you do, do not need this lecture; those who think otherwise won't fall prey to the exhortation. There is but your personal example of a good-humoured Russian that can convince them of the truth of your statement.

Besides being ethnically... whatever cannot and doesn't make you think good of the nation you belong to. I'm Russian, live in Russia but I hardly feel close to the lion's share of the Russian society. I don't like Russian history at least since the Soviets came to power nor I like the direction the country's moving to at the moment. In one sense I feel closer to the Poles for their turn of mind in spite of their factual origins. Hope that makes sense.
29 Sep 2012
History / People the Soviets planted in Poland [75]

I think the role of the Soviets in imposing communism in Poland is overestimated. It would have failed, had there not been a social demand within Poland.

Every era has its own feature. Now the time of communism is gone and it's not just Poland that left it behind. So did Russia but it seems like for many Polish people the fact is still inexplicit.
27 Sep 2012
History / People the Soviets planted in Poland [75]

Russian foreign policy has been pretty consistent for centuries. Hence they started preparing for the demise of Communism in the 1980s, just in case.

You give too much credit to Russian politicians of 80th. The USSR and communism have just collapsed for there no one who was able to foresee the drop in oil prices caused by the Afghan Campaign.

People the Soviets planted

No, I think that's the Polish people you don't like planted their followers. Do you believe that if the Soviets didn't bring communism to Poland, the Polish people wouldn't invent it themselves?
13 Jul 2012
Life / Is Poland a poor country? [578]

for one Dollar in Nigeria you can by more food than in Poland. Does that make Nigeria a rich country?

No, but it apparently makes some difference for people who live in these countries. One who's paid $1000 in Nigeria is better off than one who's paid $1500 in Poland (if we set aside political/cultural things).

I'm just trying to show you that money is far not the only reason to leave a country.
13 Jul 2012
Life / Is Poland a poor country? [578]

If you move from UK to Poland,its very likely that it's not about money. But if 3 million people leave their country for a country were wages are 4-6 times higher?? Maybe not all about money but 99.9%, but you are right it's not all about money. o.o1% is is still 0.1%.. Good point Casha

That was just my view from Russia... I would move for cultural, political reasons rather than financial. Poland doesn't seem to be that bad at either of the mentioned things, so you may well be generally right.

However one should keep in mind that higher wage doesn't always higher living standards. For $1 you can buy more food in Poland than in England.
12 Jul 2012
Life / Is Poland a poor country? [578]

No, the million that went to the UK are just on holidays.

Moving to another country is not always about the money.
23 Mar 2012
News / Anti-Polish propaganda (proposed change to Polish property restitution laws) [21]

If they called their horse Gas Chamber, I would be disgusted. But Pogrom? In the Polish language it doesn`t refer to Jews only.

Pogrom is a noun related to another noun "grom"=thunder and a verb "gromit"=to crush, to bludgeon. The word rather implies devastating, demolishing than killing.

Grom is very common nick for dogs and animals in general. Never heard of pogrom but that's a good idea... sounds awesome in my mind.
17 Feb 2012
History / What do Poles owe to Russians? [193]

Thanks for the nice watch, Pawian!
I have a question. How do you assess Krylov's Polish (third video from the bottom) where he's singing on a 1-10 scale? :)
17 Feb 2012
Life / Is Poland a poor country? [578]

That may well be the government that boosts it. ;) According to their figures the average in Moscow is roughly $1450. I can hardly believe that.
17 Feb 2012
Life / Is Poland a poor country? [578]

What is average net salary in Poland? In Russia it's $700. I think it's about the same in Poland.
17 Feb 2012
Travel / Driving in Poland, are there any rules at all? [149]

. I always drive along there at 80km/h (70 limit) - and without fail, someone will be tailgating - who will then pass in a dangerous move and speed off. Insane.

Welcome to the Slavic World! :) I wonder if that some sort of a gene that makes many many Slavs behave that way or this is just lack of culture (of driving in this particular case). Whatever the Poles try to position themselves (we're schlyachta you're the peasantry) in most of situations I recognize the Russians/the Ukrainians.
15 Feb 2012
Love / My Polish wife got married to me but she's still not in love? [34]

everything she does shows she loves me but she doesnt say the i love u cause she doesnt feel it .

Like what? What does she do that makes you think she loves you? And if so... why do you need her word? Would that make you feel better?
11 Feb 2012
News / Polish immigrants are losing Polish heritage -- a goal? [10]

Thank you, Sascha old man!

I'm Sasha. :) Sascha nemec.

even more of the Czarist Russian bourgeoise belonged to the same background

Very few. I can think of only Lev Shestov who had some levers to impact Russian society but he did that in very Russian manner.

Of course it depends on what we count as bourgeoise. After 1905 things have drastically changed. Every single member of some Russian parties were Jewish. For the Russians it was payback time.

If you have any link to provide me more info about tsarist Jewish bourgeoise please share. As far as I know the Jews in Russia was doing good at least until they came to power.

Therefore, once again the Jews became their own worst enemies, fighting against one another, instead of together

Well at first they were really unite and made good number of NKVD members (as well as in the government). But as Stalin came the number of Jewish people on executive positions in the NKVD began to sink slowly. It namely dropped from 38% in 1934 to 5% in 1941.

The number of Jews perished in camps compared to that of the Russians and other nationalities inhabited the USSR is insignificant.
11 Feb 2012
News / Polish immigrants are losing Polish heritage -- a goal? [10]

Russia had prosperous bourgoisie, then came the Communists, many Jewish and flattened out the country, eliminating difference, i.e cultivated URBANE personality!

Here's the right sequence.
7 Feb 2012
Life / Can most people in Poland speak Russian? [43]

eh? Jewish men are often recognisable by their pale faces, usually from excessive indoors activities, unfortunately !

ROFL :)))) That was a hillarious tit for tat.
3 Feb 2012
Love / Why marriage ring on the right hand finger in Poland? [11]

Soviet countries use right hand fingers, western european coutntries left hand fingers

lol what are "Soviet countries"? :)) Since when Norway is a Soviet country?

In Latin "sinister" is "left" and "dexter" is "right". Here is whence a tradition to use right hand fingers came. Right hand is more associated with positive things in some countries and in Orthodox faith.

Left hand is less used, that's where I see the reason to wear wedding rings on left hand fingers.

western european coutntries left hand fingers

Not all of them. E.g. Greece, Germany, Spain, part of Netherlands, Austria etc.


Jason's right.