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Posts by Wulkan  

Joined: 28 Dec 2007 / Male ♂
Warnings: 1 - Q
Last Post: 24 Apr 2018
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Posts: Total: 3136 / In This Archive: 2062

Speaks Polish?: yes

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4 Feb 2009
Love / Foreign Men and Polish Girls for Citizenship [59]

What do polakis care about...most of u dont have the least idea of how well to treat a girl and then when a girl trips out with a foreigner, you begin the HATING game...Damn You Johnny turtle and McCoy. I aint even seen any Polish girl worth my time...

uhahahahaa! I love this guy :-D I hope the rest of the family is healthy :/
14 Apr 2009

At least he talks to you :)

Your boyfriend doesn't talk to you? :(
15 Apr 2009

Whatever made you think I have a boyfriend?

well u said ''At least he talks to you :)'' i would mean that your doesn't talk to u and ur suprised that hers talks to her... got it?
18 Apr 2009
Love / What do Polish girls think about Gypsies? [116]

Romanians have been winning the olympics in informatics

And I thouth polish have been winning... lol how many kind of olimpics there are?
5 Jun 2009
Life / 80% of Polish people are boring or can't party, why? [179]

right but in the western part of of Europe it was kind of easier to find people to party with the way I like it. I guess it's just the matter of taste and mentality

didn't you think that people in western europe have usually more money so they are in better mood for party. would you by so creative at the party if you wasn't sure if your kids are gonna eat tomorrow because you have financial problems?
28 Sep 2009
Love / I want to meet and date a Polish man [77]

That kind of people exist in all countries. It's more about good/bad luck I guess, and what kind of persons you date.

thats correct

He probably cries when he thinks of his Polish wife and kids at home in Poland

and jelous people are also in all countries ;)
4 Oct 2009
Love / How to please Polish women? [216]

how to please Polish women

who cares?

its best to change a job for a gold miner...
26 Oct 2009
Love / Are there Polish women who date black guys? [281]

I didn't know that word 'mulatto' is offensive as it's saying in dictionary:

mulatto noun
/məˈlæt.əʊ/, /mjuː-//-ˈlæ.t ̬oʊ/ n [C]
an offensive word for someone with one black parent and one white parent

my girlfriend sometimes uses this term so I thought nothing wrong with it...
26 Oct 2009
Love / Are there Polish women who date black guys? [281]

Sticks and stones will break my bones but words will never hurt me.

just don't tell it to your Polish partner cause they dont like suckers who don't defend themselfes after being insulted...
20 Jan 2010
Love / Well.. I got a Polish girl pregnant.. [88]

Also, invest some of that money in condoms....the almighty $ is worth alot there so there is no excuse!

you are right man, the prostitutes are gonna be much cheaper then in US
8 Mar 2010
Love / How to convince English boyfriend to learn Polish? [39]

I have been in a relationship with an English man for over 2 years and he not only does not say a word in Polish

whats the point of him learning Polish if you live in UK. I have an English girlfriend and she can speak maybe five words in Polish cause she simple does not need this

I know that in the past he was dating Spanish girl and learnt Spanish

Spanish is commonly spoken in so many parts of the world so it can be useful for him but why would he need Polish? to chat up polish girls easier after he dumps you?
8 Mar 2010
Love / How to convince English boyfriend to learn Polish? [39]

pronounce the Polish words wrong and friends and family laugh, it is the best way of breaking the ice and having fun

yeah! and you dont even need to put any effort into that, just say the way you think it should sound.