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Posts by Sidliste_Chodov  

Joined: 27 Jul 2011 / Male ♂
Last Post: 31 Jan 2012
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Posts: Total: 438 / In This Archive: 333

Speaks Polish?: Jestem debilem i mam dosyć tego antypolskiego gówna

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27 Jul 2011
News / Polish-Scottish American, Chris Ferguson, commands final Space Shuttle mission [49]

Anyway, nice to see a Scottish-American (with a name like Ferguson, he's certainly not Polish)

What's that got to do with it?

I may have a name like Krzyzanowski or Kaplický, but you would still call me "English".

Anyway, mods, could you please change the title? He, after all, is also Scottish-American ;)

A pointless change in thread title, really. See below ;)

OK, here goes.

Using your definition of ethnicity:

He's not born or brought up in Scotland; doesn't speak a Scottish language; and I wouldn't be surprised to learn that he's never visited Scotland, either.

Which, based upon your very own and overused anti-Polish definition, actually makes him... American.

Or should I say "Plastic Scot"? LOL

Despite all this, I wouldn't dare call him "subhuman" - I'll leave that word for you, so you can use it to refer to ordinary Polish-Americans yet again :p
2 Aug 2011
Life / What is with Polish and their indoor plants? [26]

PMSL, it's so true!

I used to have over 30 in a previous flat. Unfortunately, I now live somewhere which only has enough sunshine on one side, so I can't have as many as I used to (one is rather large though). I'm getting some more when I get paid, because three just isn't enough lol.
2 Aug 2011
UK, Ireland / Deed Poll - do I need an attorney to sign it? [8]

someone wanted to mock Poles by such thread

Which is "on topic", so it probably won't get binned ;)

Probably deliphiandomine posting under a different username.
2 Aug 2011
Life / You are Polish if... [433]

You are Polish if...you give your guests master bedroom when they visit you

This is not an exclusively Polish thing, I've known English people to do this as well.
7 Aug 2011
Language / Which language is easier for Poles? [43]

I went to school with a few Ukrainians, and trust me, I coulnd't understand what the hell they were talking about lol. Whereas my mum can speak Russian, but she can understand them pretty well. I often hear people speaking what I think could be Russian or Ukrainian around town; when I'm a few metres away, it sounds like a language I may be able to understand. But when I get close enough to pick out certain words, I realise that they may as well be speaking Spanish or German :)
8 Aug 2011
Language / Which language is easier for Poles? [43]

or my favorite szyja in Czech means kark and kark means szyja.

I take it you mean šíje; there are virtually no words beginning with sz in Czech (but I imagine that English-speaking Poles who still think that Czech sounds "hilarious" will get a giggle out of sžít se :p ), oh and btw... it's krk not kark ;)
11 Aug 2011
News / HIV infected Nigerian has bitten bus ticket's controler in Cracow! [56]

It seems all of them Africans are HIV holders.Poland has to close the borders for them immidiatelly!

Just dump him from some LOT plane flying over Africa,cheap and simple.


Funny how you change your opinion so quickly, as soon as YOUR country starts having "ethnic problems". A few days before this happened, you called me a racist:

Why Poles will never belong in England

Grubas: You seem to be a racist of some sort but this kind of behaviour is totally unacceptable in this day and age.You got to be more open minded man.

Like you say... you got to be more open-minded, man. You wanted motorways, now you've got Western problems as well. You can't have it both ways, the EU won't let you. You have to take the disadvantages as well as the benefits, that's the deal :p
11 Aug 2011
News / HIV infected Nigerian has bitten bus ticket's controler in Cracow! [56]

As for me,I don't mind other races at all anywhere in the whole universe but Poland must be kept "white" because Poland already has enough problems.

That makes you far more "racist" than I'll ever be. You're obviously Jarnowa under another username. Why don't you **** off back to Belgium, then?

You think I'm "racist" because I mentioned a FACT - that most people on here think that many Polish women like to go looking for non-white partners. Read the forum properly and you'll soon find the evidence of this. Nowhere did I say whether I agree or disagree with this.

Whereas you actively say that Poland must remain white, and Africans should be kicked out.

So explain why I'm racist, while you are not. Are you are really such a thick t*at? Oh I forgot... stupid question!

What's up, you starting to have problems getting "Polack p*ssy" because there's a Nigerian in your village, or something? Or maybe it's just because you're a fat c***? lol
15 Aug 2011
USA, Canada / Why are Polish restaurants not successful in the USA? [698]

Lady PL:

The fact is - Polish food is not popular bc OUR CUISINE is for Northern Europeans and not Americans.

I'm considering apologising to delphiandomine. A Pol-Am who thinks Poland is in "Northern Europe". :D

I bet you also think "central America" means Texas :p
21 Aug 2011
Life / Have many Poles had enough of one another? [198]

if these Polish people arrive together or are related they will stick together like glue and only let other Polish people in if they can be of any 'assistance'.

Probably the most truthful comment I've ever seen on this forum. I bet delphiandomine will still call you a "Plastic Pole" for not living in Poland, but it's so obvious that you know the deal. I have some Polish neighbours, but for the same reasons above, I don't make them aware of this. I just hope my letters don't get delivered to the wrong door lol :)
27 Aug 2011
Love / I like a Polish guy - does he like me - what are Polish men like to women [18]

Do they have more morals than english men?

He had a big problem with me having a bofriend (do polish men cheat often?)

He's not the one who's cheating. How often do you cheat, then?

He doesn't want to see you again because he clearly sees you as some slapper who cheats on her boyfriends. Few single men will ever turn down sex with a woman they find attractive, but it doesn't mean we are willing to date someone with history of cheating!
28 Aug 2011
News / Multi-culti (in Poland) -- roadmap to disaster? [344]

Yeah, but if Polaków don't start having children, then there won't be enough polaków to care for the needs of Polska. There will always be immigrants willing to fill the population vacuum in Europe and other Western countries.

Then import Ukrainians and Russians instead, keep it Slavic :)

Thats why whites need to start banging. Forget the condom. Make babies.
Forget having 5 pets and 1 kid. You need 3 kids minimum.

hehe :)

tbh I think this "demographic time bomb" nonsense is just another way of convincing us that Europe needs more Third-Worlders. We don't, and never really did. What they never mention is that eventually this "elderly" demographic will die off en masse, and that the upcoming (pizza-munching, chain-smoking, sedentary-lifestyle) generations are less likely to live to an old age, so there will be a point at which there will be a big drop in the 70+ age group. Those who live well beyond this age are increasingly likely to be the ones who don't smoke or live on fried chicken, lol. I'm getting on a bit, but I work with people in their 20s who weren't even born when I started work, yet they often moan about how "tired" they always are, due to "overwork" (we all do the same job), etc. I'm clearly much healthier, slimmer and fitter than they are :)

Besides, who decided that Poland's population should remain at 38 million forever anyway? Britain was a much richer country when there were only about 40-50 million people here, so a static or falling population could be beneficial, especially with reducing resources (oil, food etc). But that wouldn't be good for "business", would it ;)
28 Aug 2011
Language / Duże cappucino - What do you think of this pronunciation? [10]

There's no way in a million years that they are Polish with that pronunciation!

Besides, they can't possibly be Polish because they didn't shout "DUZY CAPPUCCINO ZAPRASZAM!!!!" at the top of their voices when the coffee was ready, lol :)
29 Aug 2011
News / Multi-culti (in Poland) -- roadmap to disaster? [344]

oh, for those that think that the decline of pure white race is the end of the world, the sky IS falling!
They just keep panicking themselves.
If they were not filled with such fear and hate, it would be amusing to watch.

That's a different subject altogether. But move to London and you'll soon understand why it's not racist for white Britons to "fear" being a white minority, while living in a city full of black criminals. ;) We're already seeing what the future holds for the UK, and I'm glad I won't be around when it happens.

That said, the biggest danger to blacks over here isn't "evil racist whitey", but other black men. Not that anyone will ever admit it publically, but that's political correctness for you - bury your head in the sand and it will go away. Except it doesn't ;)

Poland will never be affected by Multi-Culture

It's already been affected, just nowhere near the same level as western Europe. People 100 years ago probably thought that the UK would "never be affected by multi-culture" because there were only a few thousand blacks and Asians over here. Go to Birmingham, Leicester, Bradford or south/east London, then tell me you're in a European city which "will never be affected by multi-culture" ;)
29 Aug 2011
News / Multi-culti (in Poland) -- roadmap to disaster? [344]

Considering how long I've lived in London, I'd have to have been deaf and blind not to have heard of them. I don't really see your point, though. Just because there is a unit which investigates "black-on-black" crime, doesn't mean that anyone is willing to stand up and say to these black communities to "stop blaming whitey, it's your own people who are the biggest danger to you", because they won't - it's easier to blame "whitey", "poverty", "lack of opportunity" etc. You can try giving Lee Jasper a call, maybe he'll be willing to do so (rotflmao) ;) If it's simply about "poverty" and "lack of opportunity", then how come there are so few shootings in former mining areas in the North - which are far worse off than a south London estate. But then, the average former miner doesn't listen to hip-hop and grime and doesn't think he lives in south central LA :)
1 Sep 2011
Food / Cabbage and Noodles of Poland - Golabki? [30]

It's funny to hear that stuffed cabbage is called Halupki. In Yiddish it's called "Holopches", apparently derived from Halupki. Among Jews there is "Polish" style Holopches which is sweet and sour, and "Galicianer" style which is less sweet and has more salt and pepper.

I've always known them as holishkes :)
1 Sep 2011
Love / POLISH GIRLS... wake up and prove you are respectable.... [135]

POLISH GIRLS... wake up and prove you are respectable....

Polish girls are none of your business - they are what they are, and if you don't like it, you can **** off!

How about proving that all Paki men aren't insecure, controlling woman-beaters, who need arranged marriages because they can't (ahem) "match up" to other guys, and the threat of stoning for the so-called "crime" of adultery (a crime against insecure men, obviously) is the only way you can keep your women from finding something better? :p
1 Sep 2011
Life / Worlds most liveable cities (Krakow or Warsaw don't even hit the radar screens) [104]

you have got to be kidding.

The truth hurts sometimes, but anyone who has spent more than a few weeks in Warsaw will testify to this. It's supposed to be a capital city, but its facilities and culture are way behind that of even certain British regions (and I'm not even including London in this). Things may be different in 30 years time, but for now... forget it! Oh, and I really like Warsaw, I just don't think it's anywhere close to what some people claim it is.
1 Sep 2011
Life / Worlds most liveable cities (Krakow or Warsaw don't even hit the radar screens) [104]

Dublin - Friendly, energy, enthusiasm - maybe, but clean it most definitely is not.

I've only been there once, and hated it - full of street drinkers like any Polish city. I can see the attraction, but it's by far the dullest foreign city I've visited. 8 hours was more than enough for me. Apart from the road signs being in kilometres, it felt like a similar-sized UK city to me, rather than a nation's capital.

I've only lived in one of their top 50 cities, but I'm currently planning on living in one of the top 10 ;)

[quote]Warsaw, claims that nearly 25 percent of the city is covered in beautiful trees, shrubs, and greenery. Can anyone name any other European city that has the same volume of greenery.

Salford, of all places! lol!


Some parts of the city, which lies directly west of Manchester, are highly industrialised and densely populated, but around one third of the city consists of rural open space.This is because the western half of the city stretches across an ancient peat bog known as Chat Moss.

2 Sep 2011
Life / Worlds most liveable cities (Krakow or Warsaw don't even hit the radar screens) [104]

I think it's just snobbery from Warsaw people when they get the disillusioned idea that their city is nicer than Kraków. Most Poles state either Kraków or Wrocław as the nicest city. I prefer Wrocław myself but Kraków will hit that list yet.

I've never liked Krakow much, but I can understand why many people do. Likewise, I like Warsaw a lot, but I still can't really explain why (haha), but I also understand why many would hate it.

I absolutely love Wroclaw though; like Manchester, you can have a laugh with strangers on the streets (unlike London or Warsaw).
3 Sep 2011
Life / Worlds most liveable cities (Krakow or Warsaw don't even hit the radar screens) [104]

You must have approached people the wrong way. Londoners are friendly, helpful and love a laugh.

Rubbish, we Londoners simply hate being approached... "don't talk to me blad, manz goin work innit!" hehe. West Londoners are the worst, though... we are OK here in South lol ;)

You have a point, though. By a long way, the worst people in London are not Londoners, but are those from small towns/villages outside. I suppose they just can't hack city life. All the people I've met from the major cities are fine. Of course, someone will disagree with my viewpoint, but in a city of 7-8 million (and now maybe more) residents, there are likely to be a multitude of opinions ;)
3 Sep 2011
Life / What are the requirements to get a cell phone here in Krakow? [22]

It must be about 5 years since I bought a phone in Poland (it still works :) ). I took ID just in case, but was told that "you don't need that sort of thing over here".

Cue discussion about how everyone in the UK is now a suspected terrorist, and how the UK is now much more like commie-era Poland than Poland is these days :)

So no, you won't need ID.