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Posts by jgrabner  

Joined: 4 Oct 2016 / Male ♂
Last Post: 28 Oct 2021
Threads: Total: 1 / In This Archive: 1
Posts: Total: 73 / In This Archive: 54
From: Vienna
Speaks Polish?: słabo
Interests: język polski, Polska

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8 Nov 2016
Language / Help with homework (Polish language learning) (Hurra! Po Polsku - Level 1) [9]

Besides the usual resources on the 'net for looking up conjugations and declensions like pl.wiktionary.org or sjp.pwn.pl, I find the book "301 polish verbs" very helpful, esp. in explaining the use of aspect dokonany vs. niedokonany (in this case: when to use oglądać and when to use obejrzeć).

btw., there is also this "official" słownik: wsjp.pl/ and here I found something I could not decipher: what is the difference between oglądać and oglądnąć? or - unrelated: biegać vs. biegnąć? Those -nąć forms seem to be very rarely used (13.000 hits on oglądnę vs. 13 million for oglądam), but they are used. My friend and part time teacher, a polish native, has no idea. Any takers?
11 Jan 2017
Language / Male name declension in Poland [38]

This is about the declension of male names in the accusative case (I presume):

We wtorkowy wieczór odbyło się spotkanie liderów Platformy Obywatelskiej, Nowoczesnej oraz Polskiego Stronnictwa Ludowego zorganizowane przez Grzegorza Schetyną.

(Tue. evening, a meeting between the leaders of PO, .N and PSL took place, organized by Grzegorz Schetyna)

Jak podkreślił Wierzejski, takie działania jest zgodne z polityką zapowiedzianą przez Grzegorza Schetyna...

(As underlined by Mr. Wierzejski, such action is consistent with the policy announced by Grzegorz Schetyna)

przez requires the acc. and name declension rules for Grzegorz Schetyna give me Grzegorza Schetynę. Most do it this way, but not the cited examples. Similar:

Rod Blagojevich został aresztowany we wtorek przez FBI chciał łapówki za wyznaczenie następcy na zwolnione przez Baracka Obama miejsce w Senacie.

(Rod Blagojevich was arrested tuesday by the FBI (because) he wanted a bribe for the appointment of a successor to the freed senate seat of/by Barack Obama)

I would have come up with Baracka Obamę as most others, but obviously not all.

Since I selected respected news sites, I am not sure if these are imperfections/mistakes but maybe I am missing some rule? thanks for reading.
15 Feb 2017
Travel / How available is internet/wifi in Poland? [24]

I have a SIM card from play.pl. It is 49zł per month (Internet na kartę == prepaid) for unlimited LTE and the speed is usually fast (Warsaw, Kraków). I use it on an Android smartphone and if occasionally I want other devices to connect, I open a hotspot on the phone, works as usual (I have never found that any provider would block tethering as that would be technically very difficult to implement, as long as one doesn't use anything from Apple).
17 Mar 2017
News / 60% of Poles say Szydło's government should resign [238]

Who better represents Poland in Europe

is this really the most important factor for voters in the Sejm elections? probably not, since all polls asking for that vote show PiS having a continuing commanding lead with a similar margin as in 2015: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Opinion_polling_for_the_next_Polish_parliamentary_election frankly, my answer to "kto lepiej reprezentacje Polskę w Europie?" would be "kogo to obchodzi?".

Projections for the 2019 elections today are not only to be taken with a grain, but with a boatload of salt, considering the huge fluctuations in pre-2015 polling. PO then lost the elections in the last couple of weeks(!): niepewnesondaze.blogspot.it/2015/10/w-tygodniu-przed-wyborami-4.html

Should the government of Szydlo resign?". More than 42% answered "definitely yes" and 18% "rather yes".

that would be in line with general polling. 60% don't like her today, and ~62% did not vote for her in 2015.

If you have only 50% election participation, the key to winning the election is high turnout of our own base. It pays better off to energize your own base than to try to win voters from the other side. In this regard, voting against Tusk was a cheap move to keep their own base happy.
31 Mar 2017
Life / Cost of living in Katowice, Poland [53]

If savings is a top priority for you, then Poland is not a country you should be considering

saving more than $1000 per month after taxes and expenses is hard even in the west, considering that he has not only to house and feed himself but also his - most certainly - non working wife. It would be easier in an english speaking country where the wife would have a better chance of also finding work.
26 Apr 2017
Work / I have to decide between two job offers, Berlin vs Wroclaw [44]

As Italian, you will be able to learn German much quicker than Polish and since mastering the local language is key to success, I would recommend Berlin. If you can make like 1500€ net, it would not be a terribly low wage either since the minimum wage in Germany is around 1300€ gross and a lot of Berliners are earning that.
31 May 2017
News / Mysterious death of Magdalena Żuk on holiday in Egypt [144]

German citizens can travel to Egypt without a passport

indeed, that is the law since 2002. They just have to bring a separate photo which the Egyptians will affix onto the visa, that in this case will be issued on the spot as a separate document at the point of entry. French, Belgian, Italian, and Portuguese citizen enjoy the same privileges. All others EU citizens can also obtain a visa at the point of entry (with the exception when coming from Israel), but they need a passport.

source: egyptian-embassy.de/konsulat
13 Jun 2017
Life / Settle in Poland, which city is best? [30]

How does the tax situation affect any UK pensions that might be payable

There is a special section for tax liabilites for "Pensions and similar payments or annuities received" and here, the tax is only paid in the country where you are residing.

6 Jul 2017
News / Trump will hold Poland up as an example for other nations to follow [106]

plans to buy american gas at prices higher than russia and norway offer

do you have reliable numbers on that? Polish sources indicate that russian gas is more expensive that that from its competitors:

"The diversification of gas supplies directions and sources will definitely have an impact on a fall in prices for the market participants," Pawel Jakubowski, director at Gaz-System's development division, told Reuters in an interview.

10 Jul 2017
News / Officials in Poland are hailing an upcoming visit by Donald Trump [720]

because once Germany reaches the targeted military expenditure, it will have an uncomfortably large military again

not necessarily, considering how inefficient Germany spends money on its military. In 2011, Germany media reportet that "German soldiers mostly don't know how to use their weapons." ( thedailybeast.com/german-soldiers-in-afghanistan-cant-shoot). Since then, it's only gotten worse. The latest failure was with a new transport plane, a lot of money was spent on, but it is not working: dw.com/en/german-air-force-investigates-latest-airbus-a400m-glitch/a-37464284

Currently, there are only 7,000 (!) Soldiers ready to fight (at least they can try). For every actual soldier, 50 personnel is employed in the bureaucracy. Compare this to France: there the ratio is 1:10.

They might well invest a couple of billions more but might end up as helpless as they are now.
14 Jul 2017
USA, Canada / Sending a phone from USA to Poland [6]

Most care should be put on the LTE bands the phone supports. There is quite a distinction between the frequencies used stateside vs. Poland: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LTE_frequency_bands

LTE bands 1, 3, 7, and 20 are not at all covered by some (most) phones sold stateside because providers there are using different frequencies.

Even with the same model, there can be significant differences. The Samsung Galaxy S8 SM-G950P will not work in Poland, the Galaxy S8 SM-G9500 will work fine. Check the model you want to ship here: frequencycheck.com
17 Jul 2017
News / Bankruptcies in Poland up by 15% [4]

the comparable figures for Germany and Austria are 10,300 and 2,574

for the UK, I have only 1Q2017: 3,967:

418 in Poland for half a year? With 1/2 and 5 times the size of Germany and Austria, a number around 5,000ish would be plausible. 418 is not possible, there is something wrong with that number.

Could it be that they are not counting the rejected petitions for grounds that the debtor's assets were insufficient for the payment of the expenses of liquidation? These are usually the bulk of petitions but not counting them (although no formal declaration of insolvency is issued) makes the number useless because a rise in this number could actually indicate an improving situation.
19 Jul 2017
News / 60% of Poles say Szydło's government should resign [238]

latest polls show PiS gaining ground in the last 3 months again:
interestingly, the strongest party amongst the 18-24 old voters is K15. And: Wolność - Korwin-Mikke's party - polls at 14% amongst this young crowd.
For me it is an encouraging sign that both in the general electorate as well - and maybe even stronger - in the young generation, parties who work against mass immigration have a big majority.
26 Jul 2017
News / EU confirms it will take action against Poland over court reforms [554]

Warsaw receives in structural funds more money than it actually spends on defence

maybe in the coming years, but not so in 2016:

In 2016, investment activity declined significantly due to a low utilisation of the EU structural funds and increased uncertainty.


but let's say that the full EUR 86.1 billion will be distributed throughout the 2014-2020 timeframe, we are talking about EUR 12,3 billions per year or EUR 320 per polish citizien per year or EUR 27 per citizen per month.

and we are talking gross inflows here. The goverment spends PLN 18 billions (EUR 4 billions) in EU contributions in 2017: mf.gov.pl/documents/764034/5945940/20170630_state_budget_expenditure_V_2017.pdf

so there is only a maximum inflow of EUR 8 billions net targeted to specific projects and we are down to EUR 210 per citizen per year to EUR 17,5 per citizen per month.

And this is the maximum, which is never reached. One year before the end of the 2007-2013 program, only 61% of these funds were actually distributed and in the end, more than 10% was never paid at all: insideurope.eu/node/487

To further compare the numbers, let's look at FDI: com/Publication/vwLUAssets/EY_Attractiveness_Survey_Poland_2017/$FILE/EY-Attractiveness-Survey-Poland-2017.pdf]
we had for every year since 2005 an annual investment from foreign entities of more than USD 1,000 billion in Poland and on average USD 830 billion in greenfield investments, meaning building facilities like offices and factories from scratch. Outflow of funds is on the other side comparatively low, some USD 50 billion.

Compared to FDI, EU funds are a drop in the ocean. And I have not even started to analyse how efficient that EU funds are put to work. Not everything is going into obviously useful projects like building roads, bridges, and railways, but there is plenty of stuff devised by EU bureaucrats that has at least questionable value.

Considering Brexit will diminish the source of funds together with lagging countries like Italy also not able or willing to pony up lots of money, starting from 2021, CEE countries will have to live with less EU funds anyway and I project that nobody will really notice.
28 Jul 2017
News / EU confirms it will take action against Poland over court reforms [554]

An 80% majority of the member states needs to agree that there has been a serious breach of EU law.

which version of Art. 7 TEU have you been reading? The current law of the land can be found here:
eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/?uri=celex:12012M007 and Art. 7 sec. 2-3 are as follows:

2. The European Council, acting by unanimity on a proposal by one third of the Member States or by the Commission ... may determine the existence of a serious and persistent breach...
3. Where a determination under paragraph 2 has been made ...including the voting rights

While the proposal needs to be made only by 1/3 of the Member States or (in the case of Poland) by the Commission, there is a need for unanimity in the Council to "determine the existence of a serious and persistent breach". Only if this unanimity is reached, paragraph 3 again works with the Lisbon qualified majority rules. But without the preceding unanimous vote, §3 cannot be invoked.

Although I wonder if they even would get a qualified majority.
31 Aug 2017
UK, Ireland / 31 year old Polish man causes accident under influence of alcohol and kills 8 [198]

A homeless Polish-born lorry driver accused of killing eight people had stopped in the slow lane of the M1 for 12 minutes before the crash ...
Their vehicle had to swerve to avoid Masierak's stationary Scania lorry ..


Pictures from the crash site:
front: thesun.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/nintchdbpict0003481307282.jpg?strip=all&w=960
above: worcesternews.co.uk/resources/images/6758773/?type=responsive-gallery-fullscreen

So the polish driver actually was not "driving a truck that crashed into an innocent family" but parking his truck in lane 1 of the highway. It is still a criminal offence, esp. in combination with being drunk, but for me his personal guilt is much lower compared to would he actually been driving and hitting somebody. It seems that he realized that he was too drunk to drive and parked his truck in - if the pictures indicate his actual position - the most safest spot on that highway.

It is on the other side rather questionable why the van was there in the first place, since there is an exit ramp right before the place of impact. But even if he were to stand in the slow lane, every motorist shall only drive as fast as for him it is possible to stop when he recognizes an obstacle on the road, even at 3am. Other drivers were obviously able to avoid hitting his truck, considering that he was already standing there for some 12 minutes and the M1 is a busy motorway even at 3am.
15 Sep 2017
Language / Instrumental case "To Jest " and "Jest" Need help with correcting my examples in Polish [17]

When only an adjective is used after być, you put it in the nominative case: On jest miły.

yet if być is preceded by a demonstrative pronoun (ten,to,ta,ci,te), the instrumental is not used, even when put together with an adjective:

To była precyzyjna robota w białych rękawiczkach za duże pieniądze

I still fail at this regularly. btw., why to and not ta?

about the negation requiring the genitive: this seems only to modify the accusative:
oglądam telewizię / nie oglądam telewizji
ma mleko / nie ma mleka
będzie czas / nie będzie czasu
znamy adres / nie znamy adresu

być requires either the nominative or the instrumental, for this reason a negated być is not modified with the genitive.
20 Sep 2017
Travel / Białowieża National Park in Poland [461]

State Forestry Worker = 7772 zl

are they talking about leśniczy (forester) or a robotnik leśny (forest worker)? foresters earn on average 6,600zł: wynagrodzenia.pl/moja-placa/ile-zarabia-lesniczy, but forest workers only 1,500zł:


the forester should be the guy responsible for an area of forest, so for him to earn more is comprehensible. The average robotnik earning 6,6k or even 7,7k - very probably not. Others I found:

Firefighter = 3334 zl

one article from this year claims the average Firefighter salary to be 4125 zł brutto:

Police = 4033 zl

the officer on the street seems to take home only 2,500zł:

Paramedic = 3032 zl

a bit lower: wynagrodzenia.pl/moja-placa/ile-zarabia-sanitariusz

with all the public sector wages, tiny base salaries can be deceiving though since usually a lot of dodatki - supplements - are added. But you will not - like anywhere else - get rich by working in a public sector job.
3 Oct 2017
Work / Poland - Expat Careers [26]

I would try monsterpolska.pl/en?intcid=swoop_TopNav_English and linkedin.com/jobs

btw., also with my employer, we use "expat" for a specific purpose: employees from foreign subsidaries working here for up to 5 years. Expats continue to be paid by their home company + some extra allowance. All others are "local hires" - regardless of nationality.
4 Oct 2017
Study / I'm thinking to study in the Wrocław University of Science and Technology [55]

Diversity Visa Lottery program ... I don't know how they choose their candidates

by chance, hence the name "lottery". The minimum requirement is a high school education, that's all.

I don't have enough money to study in an Anglosphere country I can't afford that. I can pay yearly max. €3000-4000

you also need living expenses covered

have an any idea about current government of Turkey

I get it, you don't like your government. I can relate to that, I don't like mine either. While mine isn't throwing people in jail by the thousands, I can still easily lose my job, get a fine, or even a short jail sentence for "speaking my mind". I also want to move away. But there is no rush. They will not come for me tomorrow if I shut up. So I will do that. I keep a low profile, continue to collect a good pay check and use the time wisely to acquire the skills necessary to move in a couple of years.

I would suggest to you to do the same. A B.Sc. in Computer Science is basically the same everywhere. I am very sure you will learn programming at e.g. Atatürk University similarly well as at any other uni. And even if it is not up to par, you can always put in extra work on your own. But you can get that diploma for almost free at home at a state run uni. So I would save my money, maybe earn some extra, and wait to move until I have the skills to start to work - anywhere in the world.

teaching evolution is under a ban they completely removed from the curriculum

same as in some US schools. But the good thing about computer science is that they cannot meddle with the technology, because here, there is no wiggle room: either your code is doing what it's supposed to do - or not.
17 Oct 2017
News / US Investor seeks 700 million dollars in damages from Poland [45]

very much a feature of PIS policy.

Tauron is majority-owned by the Polish state... In July 2014, Tauron began proceedings to liquidate the subsidiary, thereby annulling any power deal, which Invenergy challenged in court.

wasn't PO in power back then?
17 Oct 2017
News / US Investor seeks 700 million dollars in damages from Poland [45]

The case I referred to is a separate action against the present government and is for the amount of 700 million dollars.

yes, the FT is reporting the same figure today: ft.com/content/a26dda50-af3b-11e7-aab9-abaa44b1e130

but also in this piece, it says: "Michael Polsky, the founder and chief executive of Invenergy, said the dispute had now been raging "for three-plus years".", meaning that they "have exhausted [their] commercial and legal remedies in the country" and are now sueing the current goverment for actions that were undertaken during the previous government. Since the termination of the SPVs had something to do with falling energy prices, 2014 sounds like a reasonable timeframe because mid of 2014 we had the big oil price drop and with it came also a downturn in wholesale electricity prices.

corrupt judges who take bribes

for this reason, the BITs usually open the door for independent courts, also in the PL-USA BIT:

An investor may take a dispute with a Party directly to binding third-party arbitration without first resorting to domestic courts.


In general, nothing can be inferred just from the plaintiff complaining. It is currently just that: a "media offensive". It is up to the courts to decide whether the case has any merits.
25 Oct 2017
Language / What's the difference between może and chyba? [4]

chyba is more of a (not firm) opinion, estimation while może is just about possibility

this. You might expect this meaning since może is (also) the 3rd p. sg. of móc - which both means potrafić, mieć możliwość - someone is able to do something - and mieć pozwolenie - someone is allowed to do something - but also wyrażenie przypuszczenia - expression of presumption - and the latter meaning overlaps with chyba. Examples from Swan in increasing degree of certainy:

Może Janek będzie chciał ci towarzyszyć. Maybe Janek will want to accompany you.
Chyba Janek będzie chciał ci towarzyszyć. I suppose Janek will want to accompany you.
Prawdopodobnie Janek będzie chciał ci towarzyszyć. Probably Janek will want to accompany you.

chyba has additionally a meaning of unless:
Przyjadę, chyba żebym zachorował. I'll come unless I get sick. This cannot be expressed with może. On the other side, może can be used for expressions that carry no doubt at all:

Może pływać w głębokiej wodzie, a bateria wytrzymuje 10 dni. It can swim in deep water and the battery lasts 10 days.
Here, może has a totally distinct meaning from chyba, because there is no uncertainy.

(the usual cavaet applies: non-native speaker here too, take everything with a grain of salt).
13 Nov 2017
Work / Cost of living in Gdańsk, average salary for experienced software engineer in Poland [64]

How much could be my tax deduction ?

you can work this out here: calculla.com/salary_in_poland with 12k before taxes, you will get a tad more than 8k net.

I hope to save arnd 7K PLN/month , will this be really feasible with 12K gross PLN before tax cut ?


Any other expenses to be considered when factoring cost of living ?

impossible to answer. In general, Poland is not a country to move to for the savings potential of one's salary. You earn a comparably (to Western Europe) low salary, but besides services and housing, for imported stuff you pay the same price as everywhere else.
19 Nov 2017
News / EU confirms it will take action against Poland over court reforms [554]

Where can I see the full stats of how European countries voted?

the resolution has the #B8-0595 "The situation of the rule of law and democracy in Poland".
the summary results: europarl.europa.eu/sides/getDoc.do?pubRef=-%2f%2fEP%2f%2fNONSGML%2bPV%2b20171115%2bRES-VOT%2bDOC%2bPDF%2bV0%2f%2fEN&language=EN starts from the bottom of page 12

the roll call tally: europarl.europa.eu/sides/getDoc.do?pubRef=-%2f%2fEP%2f%2fNONSGML%2bPV%2b20171115%2bRES-RCV%2bDOC%2bPDF%2bV0%2f%2fEN&language=EN the votes on the final text are on pp84/85

there have been various amendments proposed and every single of them is voted on, hence the huge number of voting rounds.

kudos from my side go to the MEPs
Ryszard Legutko, Anna Fotyga, Tomasz Poręba, Ryszard Czarnecki, Karol Karski, Edward Czesak, Beata Gosiewska, Czesław Hoc, Marek Jurek, Sławomir Kłosowski, Zdzisław Krasnodębski, Urszula Krupa, Zbigniew Kuźmiuk, Stanisław Ożóg, Bolesław Piecha, Jadwiga Wiśniewska, and Kosma Złotowski for proposing this resolution: europarl.europa.eu/sides/getDoc.do?pubRef=-//EP//TEXT+MOTION+B8-2017-0594+0+DOC+XML+V0//EN

"Points out, therefore, that new legislative proposals, such as the proposals for laws on the National Judicial Council and Supreme Court, should not be subject to interference from the EU institutions, as their objectives will be best achieved by the Polish authorities on the basis of the subsidiarity principle"
30 Nov 2017
News / Eggs in Poland paying for the 550+ [8]

The government will only have minuscule additional profits from higher egg prices since VAT for eggs is just 5% and producers are private companies. And there is no central price fixing in the first place. Which would be impossible to pull off inside the common EU market anyway.

What is actually happening is that prices across Europe are rising fast- here a chart from Germany:
It is said that some 6 million chicken were killed in 2017 and that now some 20 million are missing from the market.

With butter, it seems to be a combination of a change in local consumer habits (increased demand), a drop in production in the EU, and an increased demand for Milk overseas, in particular in China:

While eggs cannot be shipped that easily over long distances, dried milk powder can.

The article also talks about unintended consequences from the 2014 russian sanctions. The immediate effect was an oversupply of dairy products in Europa, which was followed by a voluntary cut in production capacities by a lot of farms going of of business in 2015 and 2016. For this reason, butter production in 2017 is down some 5% in the EU.
17 Dec 2017
Law / Question on international law - a person from Poland caught and extorted in the USA [2]

There is an extradition treaty between Poland and the US: internationalextraditionblog.files.wordpress.com/2011/03/poland.pdf

If the action committed is punishable only in one of the two states or has a maximum sentence of lower than one year imprisonment, extradition is not possible. So if the Polish national is residing in Poland and did something that is a crime in the US but not in Poland, he will not be extradited. And he will not be tried in Poland either. He has to be careful though to never leave Poland before checking the relevant extradition treaties of the states he is going to travel to.

If the action is punishable in both countries, usually the perpetrator is tried in his home state (if he is physically located there) und the rule of local laws since nations rarely extradite their own citizens. These provisions are normally used for extraditing foreign nationals.

If the person on the other side is physically present in the state where the alleged offence took place, the question of extradition is moot. A polish national who committed a crime in the US will be tried there under their laws regardless of Polish law and there is no way that Poland could get him back home under any provisions. That would be only possible via the diplomatic route and that is reserved for very high profile cases in extraordinary circumstances.