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The Arab countries, and the UN are responsible for letting them fester in refugee camps for 60 years without doing a thing to solve the problem.
Look at the map and see for yourself how many refugee camps are located on lands controlled by Israel.
In addition to those who fled Israeli territory, about 100,000 Arabs in Israel were displaced from their own villages. Many left willingly and were assured that the eviction was a temporary security measure. In particular, the residents of Ikrit and Birim have been trying to return to their villages along the Lebanese border since 1948, but have not been allowed to do so despite repeated rulings of the Israeli supreme court.
Other arabs were driven out in the fighting (not 700,000)
Palestinian Arabs who fled or were forced out of their homes during the fighting.
Estimates vary from about 520,000 (Israeli sources) to 726,000 (UN sources) to over 800,000 (Arab sources)
The Arab countries are responsible for not letting the palestinians set up an independent state during the 19 years they controlled the west bank and gaza.
Following the Six Day War, In 1967 Israel occupied the additional 22 percent of Palestine that had eluded it in 1948, the West Bank and the Gaza Strip. It also occupied parts of Egypt (which since were returned) and Syria (which remain under occupation). Yet Israel has not set up an independent Palestinian state, but Israel exercised full or partial control over 97 percent of the West Bank and 40 percent of the Gaza Strip, while the Palestinian Authority (PA), established in 1994 pursuant to the Oslo Accords, had full control over the rest.
The palestinians are responsible for rejecting the partition and starting a war and creating their own refugee problem.
The original population of what is now Israel was 95 percent Muslim and Christian. And yet, Muslim and Christian refugees are not being allowed to return to their homes in the current "Jewish state." Israeli peace negotiators refuse to even discuss the possibility of applying this UN guaranteed right. Why? Because that brings us back to the original issue, claiming their property confiscated by the Israel.