Food /
Food hygiene in Poland [60]
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I. This is an answer to:
3. Many people choose bottled water instead of tap. Are there diametric differences in their quality?
The tap water in Poland is subject to more restrictive laws than bottled water. It is regularly checked by health professionals of our country who decide to admit it as drinking water for general consumption. It is safe for health. The quality of water in the bottle corresponds to the manufacturer and should not contain pathogenic bacteria. (,10017907.html)
II. Answer to this: Polish Journal of Environmental Studies , (Vol. 14) (No. 3) 327-333
Union puts greater demands in relation to the content of chlorides and dissolved or emulsified hydrocarbons to extract the oil extractable. For example, Polish regulations allow the chloride content of 250 ml / l, and the EU - 200 ml / l.
Polish regulation established the classification of different ratios of surface waters. As suitable for abstraction of drinking water, it indicates a first-class water purity, while regulation does not contain requirements for the water abstracted for drinking.
Both (EU Directive and polish regulation) have the same 33 indicators. The Directive does not contain the 22 indicators that are present in the Polish regulation. The Regulation provides uniform water quality standards, independent of the scope of the treatment of water abstracted for drinking. 23 indicators included in the Polish standards meet the strictest standards of Directives covering simple water treatment in category A1, 5 A2, and 1 in category A3.
The polish Regulation contains additional indicators such as benzo (a) pyrene, chlorophyll, saprobowość, total phosphorus, total hardness, sodium, potassium, solutes, silver, chlorine free, thiocyanates, sulfides, formaldehyde, acrylonitrile, caprolactam, nickel, vanadium, pathogenic bacteria. However the Directive contains the following indicators are not included in the Regulation: bar, substances which can be extracted with chloroform, the number of coliforms at 370C in 100 ml of water, faecal streptococci per 100 m1 of water, salmonella, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons.
The Polish law on protection of groundwater is more restrictive than the provisions of the European Union
There is no equivalent in polish Regulation to the Council Directive [6] of water quality required for shellfish habitat. This is due to the fact that in Poland did not catch seep shellfish for consumption.