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Joined: 4 Feb 2015 / Male ♂
Last Post: 10 Sep 2015
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21 Feb 2015
Life / Polish people and racism. [943]

Johnny reb
Poles are not racist against Muslim and most are not racist against Blacks.
22 Feb 2015
Life / Polish people and racism. [943]

Marsupial stop talking trash if you please.

MarcinBU do not concern yourself overtly with Poland. Chances are you will spend your life in the U.S.
22 Feb 2015
Life / Polish people and racism. [943]

kaz200972 it sounds good in theory. It doesn't plays itself out like that.
22 Feb 2015
Life / Polish people and racism. [943]

Said one fanatic religious extremist about another group of so called religious extremist fundamentalists

I would take religion over so called secular state every day now.

A secular state claims to be neutral with regards to religious beliefs when in fact it is a myth. What is really happening is that religious values are being excluded from public domain while secular one are allowed to take a precedence.

For example the state is not neutral when it promotes so called equal right for homosexuals but rather its privileging certain secular values over less permissive religious alternatives.
22 Feb 2015
Life / Polish people and racism. [943]

No, its a ruling class in the respective countries that is causing problems by creating conditions amicable for those people.

The subject of the thread is POLISH people and racism. Can ALL posters keep to this topic please or posts will be removed.
22 Feb 2015
Life / Polish people and racism. [943]

Racism in Poland is no greater nor more dangerous than racism in the UK. So far nobody has been killed in Poland in connection with racism.
22 Feb 2015
Life / Polish people and racism. [943]

because no Polish woman wanted you.

Thee shall not be blessed by thou grace ye Polish women of many uses.

23 Feb 2015
Genealogy / How Polish am I? What is the correct formula? [58]

According to my grandmother I was a Polish prince

What has happened? Are you a Polish princess now?

We come from a very long line of surfs

Wow! Generations of surfers, have they been surfing on a long waves of a different dimension?
3 Mar 2015
Life / Thoughts on "Ida" (Polish movie) [30]

History might be complex but it doesn't mean it has to be twisted. Let me ask you why there is no movies about British paratroopers landing in Germany and joying as guards at the Auschwitz concentration camp. Hey after all there was so called Britisches Freikorps and history is complex. Maybe you should make it and then when you can get all the prise for being able to address the many-faceted nature of difficult recent historical events and to come to terms with them. How about it?
3 Mar 2015
Life / Thoughts on "Ida" (Polish movie) [30]

"All 27 of them, never "paratroopers landing in Germany and 'joying' as guards at the Auschwitz" - that's just a lie."

I see that some find it more comforting to simplify matters according to their prejudices .
"With the film Ida, nothing is "twisted". "
Have you seen it>?
"it may be uncomfortable for people who see the world in black and white."
Like a hypothetical film about British volunteering for a guard duty in Auschwitz might be uncomfortable for you?
"The bad stuff is all well documented, however uncomfortable that is for some"
What bad stuff? Let be explicit here.
3 Mar 2015
Life / Thoughts on "Ida" (Polish movie) [30]

Vox, if you visited any school history department in the UK, you'd probably be surprised at the things modern kids learn about. Even when I was in primary school we learned about the British slave trade, and I'm talking about 1972! Nowadays, most British people are well aware of the shameful episodes of their country's history. It's a sign of a mature country.

Excuse me, I might be wrong here. Has our conversations took a wrong turn while I wasn't looking? Does it pertains historical education, historical facts or a certain movie and its rather an odd take on things and history of Poland?

I must confess watching the film has been an almost exhausting chore. Not due to its historical uncomfortable trues whether they may be but due to the amount of ahistorical twists of action and completely unreliable story.

"Not uncomfortable at all, especially since nothing like that ever happened"
A hypothetical movie about British paratroopers landing in Germany and joying as guards at the Auschwitz concentration camp would have been as much historically accurate as the film you most likely haven't seen.

"The bad stories are very well documented by survivors"
How does it answer my ply for a detailed facts?
3 Mar 2015
Life / Thoughts on "Ida" (Polish movie) [30]

"Ida" is a great film in many ways"
Sure thing if you are into one sided the Jew centred the WWII narrative I'm sure "Ida" fulfils well all those preconditions.
3 Mar 2015
Life / Thoughts on "Ida" (Polish movie) [30]

"You seem to be suggesting that the narrative about Polish history is one-sided and the majority don't have a voice."
I'm saying the narrative about Polish history as presented in that film is a one-sided Jews focused perspective.

"Voice and I suspect what you're really saying is that you don't think any opposing views should be expressed."

I'm all for different perspectives and differed views being expressed. I would only people were aware it is Jewish not Polish perspective.

"As a poster said early today, confronting all aspects of a country's history (and the history of Poland is not just the history of the Poles) is a sign of cultural maturity."

It is a worth noting, touching that patronising tone towards anyone and a nation in particular is a sure sign of a flawed or immature personality.

"Not really, since events depicted in that film did sadly occur"
Not that those events were in any way representative to what had really happened. Furthermore each of events depicted in the film taken separately remains in the realm of probability but all of them piled tight together are only possible in a fantasy world or as I said in the one-sided Jew centred narrative.

"Should such a film ever be made, it's so far from reality that nobody in the UK would care"
Nobody in Poland cared at all about it. At least before the film got the Oscar and became an icon of Poland allegedly confronting her own history and as such being a subject of patronising comments. In regard to the WWII Poland has no need nor a reason to apologize to anyone.

"Thank you for the description of the film. I haven't seen it, but as I already observed in the Polish section of the forum, judging it by the fact that it is criticised by the two sides, one should be inclined to admit it is a film which must be both fair and honest"

A man of the middle, a position considered by some to be a sign of maturity and by others as an excuse for fence sitters.
3 Mar 2015
Life / Thoughts on "Ida" (Polish movie) [30]

"A position of the far side, isn't it a position stating that the world may only be black or white, with no shades of grey between them"

A flawed position of weak minded i.e. those who need a map to do all that arbitral orienteering with help of tool or artificial crutches to supplement lack of certain limbs in this case lack of skill, senses or ability of your own. Instead you are always looking for grey even if there is none.

[Keep your hands off my homeland, my boy; sober or drunk, she has always been my mother.]
Keep your advices to yourself and do not try to lecture me in your patronising manner betraying a deeply ingrained sense of inadequacy.
3 Mar 2015
Life / Thoughts on "Ida" (Polish movie) [30]

"Vox - I'm saying the narrative about Polish history as presented in that film is a one-sided Jews focused perspective."

So what. Unless you think every work of fiction should present politically opposing view?

Do you really want me to repeat myself? I have already said what I have to say. Do you have a problem with it?

"You seem to imply that a. they two points of view are mutually exclusive, and b. the "Polish perspective" and the Jewish one have no commonality."

In regard to the WWII it seems to be the case.
"Not everyone in Poland shares your "perspective"
Let me quote you : "So what?"

"Though some very bad things certainly did happen"
Very bad things did happen, are happening and undoubtedly will happen.
5 Mar 2015
Genealogy / If your ancestors were in the "Wehrmacht"... [217]

They were required under the terms of the German-Soviet Boundary and Friendship Treaty of 28 September 1939 not to allow such a state to come into existence

Also Polish Government after loosing the war didn't sign an agreement with Germans for the surrender, and by doing so exposed the population of the country to harsher treatment.
6 Mar 2015
Love / Polish girls hard in relationships [156]

I'm surprised how disrespectful toward women some of the posts are here

In my opinion such posts are being written by the teenagers with no real experience with intersex relationship or and this is an disturbing thought by some broken individuals.
7 Mar 2015
UK, Ireland / Why English do not like Polish? [417]

Given a fact that you people already have started to compete I would think it is a splendid idea to hold a competition for the world cup of the most ignorant nation.

MY Briitish friends speak Greek, Spanish, Welsh, French, German, and GASP even some Polish, among others

We mustn't forget about Latin speaking community. No sir.

Go home, we don't want you arrogant, ignorant people here. I am sick of hearing your rotten language everywhere I go.

There is no doubt in my mind that you are a very sick person indeed my friend. Seeing you are getting around a lot I only can hope your sickness is not contagious.

There is no doubt that retired wealthy Brits have invaded some parts of Spain and placed millions

Are you saying that wealthy Brits are fleeing that sacred precious land such a paradise on Earth to some far away mud just for the pleasure of rubbing elbows with foreigners who are speaking foreign language all the time ? That's horrid sir. How it is possible?

Everyone back on track please, this thread is about why the English don't like the Polish.
18 Mar 2015
History / The Riga Peace Treaty [64]

It is ridiculous that any explanation need given as to why it's a bad idea to destroy these monuments.

What is bad in eradicating iconography of the colonial regime?

Poland stabbed its Ukrainian allies in the back and sold their country to the Soviets for 30 pieces of silver (ok, actually 30 million roubles in gold, but the principle is the same).


Poland was to receive monetary compensation (30 million rubles in gold) for its economic input into the Russian Empire during the times of partitions of Poland.

18 Mar 2015
History / The Riga Peace Treaty [64]

Dress it up anyway you want, Vox, Poland did exactly what she'd promised her Ukrainian allies she would not do and accepted 30 million in exchange for doing that.

That obvious attempt at humour failed miserably.
19 Mar 2015
History / The Riga Peace Treaty [64]

Barney I detect here a slight difference of opinions.

Public monuments in colonial Nairobi were visual links to the British empire, and served as a means of asserting imperial power. During this period, colonial memories and identities were inscribed into Nairobi's landscape by the dominant group, the elite of the European population. However, at the moment of Kenya's achievement of independence from colonial rule, such identities and assertions of power were challenged as statues were removed from the city

For the Kenyan novelist, playwright and essayist, Ngũgĩ wa Thiong'o, power through cultural subjugation was the principal tool of colonialism. The monuments of Nairobi can be read as a history of cultural artefacts used by the coloniser to dominate and subjugate the colonised.[/i]