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Posts by bolek_tusk  

Joined: 31 Dec 2018 / Male ♂
Warnings: 1 - O
Last Post: 27 Jan 2019
Threads: Total: 3 / In This Archive: 1
Posts: Total: 156 / In This Archive: 92

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31 Dec 2018
Language / Intermediate / Advanced Learners of Polish. How do you improve your language? [14]


Polishing my Polish


I've just joined this forum and this is my first post.

I'm from England but born from Polish parents and was brought up speaking Polish and manage to get by (to some extent) speaking Polish in Poland, but I would like to improve.

How do I find out how good my Polish is and what is the best way to improve it?
31 Dec 2018
Life / Poland A, Poland B [75]


Having become aware of the incredibly high levels of corruption which occured under the previous eight years government of PO-PSL, I'm surprised that the opposition enjoys any popular support whatsoever.... or maybe 20% of the electorate had their noses in the trough.

And it is amazing how traitorous the PO Europosels are in the EU and do everything against the Polish interest.
31 Dec 2018
Life / Poland A, Poland B [75]

Care to give any examples of PIS corruption? (And Afera KNF is hardly an example of PIS corruption)...

There are scores of examples members of PO lining their pockets....

Why was Tusk flogging off national assets for next to nothing?

Afera Hazerdowa, afera VATowska, Amber Gold etc etc etc....

You can read about them here:-

1 Jan 2019
Life / Poland A, Poland B [75]

@cms neuf

I see you made no attempt to answer my points about the scores of corruption cases the PO-PSL *Government* was involved in.

The KNF affair had nothing to do with the PiS government and they have been quick expose the individual responsible even though it was one of there own supporters.
1 Jan 2019
Life / Poland A, Poland B [75]

Tell us, after 3 years, why haven't we seen any serious charges laid?

That's because the corrupt judicial system (old Bolshevik judges - pro PO,KOD etc) are still largely in place. Things will rapidly change once the old guard - Pani Gersdorf et al get replaced with independent judges.

You did notice that Małgorzata Gersdorf and Andrzej Rzepliński among others were highly visible in the KOD (Soros funded) protests last year, yet people in the judiciary are supposed to be politically independent and not take part in political activism...
1 Jan 2019
Life / Poland A, Poland B [75]

Once the judges are appointed by the government, which is what happens in most countries, rather than by their own members, then the judiciary becomes democratically accountable. Until now the judiciary has been a self-serving elite, and could carry on its corrupt practices as it has done since the downfall of Communism. Many of the top judges have been able to select themselves from their inner circle Bolshevik apparatchiks and could not be replaced even when committing crimes.

'Things will change' means that the corrupt judges will gradually be replaced as they retire, and their replacements will be made on merit rather than on political affiliations.
1 Jan 2019
Life / Poland A, Poland B [75]

Gazeta Wyborcza aka Bolshevik Times.....

Founded by Adam Michnik a Communist collaborator.....economist.com/node/18833569/comments

You are of course joking
2 Jan 2019
Life / Poland A, Poland B [75]

A very good man, jailed by Communists for opposing them, Goofs...

Obviously takes after his brother - a former Stalinist judge who sentenced to death dozens of Polish patriots who fought to liberate Poland from the communists in the fifties.

Also his father was the secretary of the Communist Party in Galicia.

His anti-Communist 'credentials' don't stand up very well.
2 Jan 2019
Life / Poland A, Poland B [75]

And feminism is non existent in Poland

If feminism was about women fighting for equal rights it's a non-issue it Poland where women are very strong (and continue to remain feminine).... unlike in western Europe where 'feminists' seem to be more associated with LGBT issues.
2 Jan 2019
Life / Poland A, Poland B [75]

I have never heard of him and have no views. Why would he be a hero of mine?
2 Jan 2019
Life / Poland A, Poland B [75]

Is he Communist enough for you?

I'm not aware of his Communist credentials.....

Has he done as much harm to Poland as Donald Tusk?
2 Jan 2019
Life / Poland A, Poland B [75]

You're not aware of the fact that PiS put an ex-SB boss in charge of one of the largest Polish companies?

Is Orlen a state run company? I thought it was private. If so what has it got to do with PiS?

I'm pleased to see Orlen sponsoring Williams in the coming year's F1 Championship.

I take it you will be cheering against them because of their alleged PiS connections...
4 Jan 2019
News / Mass-media in Poland: which are left wing, right wing or centrist? [44]


It looks as though a new Polish-Italian political block will be forming ahead of the EU elections this year ...
Hopefully this will be the beginning of the end of the France-Germany domination we have had to suffer up until now.
4 Jan 2019
News / Mass-media in Poland: which are left wing, right wing or centrist? [44]

I think what counts most is how much money you have in your pocket and what you can buy with it.

So far, over the last three years, the average Pole has done a lot better than in the previous eight.

The opinion polls reflect this.

I just can't fathom how a political party can campaign without any program and ask for votes on the basis 'Together we can get rid of PiS'.
4 Jan 2019
News / Mass-media in Poland: which are left wing, right wing or centrist? [44]

Yes that is also important- though increases in disposable income have been fairly strong each year since 2001.

According to oecdbetterlifeindex.org/countries/poland/

It would be nice to see figures for disposable income changes for the bottom 20% between 2008 and 2018.
4 Jan 2019
News / Polish Independence Day March in Warsaw. Is it going to be the biggest march yet? [1530]

It's the other way around....Germany and Poland under Tusk had been very close.

What a surprise.... Tusk was hand-picked by Merkel to manage her eastern province.

He knew which side his bread was buttered and always managed to stand up for the EU (Germany) against Poland whenever there was a dispute.
5 Jan 2019
News / Polish Independence Day March in Warsaw. Is it going to be the biggest march yet? [1530]

do not say anything of the kind in Poland unless you want people to think you're mentally imbalanced.

Any rational person would reach the same conclusion as me.

Here's a picture which says 1000 words.


Vlad - 'Deal done, see you in Smolensk on 11 April 2010, Donald.'
5 Jan 2019
News / Polish Independence Day March in Warsaw. Is it going to be the biggest march yet? [1530]

The PO-PSL government created the Miller enquiry which was a joke.

A later enquiry found otherwise...

Ask yourself why won't the Russians hand over the black boxes nine years after the crash.

Do you remember what Ewa Kopacz said about the victims bodies and the subsequent discoveries when the coffins were examined?

It is a huge coverup.
5 Jan 2019
News / Polish Independence Day March in Warsaw. Is it going to be the biggest march yet? [1530]

Here is a picture of a plane crashing in a forest:-


Notice that the plane did not split up into 1000's of pieces scattered over a large area.

Apparently (according to the Russians) the TU-154 strikes a birch tree yet breaks up into a million pieces scattered over a square mile


Maybe someone here can engage their brain and think for themselves about the likelihood of the Russian version being correct.
5 Jan 2019
News / Polish Independence Day March in Warsaw. Is it going to be the biggest march yet? [1530]

What would the Russians gain?

Putin did not take kindly to Lech Kaczynski's 'intervention' in Georgia


and sought his revenge. His ally Tusk was very pleased to collude once it was pointed out that Komorowski of PO would replace Kaczynski of PiS as president.