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Posts by sielakos  

Joined: 2 Jun 2012 / Male ♂
Last Post: 6 Jun 2012
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From: Wrocław
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Interests: IT

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2 Jun 2012
News / Don't go to Poland ... because you could end up coming back in a coffin [313]

That is just pure bullshit. Everyday i see tons of Blacks, Asians and none of them dead.

That we don't want blacks and etc. to live in Poland doesn't mean we are racist.

What next? I will have to allow black to live in my house cos otherwise im racist?

Well... whatever call me racist etc. i will not change my view. Being multicultural is just asking for trouble.
2 Jun 2012
History / What do Polish people think of Palestinians? [20]

Well i don't see a problem with you being from Palestine, but it depends on ppl. You will meet nice and not so nice ppl in Poland like in every country. I don't think that poles cares much about Israeli - Palestinian conflict.
2 Jun 2012
News / Don't go to Poland ... because you could end up coming back in a coffin [313]

The documentary (great film) doesn't accuse anyone of anything or say anything about a whole country or people. It is about violent football hooliganism in two different countries that isn't really being addressed by the authorities there. It is topical since those countries are hosting a tournament at a time when racism in football is under scrutiny.

1. It isn't great film.
2. It isn't true that authorities doesn't do anything about that. In fact security is quite good.
3. It isn't really racism. Just some hooligans like to fight each others. Well in fact there was some black players in Poland and there was no problems with that. Well just watch MIchael Ansley (black former NBA player) has to say about Poland.
2 Jun 2012
News / Don't go to Poland ... because you could end up coming back in a coffin [313]

1. Well i don't share your taste.

2. The issue has been ignored, and as the film shows, has got out of hand to the point that the police have to use water cannons.

2. You can't compare normal football play with Euro 2012. It is just plain stupid to think like that.

3. You're confusing two things. The Polish and Ukrainian hooligan scum can do whatever they want with each other. when they start doing Hitler salutes and writing graffiti about a race, religion or nationality it is racism.

3.1. They are not scums. It is big simplification. In fact there are some good ppl there. I met few.
3.2. Very few of them support nazi. Like in any other country.
3.3. There is nothing bad in writing about religion or nationality. Graffiti is bad, but that no.
3 Jun 2012
News / Why are many Poles anti-Euro2012 [16]

I'm anty-Euro cos it is just a waste of money. Not only whole thing cost a lot there reasons to suspect that whole thing could cost a lot less if not for some ppl that got some extra cash for it.

And there some ppl in Europe that try very hard to make Poland look bad for example this tv crap lately.

edit: It won't be huge business for Poland. There is no chance that will earn even small % of the cash that was spend on euro2012.
4 Jun 2012
News / Don't go to Poland ... because you could end up coming back in a coffin [313]

In every country there are some groups that are racist, no biggie.

And btw. who told you that integration with black folks and for that matter with any other cultural group would be good thing? Such integration means only more trouble for Poland. If Poland needs some extra workers there are plenty of them not from different culture. And we don't any problems with that. We have too much of them, hence problem with finding job in Poland.
4 Jun 2012
News / Don't go to Poland ... because you could end up coming back in a coffin [313]

And given your racist comment

It isn't racist. You just can't tell the difference which is normal, cos nowadays comment about blacks is seen as such.
If don't want black in to live in my house doesn't mean i'm racist. The same about country. It's just bigger home.

I'm sure there great ppl, but multi-culti just doesn't work well. It doesn't work at all. We can still trade, the can come here for student exchange etc. I just prefer to have homogeneous country, cos it's works better. That is all, nothing racist about that. But to see that you have to think for yourself and not let media to that for you, which i know for some ppl is hard.

Do you know any other kind of person who makes racist graffiti and fights in the street?

Who will fight for his country nice fag or them?
And not all of them are like that in fact not even most. It's just stupid to believe what you see on tv screen.
4 Jun 2012
News / Don't go to Poland ... because you could end up coming back in a coffin [313]

It's not. You aren't just able to understand the difference that is all. No surprise there.
But hey there is pretty good definition out there for racism: dictionary.reference.com/browse/racism

Non of with says anything about not letting blacks in country. I'm not saying they are worst. I'm just saying multi-culti is plain stupid and anybody who believe in that is also stupid.
4 Jun 2012
News / Don't go to Poland ... because you could end up coming back in a coffin [313]

It seems I understand much better than you evidently do.

You don't. But as i said no surprise there. You are just normal brain-washed by media guy, who calls ppl like me racists, so he doesn't have to thing about some difficult staff that some ppl doesn't want him to think about.

But screw you. If want call me racist. I don't really care about names.

The colour of one's skin has nothing to do with whether or not one is welcome somewhere either as a visitor or a resident.

It has a lot to with that, but it isn't really about skin color. It is about different culture.It is just really bad idea to mix those. Ppl from different culture don't assimilate. That is all. Just ppl with different skin color are usually from different culture. Not all of them though.

The thread is about footie
4 Jun 2012
News / Don't go to Poland ... because you could end up coming back in a coffin [313]

See? You don't even try to think about what i just wrote. You just say it's wrong cos it's wrong. Not really a smart guy are you?

edit: That is end of topic from my side. I don't really enjoy talking to someone that can't even think about something he is being told to call racist (which isn't racist by any definition by the way).
5 Jun 2012
UK, Ireland / Are the Irish welcome in Poland? [24]

I don't think there are any "Anti-Irish thugs" and even if there are some there is really noway to tell who you are just by the look.

Anyway there is no need for you to worry. Well there are thugs in Poland like in every country, but not really any anti-Irish .
I didn't get attacked in my whole live, so i guess Poland is quite safe country.

edit: But all that depends where and when you go. If you go in middle of night to not really nice place then sorry you are on your own.

Lucky there not many places like that and it's easy to tell.
5 Jun 2012
History / Why WERE Those Death Camps Built in Poland, Then? [47]

Why, that was rather nasty. Were I Jon, I'd probably report you.

So you are saying that being called Gay Jew is a bad thing?
Or is it just being called Jew or Gay?

Monia didn't say anything bad about him just that he is gay jew, which i presume isn't something bad.
5 Jun 2012
History / Why WERE Those Death Camps Built in Poland, Then? [47]

jasondmzk you are just person sick of hate.

But guess what there are almost no Jews in Poland, so there is no such thing like anti-semitism. There is no such thing as racism etc. And that is good. No target no bad thing waiting to happened.

For that matter there is a lot of bad thing i western countries, so go worry about them and **** off from Poland. We don't have any problems with any of those.

And about WWII you have to be very stupid to thing that a lot of poles would help Nazi or for that matter any Germans. Yea there were some, but guess what? It doesn't take many ppl to kill 100.

edit: And btw. that was long time ago, so nobody but Jews really care much about that ****. Yeah world don't care about Jews. You just want that **** to be important, but it isn't. Most of ppl that did bad thing to Jews are dead. So get over it.
5 Jun 2012
History / Why WERE Those Death Camps Built in Poland, Then? [47]

Any stupider than the Polish Home Army thinking the Reds "had their backs" during the Battle of Warsaw?

No that was more stupid thing to do, but that doesn't change anything. Still what i wrote stays true. Poles hated Germans a lot more than any Jews.
5 Jun 2012
History / Why WERE Those Death Camps Built in Poland, Then? [47]

Hatred knows no limits.

And makes you stupid. At least in your case.

You don't seem to able to understand that there was no Polish Gov. at that time and ppl who did bad thing not only to Jews, but to other Poles as well are long time dead.

Well you can have also some reason for talking bullshit like that. I don't which, but i guess money.

There is old polish saying: "if you don't know what it is about it's about money". Maybe i translated it wrongly, but you should get what im talking about.