Wroclaw Boy you probably have 4 classes or less, and an IQ of less than 30.
Is that your psychological profile for me? dont think you'll be getting very far in your filed of expertise if so.
I havent been to Romania and form what ive heard i have absolutely no intenton of visiting.
very clean and more wealthier on the general than poles.
I cant really be bothered to search around for the info but again from what ive heard and read Romania is a much poorer nation than Poland, the wealth you are refferring to is probably the gap between rich and poor, never a good thing.
Your lack of knowledge and your insulting of your friend countries is something that
should get you banned.
It aint my friend country as you put it. News flash im not Polish.
Would you like that, to be said about you that you are a gypsy and all poles are indeed gypsies? Because you made a horrible insulting mistake to all romanian nation here...
I suffer much criticism being English and guess what i couldnt care a less. If you are of Romanian blood which i suspect you are you obviously have major issues with what i said, which kind of makes me believe I hit a raw nerve.
I have seen and met quite a few ROMANIANS Gypsies or otherwise here in Poland and they are looked upon as scum of the Earth. Even worse than the Russians, what i have stated is true based on observation, first hand experience and interacton with Poles.
Sorry if you didnt like it.