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Posts by Dont gag me yo  

Joined: 3 Feb 2013 / Male ♂
Last Post: 8 Jul 2014
Threads: Total: 7 / In This Archive: 4
Posts: Total: 155 / In This Archive: 129
From: USA/Poland
Speaks Polish?: Trokhe

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Dont gag me yo   
13 Feb 2013
Real Estate / Poland Real Estate 2013 -drops in offer prices, lack of liquidity indicate market crashing [39]

Honestly I also was thinking its not a crash,just last week I offered 1 mil that was in market for 1.2 mil and I got counter offer for 1,020000 from the seller, second one was in market for 2.1 mil and I offered 1.7 and the seller offered for 1.8, and now I'm confused.the sellers are dropping 100/300k pln in just one counter offer, making me think it probably is a crash not a decline.and if this continues Poland will be great plaice to invest and make over 10% ROI.another factor I noticed is those properties that are dropping there prices so hard had not exchanged ownerships for a decade or more.
Dont gag me yo   
16 May 2013
Life / Changing groszy coins into real money in Poland [16]

I also collect change in 2 piggy banks for 11 years andb 2 years back I cashed my 2&5 zloty for over 22 k pln and little change for over 1200 pln.i put them in suitcase in 2 diff canvas bags and Citibank behind swietosiska has the machine to count change.i left it with them and gave them my acct number and they credited the money to my account in couple of hrs.you can trust them as usually three are 3 people all the time with your money till its counted.they also gave me some odd coins like euros and other currencies I had mixed among them.so call Citibank handlowy and they can help u for sure.
Dont gag me yo   
16 May 2013
Life / Changing groszy coins into real money in Poland [16]

Yes in Warsaw Citibank handlowy,call them first and ask them also before u go 800 22 46 53 or 22 692 2484.they sent me to the branch behind swietosiska,where they took my change and gave credit to my account for the same amount

Lol maybe because I am not of polish origin that's why I could answer you:)
Dont gag me yo   
22 May 2013
Real Estate / Poland's apartment prices continue to fall [1844]

Warszawski agreed 100%,even though the advertising prices haven't changed but actual selling prices have.i am saying that with first hand experience.sellers who are rigid about the prices are simply not selling,I know 3/4 properties personally which are in the market for over and year( for example there is a property in nowe bemowo rented by fresh point,being still advertised for 1.230mil the owner will accept 9.5 ,still not worth it,another is in sadiba rented to Polska poczta asking 2.2 owner will take 1.65, still all advertised for orignal prices) these are good rental yields of about 10% and over but there rental agreements are not good and property if vacated is worth 1/2 the price..but again they might find some stupid English teacher who thinking 10% yield is good and buy it without doing his home work.i am now in process of buying one at almost 50% less advertised price with my conditions,and this one is not even advertised at all by the realtors.
Dont gag me yo   
22 May 2013
Law / Looking for investment ideas/options in Poland 150k-200k CND [6]

Since you haven't been to Poland almost a decade you will not know the current business climate in Poland as it has changed and changing drastically.then again depends how much work would you like to do with that type of investment and how much return would you want for it.the investment return can vary from 1% to 40% depending on the type of input.
Dont gag me yo   
22 May 2013
Law / Looking for investment ideas/options in Poland 150k-200k CND [6]

Delphi lets do some factual math..... Cost of renting a warehouse minimum 12 k plus vat a month plus utilities,securities insurance etc will be around minimum 50 k pln,cost of product at least 50 k,cost of staff maybe 20 k plus taxes,then transporting costs,poor guys will have to survive atleast a year to even start seing some cash flow?you think he can?lol and like u mentioned that product( jack 3d) is banned during the process?

But it sure is a good idea for a prospective financial suicide:)
Dont gag me yo   
3 Nov 2013
USA, Canada / Is there anyone in the US who has a Maluch that is legal to be driven? [13]

Bit late to respond ,where do you get it fixed ? My mechanic is coming back to Poland so I need a mechanic in New Jersey?ill be there next week or maybe use AAA to tow it to virginia or rent a uhaul if you have a good mechanic ther?
Dont gag me yo   
4 Nov 2013
Life / Is 10500 monthly is enough for a family to live in Warsaw Poland [136]

Yeah a decent flat at babka towers with garage will run u around 2800 pln furnished plus gas,car insurance or A monthly metro pass dining out 5 days a week you will be alright,lol and a occasional date.you all set man get that job.

In other EU countries that will not be enough by what polish standards offer.
Dont gag me yo   
8 Nov 2013
Feedback / Sold my laptop but the buyer cannot have access to Polish Forums from it [8]

Thus by polishforum rules only one person is entitled to use one computer or every computer he logs on from?oh and trust me me laptops,notebooks,desktops,tablets are also banned ....ad it's a first hand experience

And about giving money back it's not like some people here order from amazon to save custom duty:)) and can be refunded,I ain't giving him chest he can have his probs sorted with PF. Directly for I care,he ain't getting a penny outta me
Dont gag me yo   
25 Feb 2014
Life / New To Warsaw. Where can i buy household items, bedding etc? [25]

Without knowledge of Polands life style and geography I would suggest you go to carrefour in galeria mokotovwhere they sell it all and cheap brands.used pots and pans,silverware they also have some cheap quality stuff to last you ,and wont hurt you to leave them behind aswell.bazaars if any around there by pualska might cost you same or very close as well.
Dont gag me yo   
11 Apr 2014
Life / Moving to Krakow (and other questions) [23]

I dont know about UK but in states the property returns are like 4 to 6% depending on how strong the tenant is as for Poland one can still find 10% return on properties but strong and stable tenant yields are maximum 7.5% which I think is way better.
Dont gag me yo   
24 Apr 2014
UK, Ireland / Do people in Poland live "better" than here in the UK? [150]

yes, it is. polish bread isn't very good for sandwiches i think.

I disagree,Polish rye breads great with cold cuts,I usually take couple back to states along with a pack of cubans and usually the customs let me slide if they find it.