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Posts by jedrzej  

Joined: 4 Mar 2014 / Male ♂
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From: PL-Poz, UK-Lon
Speaks Polish?: Yes
Interests: Marketing, Politics, War, Nutrition

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4 Mar 2014
News / Is this the first clear and open signal that Poland makes preparations for war with Russia? [163]

Wrong. Otherwise, he will go then for the Baltic states, Poland, Slovakia etc.

No I don't think so. NATO isn't worth much at this time, not even for us in Poland. Sorry, but for you NATO is worth nothing. They won't do anything to protect your country if Putin decide to grab it. Sure, our politicians can talk and even cry if they like, but most what NATO will do in a case of that kind of aggression is draw a line on our Polish-Ukrainian boarder.

When it comes to this kind of things I'm realist. I for myself don't believe NATO would help Poland if Putin decide to fight us. Polish politicians feel it feel it also, that's why you see this panic in Polish politics. I would love to be wrong, but IF conflict escalate and Putin will go for eastern Ukraine, you will face guerrilla war (backed up by gear from other countries but no official help).

As for Poland, we need nukes. And I believe we still have a lot of time to get them ready (if we haven't already).
26 May 2015
News / Presidential elections and debates 2015 Poland [472]

Well, the main problem with money from EU is that in big part it went into private pockets of local politicians (PO) and their fellow businessman. It dons't matter how much Poland got from UE, what matters is that those money were taken by politicians from PO. Regular people got **** from it despite the fact that those money comes from our pockets. After all, it's regular people who pay for all of those "investments".

There are many examples illustrating how money have been transferred into private pockets. The best one is national stadium in Warsaw. So I don't see any reason that regular people should care about money from EU. Let's take to responsibility politicians and their "friendly" business. Regular Poles have nothing to do with those cons.

Poland should go out of the EU ASAP. If Germans, France etc. got some problem with it they should hunt PO politicians and their fellow businessman. That's all. Right now I'm living in Poland but as many others here, I don't care about the money from other EU states. Sure, they have been paying and sending money to Poland but, the money ended up in private pockets of chosen few. And I (and MANY other Poles) not going to pay that dept. Ohh... eventually, PO voters should be taken to responsibility as well.
26 May 2015
Work / Salary expectations in Poland [373]

Honestly, I wouldn't move to Poland for a job. Unless they have already stated some at least 15000 zł netto (about $4000/M after tax). Poland is expensive country to live. For example, I was in London for about 5 years. I can tell you right away that food, and I mean FOOD (not some cheap rubbish) is more expensive in Poland. Another thing is food variety, much better choice in the UK for example (or Germany).

Another thing TV, internet or mobile deals. No comparison. While in Poland you have guys and gals walking around exposing their Apple logo so everyone can see it, in the UK every regular person can get that in a normal cheap deal. Plus no playing smart ass because of the fact.

Cars in Poland. Not cheap, no matter used or new. Also, I would say stay away from used because most of them is a scrap from EU. Also, a lot of VERY dishonest sellers here o the market. They know how to pimp that ride so you think you are getting a deal but, after two weeks you will weak up and cry.

If you have qualifications try and get on a subcontractor role. You will earn much better but, on the other hand there are risks involved (especially in Poland where you are much more vulnerable for getting conned... Yep, conning is a big Polish skill and you should know about this. On every level of a leader...).

The best way to live in Poland is being owner of the company. I wouldn't advice moving here as a employee. Very unstable situation, people are not friendly. Of course, if you have a friend in management and he can guarantee that you won't get screwed or fired any time soon than go for it. But still, honestly there are MANY much better places to live.

I'm the owner of a company and can tell you that being an employee in Poland is like living with a razor on your neck. You never know what is going to happen. Unless you have right connections. Sad but it is what it is.

Think carefully about moving to Poland.

P.S Also, being educated in Poland means nothing. Connections means everything. Unless you are happy with something like $4000/M after tax. But, that's not much money to live on here.