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Posts by sksherwani2k  

Joined: 13 Aug 2011 / Male ♂
Last Post: 27 Aug 2011
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1 Dec 2015
Life / Welcome to Poland ! (Stay away for your own sake) [239]

Guys I want to share some my experience. I was in Poland I lived there for more than two years. I met all kind of people racist and normal.in each country all people are not same.

I was attacked once by two polish men and on same time one woman call police and within few minutes police was there to catch these guys.

I was refused to get job reason to being a Muslim in one big company. But I got other work without even an interview.
I was living with polish people and I found them very humble and respectful. And I also met people who just hate me and shocked how I am well educated and on good position .

I travelled alone in almost all means of transport in Poland but never got problem.

My opinion in Europe specially in Poland people are not aware of Muslim they know only what media shows they know only what they have seen. So it is not there mistake that they are racist.these is media and some how culturelong differences and problems.

If you move on road with fear that you are not one of them and different from them definitely you will get problem as anyone (stupid )can try to do something with you (hate words or attack ) but if you show confidence in your actions and your body language no one can not dare to say you anything.

I was in adventure trip in Poland for 3 days 3 nights in city, villages, forests without any money food or documents and any communication device.so I did not get any attack or hate word.

So in all countries there is some bad people who create bad impression for that country it does not mean this country or nation is bad same for polish and same for muslims.