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Posts by wielki pan  

Joined: 7 Jan 2011 / Male ♂
Last Post: 21 Jan 2012
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wielki pan   
7 Jan 2011
USA, Canada / Moving back to Poland after 7 years in Canada [22]

Malo, my advice is to think twice before leaving everything you have to a very uncertain future, although the business and administration side has improved over the years, the place is still full of old thinking, red tape and envy of those who return, hence a opportunity to ride you off in every part of live.

The wages are still low and high living cost. If you have it good stay put.

The friends you thought you had in Poland will be no more once they see you are better off to what they have. Retirement may be a good option only
wielki pan   
1 Feb 2011
Life / $3,000-$4,000 a month - would we have enough money to live in Poland? [273]

lol, it never ceases to amaze me when I hear the folks from the US post a dollar figure and tease somebody living in Poland asking the question will this be enough, just a few points,

yes that amount is well and truly enough, (average wages in Poland approx 3500zl) Americans think their S..t don't stink and think because there American they should have the best..the truth is that the average Pole has a better quality of life than that of the average American..

If America didn't have any credit they would be a third world country.
Americans have stuffed up there own country and now they want to stuff up Poland.
wielki pan   
1 Feb 2011
Life / $3,000-$4,000 a month - would we have enough money to live in Poland? [273]

I did nothing to require such an attack

Your original question was a put down, you don't have to be boy genius to work out that a lifestyle on 12000zl approx 4000US$ per month would have to be pretty good if the average Pole earns 3500zl... (I must say that I know very very people who earn that sort of money)

I just read that forum members earn in the higher bracket lol)
I have not attacked you, I have just made a valid point.
Don't tell me that if you say something crititical of the US you are anti american, this is communist mentality.. if your not with me you are against me.
wielki pan   
1 Feb 2011
Life / $3,000-$4,000 a month - would we have enough money to live in Poland? [273]

Wouldnt u ask how much do u need if you were going to a country you barely know and have to start from scratch?!

Just read and understand what I was saying, this gentleman had the ability to read numerous threads on this topic, to state that 3/4000US dollars 12,000zl) is enough is a insult to people who earn around 2500zl a month and manage, can I suggest very few poles earn 12000zl a month...you Americans are very defensive, time to have a hard look at the mirror before making nasty comments.
wielki pan   
27 Mar 2011
Real Estate / Poland's apartment prices continue to fall [1844]

if asking prices fell 10% then the sales prices must have fallen more than 10%.

Depends what units we are talking about, usually new units command a higher price than the older types...10% is not a high amount as prices are inflated in the first instance.

I don't think prices will fall but in fact rise as time goes on, the suggestion that real estate/property developers have hijacked this forum! well may be, they have to sell there wear somewhere I suppose.

In fact they are probably doing you a favour in the sense that it makes you more suspicious and makes you do more investigation before buying.

In the big picture Polands real estate is still undervalued, as wages increase so will real estate prices.
wielki pan   
28 Mar 2011
History / Poland paid off American Jewry in 1960 [162]

Would you like me to illustrate how the Catholic Church has been bad for Poland in monetary terms?

Please do, mr d you think you know everything but actually know nothing, the fact remains that non jews are not given the same treatment in claiming land than those owned by the Jew, there are currently approx 80,000 claims by the jews being processed and the government is not in the position to act due to funding problems.

The fact remains that claims are now being made by family of victims, you may want to ask if cousins etc are entitled to claim as the event occurred so long ago.

People should tell the US President to mind his own business and get his own house in order before causing trouble, ie he could start by offering compensation to the negro population for abuse and maltreatment which occurred for such a long time.
wielki pan   
28 Mar 2011
History / Poland paid off American Jewry in 1960 [162]


What utter unsubstantiated rubbish.[/quote]

you can now see why I said you talk so much rubbish!
point taken!!!
wielki pan   
11 Apr 2011
News / Who is "the enemy within" in Poland? [88]

The 'enemy within' could potentially be those expats who would fight for their natural country rather than their adopted Poland, in the event that Poland went to war with their natural country, or vice versa.

People like delphiandomine are highly suspect, if a person arrived in the US and critised everything, he would be politely told to go home, why are people offended if the same is said for the blow ins in Poland who just come in and want to change everything.
wielki pan   
13 Apr 2011
Life / Reasons for moving to Poland [291]

I doubt if any would leave Poland for another country if they felt they had a good chance to make it here...

This is just not true, the way of life is pretty dull in Poland, weather cold for most of the year and governments well say no more.. the young want to move out and the old want to return.
wielki pan   
16 Apr 2011
Life / $3,000-$4,000 a month - would we have enough money to live in Poland? [273]

I have noticed over the last 2 1/2 weeks three guys (30 to 40 years old) that just hang out on the street corner. they live in the building behind me and one always has a black shoulder bag with him. They are loud and always cussing. They take turns at being drunk, but one is always drunk.

Thats just part of Polish life, theres always a group of drunks hanging around apartment blocks, if you haven't been robbed or assulted by now you are safe..
wielki pan   
29 Apr 2011
Real Estate / Poland house prices recovered faster - Summary of 2010 [89]

If the truth be known the price of real estate in Poland has been the same in the last 2 years, sure some good properties in the central districts have gone up but not all. The problem remains as before is that the average pole cannot affort to purchase ie take a loan which will take him two life years to repay, for those phantom real estate agents who on a regular basis talk so much crap understand that overpriced home are reserved for the brits and those from a bankrupt country known as the United States ie USA.
wielki pan   
29 Apr 2011
Real Estate / Poland house prices recovered faster - Summary of 2010 [89]

yep, give or take, and depends what currency you are using, doubt if prices will go down, but on average will not go up... stand by I suppose from our investor friends who will have a different point of view, ready set go....
wielki pan   
5 May 2011
Real Estate / Poland house prices recovered faster - Summary of 2010 [89]

This defeats the whole purpose of buying a house/apartment for personal use...why bother buying if it is going to take 2 lifeyears to have full ownership...True in Germany most people rent... the question arises is how much rent is paid and what percentage is that of gross income.. It clearly is not good news for people starting off and the price of house generally going up, a further problem is the hugh costs associated with owning a house ie heating and water...The wild card will still hit Poland when people who own a house will not be able to maintain it after ceasing work, the pension will go no further than pay for few meals per day...
wielki pan   
23 May 2011
Law / Healthcare for British Citizens living in Poland [30]

had a health insurance in PL, will be 6957,82 PLN (oh yes, here's the link to their page with the fees

Pardon my ignorance but are you saying that those not on previous cover pay 6957zl a month insurance cover?
wielki pan   
29 May 2011
Life / Who is poor in Poland? [720]

There's normally all sorts of stuff available for 1-2zl a kilo - for instance, potatoes never go above 2zl a kilo, and I've seen them as cheap as 60gr at one point last year.

lol, half rotten food maybe, you should suggest going to the fields picking mushrooms.
wielki pan   
30 May 2011
Law / Got Polish citizenship, now I need a Pesel and passport [26]

With your attitude, I'm not surprised that they don't want to give you the Dowod.

you seem to be a nasty person Mr D, as I mentioned in a previous post on this topic, getting a Polish Passport for somebody not born in Poland is a real nightmare, believe me, the run around, nobody willing to help, and paperwork and fees. The merry go around continues when you have to find a place that can take your fingerprints, the average time seems to be around 12 months... good luck
wielki pan   
31 May 2011
Life / Who is poor in Poland? [720]

Poland is quite friendly towards people in general - no-one is going to report you for dodging taxes, for a start.

Lol, this is the whole problem everyone avoids taxes. yes how true, I've seen it, false receipts, claiming disability pension and working full time, Is this dishonesty or cheating? In the Polish mentality it is not being dishonest. This is why Poland is Poor, the common Polish saying that those who lie also steal is so true.

Mr D people attend church on mass, pray to the almighty and then cheat!! what is going on.
Your comments suggests that you know the ins and outs of how to cheat the system, it didn't take you long to find out.
wielki pan   
1 Jun 2011
Life / Who is poor in Poland? [720]

Who is poor in Poland?

Great, great post, I just hope the likes of Mr delphiandomine read and understand the true situation in Poland and cease to spin yearns how good life in Poland is.. thanks.
wielki pan   
2 Jun 2011
Life / Who is poor in Poland? [720]

Those great times for USA are, I am afraid, over . So , you have to swallow a bitter pill of truth and don`t criticise and blame the country of your mother and father instead to feel better . We are smart enough to survive . We don`t need to come to America after bread any more ,thanks God .

Lol, why is the Polish government wanting to change visa requirements to the US? Why are so many people leaving Poland to work say in Germany, UK? Why is the zlote so low? The fact remains Monia and I agree with most you say, is that life in Poland is very difficult for a lot of people, especially the retired and those out of work, sure quality of life is much better but that doesn't help pay the bills.

A lot of new expensive cars in Warsaw are either corporate/hire cars and not owned by the average student/worker.
The US will always be the economic leader in the world, nothing has changed nor will the economic downturn change things.. There has always been the rich/middle class/poor people, interestingly enough the percentage has remained the same.

Sadly in Poland the right to purchase a house has been denied due to costs and low wages for a lot of people.
wielki pan   
2 Jun 2011
Life / Who is poor in Poland? [720]

wielki pan: Why is the zlote so low?PARDON ME? Have you come here from Outer Space or what? The US dollar is very low against PLN in Poland, again.wielki pan: A lot of new expensive cars in Warsaw are either corporate/hire cars and not owned by the average student/workerWhere in the world are the expensive new cars owned by average students/workers? Are you mad?!

Mad, hmm, may be! I come from the planet earth, you must come from Poland. The point being that the Polish currency should be almost on parity with the US dollar. It once hovered around the 2 zl mark.

When you visit the US/GB/Australia you will see what young people/workers are driving.

Antek no need to advertise your ignorance.
wielki pan   
2 Jun 2011
Life / Who is poor in Poland? [720]

This is a classic example of someone that does not understand or follow European currency.On 31 December 1998, the European Central Bank (ECB) fixed the irrevocable exchange rate, effective 1 January 1999, for German mark to euros as DM 1.95583

what has that got to do with the price of eggs in China, the fact remains that if Poland was such a strong economy, the zote would almost be in parity with the US dollar. The Polish economy has improved somewhat in the last 18 months but please understand this is borrowed money a lot coming from the EU.
wielki pan   
2 Jun 2011
Life / Who is poor in Poland? [720]

The nature of a soap bubble is that the cards can be checked easily. This is why the last crisis hardly hit Poland but it hit some of the countries mentioned above.

Lol, do you thinks the banks are honest... lol The fact is that banks like in the US banks would love to lure anyperson to take out a loan, unfortunately in Poland the wages are so low that even banks don't bother.
wielki pan   
2 Jun 2011
Life / Who is poor in Poland? [720]

Besides, if you are so stupid to indebt yourself, wielki pan, don't tell me you're rich.wielki pan: Lol, do you thinksI has a hamburger.

No need for insulting comments Antek, please stick to the facts.. Understand that there is nothing wrong with taking out a loan, thats how people get rich. The question is who can afford a loan???

Please stick to eating hamburgers and lets not talk rubbish.

Lol the Poles use credit cards all the time a nasty disease from the west might I suggust.
wielki pan   
2 Jun 2011
Life / Who is poor in Poland? [720]

Really embarrassing. Use a spell-checker.

Thanks for the correction, english is my second language.

Such things hardly happen in Poland.

Stop talking rubbish Antek, seems you have no recovered from the nights activity. Pull the other one!
wielki pan   
2 Jun 2011
Life / Who is poor in Poland? [720]

And stay on topic, please. It seems your arguments are exhausted and you start using argumentum ad perso

Antek declare your hand and tell me who you are? Do you live in Poland, where do you work, or are you just some retard living in a one room rented building who spends all his time on a computer annoying people?
wielki pan   
3 Jun 2011
Life / Who is poor in Poland? [720]

no, I do not think Poles are poor in general. There are some riches, there are some poor

Antek, please.... The majority of people just make ends meet full stop. Sure a lot of rich Poles and sure a lot of middle class prosperity., but what about the majority of people on some sort of income support like pensioners and the unemployed. What about access to Hospitals and dental treatment. I see two major issues facing Poland today, .

1. Corruption in the Government and local authorities, dishonesty amongst the Polish people, ie cheating and stealing.

2. The low income of workers as compared to other countries.
Poland will never be on par to Germany unless wages are increased and this is not possible. One has to reflect and see that under capitalism there has to be a poor working class to support the rich.

Antek try taking off your rose colored glasses and get back to reality.
wielki pan   
3 Jun 2011
Life / Who is poor in Poland? [720]

The projection of a country is based mainly on the external immage which is linked mainly with an infrastructure.

Sorry not true, see how other countries use there resources and invest in the future. Poland has not the capacity to move on... as mentioned in my 2 points.... please read.
wielki pan   
3 Jun 2011
Life / Who is poor in Poland? [720]

I have shown my cards. Now it is your time to show yours, unless you are too cowardly to do it.

Antek, This is a discussion forum, unfortunately the Internet and blogs bring out the worse in people as displayed on this forum. You make out to be so sort of a big shot, ie a know all and to be frank no one likes a smart arse.. sorry but do you get the point. Everyone sees things from a different perspective and no one is right and no one is wrong. The point being that no one has the answers... not even you.