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Posts by LAGirl  

Joined: 11 Apr 2008 / Female ♀
Last Post: 22 Jan 2011
Threads: Total: 9 / In This Archive: 5
Posts: Total: 496 / In This Archive: 164
From: Los Angeles CA USA
Speaks Polish?: Tak some
Interests: Everything

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8 Oct 2010
News / Poland 2050? What will happen? [60]

I think there will be a mixed race. when I was in Poland I saw muslims and Blacks in the big cities and Warsaw. since everyone is comming in I see alot of mixtures I think there will be hardley any pure race anymore in the future of Europe and I am sure Poland will get more technologically advanced.
8 Oct 2010
Love / Polish Girl Doesn't Want To Touch. [240]

Hey you did the right thing let her go. move on next time dont do so much for someone you only get hurt.there is plenty of women who would love a guy ike you.
28 Sep 2010
Love / Polish Girl Doesn't Want To Touch. [240]

If it was me If I was you I would kick her out and tell her where a womens shelter was or to go to her friends. its seems like she is selfish and thinking of only her. alot of women would love a guy like you. dont waste your money or time if you are not going to get anyuthing even some kind of emotion. find another girl because she will use your money up. do so before its too late. think if you where in the same situation would she do it to you? be smart.
28 Jul 2010
History / Warsaw Uprising - The Forgotten Soldiers [117]

Hi I went to the Warsaw uprising museum a week ago very touching my God what these people went through some of the stuff was graphic. I bet these people in warsaw where alot kinder and nicer then the ones in warsaw today.
28 Jul 2010
Travel / Poland-My 9-day experience [239]

warsaw is filled with stuck up stupid people. I am here in wielkipolska the people here are nicer.
24 Jul 2010
Travel / Poland-My 9-day experience [239]

yeah having a awful expeirence with ppl I thought where my friends in Warsaw polish hospitality is a joke. at least my friend in the western part of Poland is excited to have me out there.
19 Jul 2010

Every resturuant I been to here In Poland when i ask for ice either they have none or give me very little when trying to cool down. except for Starbucks gives you plenty of ice.
14 May 2010
Love / My recent experience with a Polish girl. [231]

hey sorry about what you gone through. If I was a man Id get back at her and treat any certain nationality who treated me bad like crap. move on you better off with a weterner girl good luck.
28 Apr 2010
Love / Are Polish men romantic and caring or... "plain"? [85]

Thats right they talk alot and too much. tjhey are known to have two women and most want two women ones not enogh. thats the animal instinct.and Polish women have to put up with them. I feel sorry for them.
26 Apr 2010
Love / Demands from Polish ex! [75]

You dont have to give her a penny. you arnt married she is just needs money and will milk it out of you. dont talk to her anymore. drop people like that out of your life you will be happier.
26 Apr 2010
Love / Are Polish men romantic and caring or... "plain"? [85]

I wouldnt go with one. most of them are self absorbed money obsssed they arnt too romantic and they like a woman to be like a maid.one some of them cheat. they arnt too happy either. if I where you I would date western european or American or Brisitish they are pretty decent. I am writing you about Polish men from experience.
3 Apr 2010
Food / Polish food in Pictures. [277]

Had peirogis last night. so good. my favorite are patotes peirogi. with me living with two Polish people I have them every week.
1 Apr 2010
Life / Child Adoption in Poland? [138]

Yeah justcame from a Polish market and some people had a stand for adoption in Poland they had pictures of these Polish kids. so beautiful. I hope to have my own and adopt from Polan one day.
24 Mar 2010
USA, Canada / My boyfriend is being deported to Poland because his US visa expired, help needed [53]

Well its his fault for all of this. he should of renewed his visa or tried a way to saty in the USA. well if they deport him go to Poland and marry him and maybe they will let him back in.if people arnt going to stay here legally or try to get legalality then they should be shipped back home. One less illegal to worry about here.