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Posts by dudar  

Joined: 29 Jun 2017 / Male ♂
Last Post: 13 Jul 2017
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From: Poland, Warsaw
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4 Jul 2017
Life / Polish people and racism. [943]

Muslims (not every) do not fit in because they came and keep coming to Europe for a different reason. It seems to me the majority of them live on welfare. They do not look for a job or try to integrate because they simply changed their bad living conditions for the better ones and Europe pays for it. And that's the moment when all these Muslims turn to religion and the false prophets are coming to 'guide' them to fight against their new European homeland. And of course some of 'refugees' or 'migrants' purposefully came and keep coming to commit attacks in Europe. There is a thin line between racism and dislike.
4 Jul 2017
Life / Polish people and racism. [943]

I mean sometimes the dislike presented as racism and that are two different things. And of course killing of innocent is a great sin.
5 Jul 2017
Life / Polish people and racism. [943]

It's a bit more complicated than that.

That's true, they were born in Europe, they got citizenship, but still they are just like those who keep coming. Generally, they have no education and they are easily affected by those who use religion as weapon. Of course some of them receive education but their views stay the same and that what makes them much more dangerous.
6 Jul 2017
News / Poland - Ukraine. Młodzież Wszechpolska against Ukrainians. [180]

Ukraine sees itself like a unique country in Europe (someway reminds me of America's exceptionalism) and they believe their EU joining will be a gift to Europe. Still I think Ukraine doesn't have much in common with us and doesn't have something they could offer but of course they want to have the benefits of being a part of EU.
6 Jul 2017
News / Poland - Ukraine. Młodzież Wszechpolska against Ukrainians. [180]

In fact there are a variety of opinions within Ukraine on Bandera.

Yes, but Ukraine's government praises Bandera and that is like the official 'religion' accepted by the majority of Ukrainians and they seem to be quite satisfied with that.
11 Jul 2017
News / Poland - Ukraine. Młodzież Wszechpolska against Ukrainians. [180]

Agree, but I'm not saying that Ukraine doesn't have a diversity of opinion. According to what I've learned from media and other sources, in Ukraine the majority supports the government which praises Bandera and that is the official position. For Poland that's unacceptable because the massacres of Poles in Volhynia and Eastern Galicia were directly linked with Bandera's policy. I'm sure there are people in Ukraine that disagree with the official position of Ukraine's government, but these people have no chance to speak openly about it without being persecuted by Ukrainian nationalists or someone else. And Ukraine's government is friendly towards forces that suppress almost everyone who have any objection to the official position.
12 Jul 2017
News / Poland - Ukraine. Młodzież Wszechpolska against Ukrainians. [180]

Ukraine tries to present the darkest events in its history as something heroic. They praise UPA butchers who committed genocide of Poles and that shouldn't be ignored by Poland and Europe.

And how can we determine the exact numbers? There are Some Poles that don't give a crap, Some Poles who are really insulted by Ukraine's stance on the genocide, Some Poles believe Ukraine is guilty and must take responsibility for the 100,000 massacred Poles. I believe the biggest part of Poles is not indifferent to it.

They do not even try...
12 Jul 2017
News / Poland - Ukraine. Młodzież Wszechpolska against Ukrainians. [180]

Is a geographical area.

That is inhabited by the people who chose their government which represents the will of majority. And Ukraine's majority is radicalized enough to be a threat.

And you will never change the cold hard fact that a national hero in one country may be hated in another.

The man responsible for many deaths of innocent people, women and children, can't be a hero, maybe only in Ukraine or some other savage country. Blood on hands is blood on hands - that's the cold hard fact.
12 Jul 2017
News / Poland - Ukraine. Młodzież Wszechpolska against Ukrainians. [180]

Very few people truly choose their government

And Ukraine is the best example. They chose the government before the Euromaidan and when they were fed up with it, they organized the revolt and replaced the elected government with those whom they supported and nationalists were among leading powers there and they are still there.

you can tell us what they've done to promote positive reconciliation and forgiveness in this matter

I'm not aligned with Młodzież Wszechpolska but I think the Catholic spirit they promote may be a key to bring closer Poland and Ukraine and help Ukraine to integrate in Europe. And in the neighboring thread about Poland and Ukrainian migrants I recognized a letter I saw before, https://polishforums.com/news/poland-accepted-million-ukrainian-81149/2/#msg1601931, and I think the attempts to make Ukraine a Catholic country are already made and that's good for many reasons.

Ukraine, being mostly orthodox country, represents a big danger to Europe and Poland because we are completely different and Ukraine can't live and exist according to our mentality and values no matter what Ukrainians or their government says. Their only goal is to be accepted in Europe at any cost. The key word is accepted, not integrated. It means they will spread in Europe promoting their faith, their way of life and for Europe, which is too tolerant, it means extinction because Ukraine and Muslim migrants will replace Catholics.

Ukraine is too proud to admit its crimes against Poles and that's also can be described by their orthodox faith. Catholics can forgive and Ukraine is not about that. They say we need a dialog and that's possible only when they officially apologize and admit their crimes, but we know they won't ever do that until they accept Catholicism.
13 Jul 2017
News / Poland - Ukraine. Młodzież Wszechpolska against Ukrainians. [180]

You have however tried to praise them

No, I never tried to praise someone. And I've just said the Catholic spirit they promote could be a unifying factor that Ukraine has to accept to become a part of Europe.

without answering the very simple question

Some questions do not have a simple answer and looking for the common ground depends on both sides. Poland's view of the situation is clear while Ukraine escapes from reality and avoids responsibility by all means - and that's the reason why we can't move on.
17 Aug 2017
News / Stateless ex-President of Georgia and ex-governor of Odessa is in Poland [8]

Saakashvili didn't fit the current Kiev regime because he criticized it for corruption and many other things - the main reason why he lost his Ukrainian citizenship. After it happened, Saakashvili began to criticize Ukraine's authorities with renewed vigour. Saakashvili even plans to replace Poroshenko after getting his Ukrainian citizenship back... And I can't say he is friendly with Kiev right now. The funny thing is that in Georgia, where a few criminal cases initiated against Saakashvili, people are ok with his status of man who has no citizenship at all... Still it is a big question why Poland allowed him to come.