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Joined: 29 Oct 2017 / Male ♂
Warnings: 1 - A
Last Post: 20 Jan 2018
Threads: Total: 1 / In This Archive: 1
Posts: Total: 37 / In This Archive: 29

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29 Oct 2017
Law / Need some advice about two residence permits (from Poland and Belgium) [4]

I'm junior IT specialist.I currently live in Poland with my wife who is a Polish citizen.We want to move to Belgium (Antwerp) with my wife and save some money to put the project into effect (Search Engine optimization company) I hold a Polish permanent residence card, (not eu long term) can I apply for a Belgian residence permit based on marriage with EU citizen and is it possible to hold the two residence permits at the same time?

To be honest due to living expenses and expensive houses we want to move back to Poland after 3-4 years but I would not like to begin whole process again for residence card... If I get Belgian temporary residence card my polish permament card will be revoked? If yes may I apply eu long term eu residence based on marriage? I have seen the act but it's not clear. I do not have stable income that means I'm not allowed to apply although I fill the all other conditions?

I appreciate your help
1 Nov 2017
Work / Salary for an architect with 3years experience in warsaw [37]

In which western country you may work with poor english as an architect. I guess you are third country citizen ) BTW I'm not Polish citizen. But dude really deserve rude answers. Who will work in western country and want to work in Poland for 3 k zlotych . Things are really seems like really funny. In order to work in Poland as an architect need to be fluent in Polish otherwise any company will not accept your application.
16 Nov 2017
Study / Study in Poland without English IELTS? [28]

I actually cannot understand the OP. His english is really poor. As far as I know Indians are good at English, maybe he's not Indian
18 Nov 2017
Work / How much salary should I ask for IT Business Analysts in Wroclaw ? [17]

I'm junior IT specialist.15k is quite high salary in your position. In order to answer your question we should know your current salary. If your wife will not work you will not save anything with 15k brutto salary. Of course you can save but it will be worthless in Western countries or AU
18 Nov 2017
UK, Ireland / Are Poles in UK really that big of a deal? [112]

Im not a Polish. I agree with you for UK or any other EU states but not for Poles who live in Poland. The worst ones generally work in abroad because they have nothing to do in Poland. If you come to Poland you can see different Poles who have culture, traditions and moral. It really depends on the person but I can understand you because in UK or The Netherlands diffucult to meet with well educated Poles.
28 Nov 2017
Love / My wife cheated on me abroad with a Polish guy [35]

I have seen many people married since 40 years and they get divorce. Poles when they go especially western countries they get divorce easier. This is the rule of Western Europe. That's why Poles who live in Poland have better family relations. I do not know how old are you OP but if your wife young and naive it might have been better go with her or stay together in Poland. Because in UK for example Poles are lack of education and culture.
2 Jan 2018
Law / Need some advice about two residence permits (from Poland and Belgium) [4]

Thank you for info

May I get a long-term eu residence based on marriage with a Polish citizen? Because there is an act which says ''has health insurance'' and ''has maintained a stable and regular source of income''

I have a stable income but I have not worked for a Polish company and also I did not have any time a health insurance.
12 Jan 2018
Law / Insure your British car in Poland for a full year. [15]

Yes, a car from The Netherlands is not related with the OP's question because as you already said its on the correct side (left) but cars from UK are on the left side thats why many companies do not accept in Poland. Its possible to find a company but perhaps it will cost min double even more expensive.
27 Feb 2018
Love / Marriage problems in Poland [50]


I will tell you only a thing. I lived the same things as you lived. So please do not bealive those things such as, I love you but we should get divorce, you are a good person and I would like to help you in the future, you're a special and amazing man but we cannot be together, I want to see you happy I do not deserve you cause Im not a good person, my personality sucks we cannot be together.... Do not bealive brain games it comes from physiological problems. Its a kind of philosophy to make you hell and to fall you a deep hole... Let me put it in that way, its a kind of a strategy and they do it for foreigners in order to show them their modernity... No man they are not... Do not give a **** her and try to not be emotional... Do not think that she really cares you and tell you those all... If she really loves you after 7 years for such a **** reason she would not want to get divorce...
27 Feb 2018
Love / Marriage problems in Poland [50]

You are very welcome. I really can imagine what you feel. You do not want to bealive after 7 years how a person can change but unfortunately they change. Polish girls are so determined and if they take a decision after its diffucult to change their decisions. Try to talk to her and promise that you will change things what she does not like and so on... If she does not respond just stop contact to her temporarily a while later try to remind some memories, if she still does not change try to do not care what she did for you in the previous 7 years because if she does not want to be with you anymore those years have no value. Do not bring yourself to a deep hole... Try to wait April the weather will be good maybe things will change till that time.

Best Wishes
4 Mar 2018
Classifieds / Immigration lawyer in Poznan needed (English speaking) [22]

What about appeal (to) the supreme court ? Everyone has right to appeal to supreme court? Lets say Im not satisfied from the verdict and I want to appeal, In what circumstances the supreme court may refuse the appeal? How long the decision takes of the supreme court?
4 Mar 2018
Classifieds / Immigration lawyer in Poznan needed (English speaking) [22]

Perhaps all foreigners would like to solve it with mutual agreements. I guess anyone would not like to be in the court as a foreigner.


I do not have a kid if you indicate me. Moreover, not everyone is able to solve it with mutual agreements. In order to success it both of the spouses should respect each other but of course they dont.
4 Mar 2018
Classifieds / Immigration lawyer in Poznan needed (English speaking) [22]

How can we be aware of good ones? You never know.

Let me get back to the subject. When does the court decides first hearing in the fault divorces ? As far I as I remember after you answer the plaintiff letter, right?
14 Mar 2018
Love / Well.. I got a Polish girl pregnant.. [88]


It does not matter you are homeless or a student. Be prepared for the whole life alimony. BTW I was thinking it works only for Brits now Italians too.