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Lithuanians hate Poles? [156]
gumishuNames are written as they sound in Lithuanian language as it is official Language in the state. Lithuania add suffixes (as does Poland) but the names stem doesn't change it ( - according
piktoonis it is not practiced) . Spelling of the name is not changed - it is just written in Lithuanian. I don't know all the details about name writing but it is not so drastic as you wrote.
There are some discussions of adding another line for name to write it in it's original form (I don't know about the alphabet in this case.).
(if you are named Brzozowski you suddenly become Brazauskas - it is not quite acceptable for someone who wants to uphold his/her national identity
Interesting. Such surname change was done by Lithuanian authorities or it's just your example?
IronsideWhereas if your name is Brazauskas there is no problem in printing it like that in Poland.
It shouldn't be a problem for Lithunians to print Brzozowski.
It is. We do not have w in our alphabet and names are written in Lithuanian.