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Posts by David555  

Joined: 1 Feb 2018 / Male ♂
Last Post: 3 Feb 2018
Threads: Total: 1 / In This Archive: 1
Posts: Total: 19 / In This Archive: 13
From: Whatever
Speaks Polish?: Yup
Interests: Loads

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1 Feb 2018
Love / Dating Polish ladies on a serious note.. How to find a girl from Poland in the UK? [10]

Well, people like Karl want to get educated about how to get Polish woman so he can satisfy his needs.

Karl if you're from London there's place called soho, full of an English cheap chicks they will give you whatever you want for £20 an hour.

Your names says you aren't English are you Muslim Karl?

In England males females call males a "sperm donors" and males call females "slappers"
That's what relationships between males and females in England are.
Educating local morons on how to find Polish woman who came to England from some small village in Poland thinking of earning just enough to buy her dream flat in Poland is really helping pricks harm her as they don't marry here, there are no families in England just sex, and land of single mums with babies from different males.
1 Feb 2018
News / Road deaths increase in Poland [43]

I was in Poland, years ago back then people were driving syrena (made in Poland) and fiat (made in Poland) and warszawa (made in Poland) and there was almost no accidents.
1 Feb 2018
UK, Ireland / I'm so confused where to settle down - UK or Poland? Advice please. [21]

You're 36 you have no family of your own.
The options are

1. Stay in England or the UK if you like, and keep working paying taxes enjoy beer and fun with males sometimes,
As you will get older you won't have so many friends anymore and time you will spend working or staying at home.
When you get really old and sick and you won't be able to work anymore you will be advice by SS to go back to Poland

If you keep staying here and you will be sick and you own property it will be taken of you and you will be placed in dirty council care home and maybe even sexually abused.

2. Go back to Poland even you're 36 you may still have future there make your own home maybe even meet someone who will genuinely want you not for a night but more, you will have your relatives near you, and no SS will take your own home of you and put you forcefully in care home.
3 Feb 2018
UK, Ireland / Polish career criminal gets six years for rape [43]

He got only six years and will be out in three and the reasons are simple.

England is a country where pae ophilia and rapes are wide spread don't forget not so long another Westminster wanted to legalise paophilia.

Prisons in England are for ages overcrowded and if you wanted to lock up every rapist and paophile for years in prison there would be not enough space.

Remember history of England and how prisons and prisoners had to be moved from England to Australia and Australia became one hell big prison for an English criminals. Today you can keep criminals only in prisons in England and there's no space so judges let them out or make them do community work.
3 Feb 2018
UK, Ireland / Are Poles in UK really that big of a deal? [112]

The problem with poles in England is that:

1. They're poles and they're poor
2. They're Polish or Eastern European ( even Pakistanis look down at anyone called like that)
3. Their country is a third world country, drunk people and their women are prostitutes
4. They steal English jobs and take earned money to Poland
5. They claim benefits for their offspring even they live in Poland
6. They're criminals
7. All prostitutes in England are Polish
8. They drive down wages in England
9. They abuse the NHS
10. Polish females aren't capable of anything else but breeding then claiming our English dole

And much more

That's what media in England were saying about Polish people since Poland joined the EU
3 Feb 2018
UK, Ireland / Polish career criminal gets six years for rape [43]

There aren't enough homes for single mothers and their babies, they have to stay in bb hostels for months on waiting list for their council homes.

And you want to build more prisons? It's cheaper to just make prisoners do community orders than keep them in prisons feed them etc. Anyways that's how the government thinks.
3 Feb 2018
News / Will Polish people and Poland be forever slaves and nobody? [20]

My mother is Polish father German, ancestors are Jewish. There are no Jews in my family today.

When Poland freed itself from Russians its national debt was 0.000000 as far as I know.
Government started mass sale of its companies and corruption started. I'm watching for the past few months Polish TV and it angers me seeing how much corruption there's in Polish government. I hear every sometime cba caught new criminals. Will it ever end?

In as far as I remember 2004 Poland joined the EU and Polish people became modern slaves of more developed EU countries especially countries such as England France. For years I was reading in news papers jokes about Polish people and Poland, Poland became laughing stock in UK media and it is up till today. No one has any respect to Poland nor Polish people.

Will it ever change?

Earlier Poland joined nato probably idiots in Polish government thought its Good to be member of nato in case Russia invaded Poland the thing is that if Russia wanted to invade Poland no one would stop it, it would happen exactly what was happen after the wwii

Poland is buying fighter jets from Americans what for? Are those idiots in Polish government planning to defend Poland with it? Isn't it better to build new hospitals in Poland? Schools maybe?

After Poland joined the EU many Polish people moved to other **** hole countries such as Norway, England, Germany. Polish kids were born and up till today Norwegians with the use of its SS just as the English with its own SS are snatching Polish children and their parents newer see them again.

Happy about the democracy?

China is communist country isn't it?
China is world's second biggest economy and Americans fear the Chinese will overtake them soon.

So was communism that bad and are Polish people very happy about the democracy they got from **** hole countries such as the US England and France?

How long do you have to wait now in the queue to be operated in the hospital in Poland? How long did you have to wait back when Poland was communist?

My guess is that the so called West especially England Germany France and the US want Poland to be its slave forever, Polish people cheap labour, Polish women prostitutes and Polish government corrupted.

Do the English mind Poland being allies with Russia? They do nor England nor France nor Germany nor the US want Poland to close to Russia. And if that Polish president didn't die in an accident he most probably was killed by the so called allies of Poland. To make stupid poles more angry at Russians.

I have heard on Polish TV that Polish government has sent samples of that plane to Italy and UK and somewhere else so three different countries can test and find out if it was an accident and if it wasn't then was it Russians who did it?

I guess the English will surely tell the truth they're Polish allies aren't they? And Italians will say the truth too not what the Americans will want them to tell the Polish.

Maybe idiots from Polish government could build own laboratories and find the truth?

Will Poland be forever country of laughing stock? Creatures everyone sees as nobody, creatures you can use, laugh at and do with it whatever you like?

When will polish people wake up and say it's enough and start build their country make it great and hung up those corrupted pigs whoever they're in the government.

Or you just prefer the way you are now?
3 Feb 2018
UK, Ireland / Why do UK people look down on us? Maybe because plenty of Polish people work in the sex and cleaning industry? [51]

Poland was destroyed so many times, then Russians dominated it then Poland was kind of free and Polish people came to more developed countries in search for work, countries they thought they're their allies. What Polish did for the English during the war was forgotten, French forgot that too, Polish people became modern slaves of Europe, Pakistanis Indians Nigerians living in England laugh at Polish seeing them as nobody. Polish children born in England are often snatched by an English SS and Polish parents never see them again.

Welcome to western democracy.
Enjoy your stay Poland
3 Feb 2018
UK, Ireland / What do Polish people think about Wales and Welsh people? [191]

Welsh people and Wales was concerned by England. They spoke cymru there in the past but the English made them forget it, the English made them be ashamed to speak their own language. Wales today is just an English city or town and there are only a few genuine Welsh left. The same the English did with Scotland only ROI even suffered a lot it does still stay Catholic and has its only country and culture.
3 Feb 2018
UK, Ireland / What do Polish people think about Wales and Welsh people? [191]

Well on dwp website it says "would you like this website in English or Cymru?" anyways doest it really matter cymraeg or cymru? They speak English there where was Wales once in the past
3 Feb 2018
UK, Ireland / What do Polish people think about Wales and Welsh people? [191]

Yes for my ex Polish gf, she got pregnant with Nigerian man, I just tried to help her, but they said cuz of she's Polish she's not entitled to any dole. I was helping her for sometime until when she meet someone from Pakistan, she fell pregnant with him and then she moved back to Poland.
3 Feb 2018
News / Poland's economic future? [294]

"Polands economic future" they will keep being what they're. Cheap labour, their women will keep doing prostitution all around the EU, Norwegians and English will keep snatching their babies, and polish government will stay corrupted and filled up with crooks thinking of what to steal next.

Anyways that's the plan and for the past 20 years nothing have changed
3 Feb 2018
News / Poland's economic future? [294]

I just copied what the news papers are saying about future of Poland. They said Poland will be main supplier of cheap labour and prostitution for the UK for the at least next 40 years.