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Posts by LordFab  

Joined: 14 Aug 2012 / Male ♂
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From: Somewhere
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14 Aug 2012
Love / How i can make a relationship with a Polish girl? [20]

I love this thread ... So banal and full of stereotypes that it does not seem true to discuss about this in 2012... But there you go !!! You really make laugh .... :-)
14 Aug 2012
News / Poland's Economy Is Booming! The EU's Success Story? [711]

Poland will grow incredibly as long as they will not join Euros. Anyway they should reach the same level of Spain in about 15-20 Years considering that Spain is the main competitor in terms of populations.

Spain 30 yrs ago was in worst condition than Poland is now. The main problem and the longer to sort will be the infrastructures. They normally take years to be completed and billions of investments.

But once done that it will be the final boost for the country.
15 Aug 2012
Love / Why can't a guy from a foreign country marry a girl from Poland ? [44]

It would be interested to see how much English women charge for that. I am sure cheaper than the polish ones. Unfortunately we are not going to see the rates or a single article in that toilet paper you call newspaper ( Daily Mail ). One of the most infamous and racist newspaper in UK basically a shame for the entire British Press, where almost everyday you can read something against Polish or foreigners and how bad they are for the already collapsed and poor English society constantly short of money.
15 Aug 2012
Love / Why can't a guy from a foreign country marry a girl from Poland ? [44]

Re: I bet you meant Zloty

The same story can be told everyday for an English woman however for some reason the paper always shoots in the front page these sort of news when a foreigner is involved even better if the person is from East-Europe. Is this credible for you ?

The Daily Mail has always been a shame for the entire British Press system . Its positions against foreigners and the anti-european campaigns are widely known. The toilet paper you probably read and call newspaper is not reliable at all.

It is enough to read it every day to understand what I meant in my post. If you disagree with what I say you really must be incapable to read and understand the content or probably the extreme right positions of the paper (toilet ) collide with yours. If that the case I am really sorry for you.

In conclusion yes I am confident when I know exactly what I am talking about.
16 Aug 2012
Love / Why can't a guy from a foreign country marry a girl from Poland ? [44]


I am sorry to disappoint you but I am not Polish !!!!
Also my comment was just an opinion as well the other one which stated that polish women are cheaper then English women.
I do not understand why is ok to say that polish women are cheaper than English women ???? Where are you from Iran ???
17 Aug 2012
Life / Moving To Krakow May (a place to live and work?) [48]

I would suggest you to learn a different language but not polish if you want to find a decent paid job.
In krakow if full of multinationals looking for people with at least a major European language other than English
That would help you to work in a customer service environment or even in a back office / finance / HR and so on.
Forget about Polish for now unless you are happy with 2000 zloty a month for the next 10 yrs

Sorry for the bluntness but you better be prepared
18 Aug 2012
Life / Moving To Krakow May (a place to live and work?) [48]


I am in the same situation however he has to prioritize which means well paid job first hence more money to live and then the rest.

I do not speak polish however I found many people in the shops at the doctors and even my landlord who speak English

I have never had problems in the banks or post office. Few weeks ago I went to the train station in Warsaw and there was a ticket office for english speaking.

The only people I have difficulties are old people as they do not speak the language however this is a minor problem.

I think money to live come first your every day needs.

At least this is my case. Everyone is different
21 Aug 2012
UK, Ireland / First proper "Polish" School in the UK - The Next Stage of Ghettoisation [283]

I think Polish in UK are integrated more than English people in Spain or France for example
The fact that Polish people have to work helps a lot as you have to interact with English people, following this you will go out with them spend time together etc...rather than sitting at home or at the local " Spanish - English pub " surrounded by people of the same nationality

In Spain really there is a English ghetto and Spanish people are well aware of this. do not tell me none of you have never been to Spain and noticed this ???

The only places where there cannot be a so called English ghettos are the english speaking countries for obvious reasons.
English people are not very happy to mix with other nationalities especially abroad as they refuse to learn the language.
Polish in UK are more integrated than English abroad for sure
21 Aug 2012
Life / Moving To Krakow May (a place to live and work?) [48]

I am coming straight from UK and I live in krakow.
I found that many ppl speaks english in the city in the big shopping centre etc...
I do not have to go to the doctor as I have a private one however I am sure if you ask for an english speaking one there will not be any problem

I tell you some more I am going to learn another west European language in Poland not Polish, as a professional in my sector it would help my career and broaden my job opportunities.

There is time to learn polish for me also I might not be in Poland any more in 4-5 yrs
I think I can survive :-)
if you really have a passion for the language absolutely study it and learn it, however in my opinion money and lifestyle come first passions and hobbies later.
22 Aug 2012
Life / Moving To Krakow May (a place to live and work?) [48]

Company like Capgemini for customer service people with a European language pays easily 4.5K net a month.
We are not talking about Senior positions or managers.
I do not work for the above company however I know this for sure.
I do not think a Multinational would offer this money to a British candidate with French language for instance , if they try you can smile in their face and walk off. But trust me they will not do it.
22 Aug 2012
Life / Moving To Krakow May (a place to live and work?) [48]

12 yrs ago is not exactly today ! people have changed and the spread of english language and english schools in Poland has made our life easier.

Obviously I can say that there are cities more " English friendly " where people speaks English everywhere and also many signs and informations are in English

For example I would have never been able to buy and understand how a tram ticket works in Warsaw but in Krakow the information at the bust stop and on the tram are in english as well.

Of course if I live in a little village or in a middle size city all the everyday tasks would be even more difficult.
That's why the choice of the place where to go to live is important as well. an International big city helps he integration.
22 Aug 2012
Life / Moving To Krakow May (a place to live and work?) [48]

Yes I mean all those languages plus Portuguese, Swedish, Italian, Dutch for example.
I am sure you are aware that Poland is populated by people of those nationalities working for multinationals
22 Aug 2012
Life / Moving To Krakow May (a place to live and work?) [48]

One of the best website to look for job is indeed.com There is a version in polish as well.

There are many jobs in Poland for English speakers only, obviously all depends of what your skills are.
23 Aug 2012
Life / Moving To Krakow May (a place to live and work?) [48]

If you learn polish and I am sure you will be successful as I can see you have passion for the language obviously it will help a lot , not as much as another european language but it will.

Do not be scared and try you have nothing to lose :-) good luck and when you come to Krakow give me a shout I will be happy to help.
24 Aug 2012
Life / Moving To Krakow May (a place to live and work?) [48]

Krakow is considered the nicest city in Poland, lots of culture events the largest and best university in Poland the city with the lowest average population age, it is less expensive than Warsaw it is the second largest city in Poland it is the most visited city in Poland, it is English friendly ( many signs and info are in English ) many people from different nationalities which makes local people more open minded and used to foreigners. it is a city where many multinationals have decided to invest.

It is kept very well despite the number of people living and visiting the city , it is not very busy considering the size, there is a beautiful countryside surrounding the city, and it close to the mountains for skiing !!!

the riverside is absolutely nice and calm perfect for a walk or a ride, the nicest young ladies in Poland ( at least according to polish people )

I could carry on ....

Forgot there is the best weather in Poland !!!! which is a huge plus !!!