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Posts by Spaniel  

Joined: 7 Oct 2010 / Female ♀
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Threads: Total: 2 / In This Archive: 2
Posts: Total: 16 / In This Archive: 16
From: Bath
Speaks Polish?: A little -- but I'm still learning :)
Interests: History, European culture, horse riding, creative writing, logic

Displayed posts: 18
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7 Oct 2010
Language / How similar is the Italian accent to the Polish accent (when speaking English)? [34]

Hello, I'm new here!

My friend (who's been to both Poland and Italy) says that Italian people speaking English and Polish people speaking English sound quite similar. Is this true? She also said that when Italian people and Polish people sang English songs they sounded basically identical...

I've never noticed this myself, and wanted to know what actual Polish people thought...so I decided to ask here!

I know this seems like a strange question to ask, but it's become sort of important to me...

Thanks! :)
7 Oct 2010
Love / THE POLISH DISEASE, wanna marry a Polish girl ? read on... [197]

" all women can be moody and a pain in the ass, esp come menstrual time" -- Jerk. It seems to me that your problem is not so much with Polish women but women in general. This statement alone is incredibly sexist, dismissive, and disrespectful. Clearly the words of a man who has no idea about women.

No wonder she treats you like she does.

Further, what do you mean, "they cant help it, maybe it genetics"? Do you have any idea how Racist that is?

8 Oct 2010
Love / THE POLISH DISEASE, wanna marry a Polish girl ? read on... [197]

nicely said spaniel, how are you today

Thank you! I'm good. :)

Sounds like it's that time of the month for someone! :p

LOL, actually, yes, it is -- but that's just a coincidence! I personally find that I actually feel really good at that time of the month -- it's just before that time of the month starts that I feel moody.

Anyway, the truth is, I'm just tired of misogyny -- I wouldn't have objected if he'd just said, "Everyone can be moody and pains in the ass" even if he'd added "esp. women come menstrual time", but his whole post just shows total contempt for women.
8 Oct 2010
Love / How should I approach this young Polish man that I like? [48]

About six weeks ago, I met a young Polish man at work (well, he works there, I just volunteer), and we've become good friends.

I really like him, and he sort of seems like he likes me, and so I'm wondering -- would it seem forward of me to ask him out? I don't want him to think I'm pushy.

Also -- I'm NOT trying to generalise, I would just like to know how that would seem to a Pole. Most English men I've known would be happy for a girl to take her clothes off before she tells them her name, but in my experience, continental Europeans tend to have a bit more class. I just really don't want to scare this guy away.

Basically, if he hasn't made a move in six weeks, is it likely that he's not interested in me that way and should I just let it go? OR could he be waiting for a bit more encouragement from me?

19 Oct 2010
Love / How should I approach this young Polish man that I like? [48]

Thank you so much everyone for all your help; I took zetigrek's advice and smiled a lot & acted interested in him, etc. (as I wanted to try this first before I got onto actually asking him out), and it worked! He asked me out and we had our first date last Saturday...so thanks so much!! :)
19 Oct 2010
Love / How should I approach this young Polish man that I like? [48]

How did you approach all of the other guys before?

I didn't need to; they approached me. But it quickly became apparent that I had to change my game if I wished to ensnare a lovely Slav...

Filios1 -- thanks. I'll remember that trick for next time.
20 Oct 2010
Love / How should I approach this young Polish man that I like? [48]

Good for you. So how'd the date go?

All things considered, I would say...my best date ever. We completely connected, and even though we made plans to see go out again on Friday, the next day he sent me two texts...one in the morning to ask me how I was, and one in the evening to tell me he'd been thinking about me all day!! I mean, how romantic is that?!

I'm seeing him again at work tomorrow and CANNOT wait...

you will see the female populous every bit as boisterous/obnoxious as the male populous.

Darren -- you misunderstood me; it's not English men I have a problem with, it's English people. I assure you, if I ever need to put the moves on a Polish chick, you'll find my post to be just as cruel about English women...

But seriously, I was only fooling and meant nothing by it. Sorry if I offended you.
As for reciprocal generalising not being nice...I actually don't really care -- because I'm not like those English girls you describe, so I don't care what you say about that type of person. I think they're scummy too. I'm more than happy to admit the problems in my own society and gender.

Would the ... be in the place of the e ?

LOL...no, of course not! I believe in total equality...plus, he certainly doesn't seem the type that would want to be some woman's slave. Which suits me down to the ground. ;)
7 Nov 2010
History / "Poland's Concentration Camp" ?? [570]

if you want to talk about percentage of population killed during the holocaust, the Romani people put Jews well and truly into the shade

Not so. Between 220,000 to 1,500,000 Roma and Sinti victims perished during the Porajmos -- compare this to approximately 6,000,000 Jews. At least get it right, loser.

Anyway, on another note, my boyfriend was telling me about the way that Poland's actions during the war are viewed (he's a Polish Jew), and I am literally astonished. I cannot believe that there is such "guilt by association". My boyfriend thinks it's crazy too. I saw someone on this thread saying that "American kids were brainwashed to believe that the Poles were as bad as the Nazis" -- this is appalling! As a Brit, I've always thought of the Poles as our brothers-in-arms; we fought beside them against the greatest evil history has ever known, while their country was overrun and they were oppressed by Nazi pigs...

Furthermore, my boyfriend also told me that the Polish resistance saved more Jewish lives than any other allied organization or government -- why isn't that ever mentioned anywhere? Seriously, this is terrible, and I'm really sorry that Poland's got this reputation.
7 Nov 2010
Love / How should I approach this young Polish man that I like? [48]

So, my question is...are older Polish men harder to get to know?

rlo, I'm afraid I can't help you, as my Polish man is a younger Polish man...you might be better off starting your own thread... ;)

But what I can tell you is, patience is definitely a virtue (certainly, it was in my case). Just be persistent but patient. And all the advice I got in this thread was very helpful -- my approach was to smile at him a lot and act interested (as someone on here suggested), because, to be completely honest, if I'd had to actually ask him out, I probably would have thrown up on his shoes from nervousness, so I was really saving that as a last resort. BUT, I was told on here that asking him out wouldn't seem pushy, so maybe you could consider trying that?

Whatever you decide, good luck!
7 Nov 2010
History / "Poland's Concentration Camp" ?? [570]

During this war, some people would turn to extremes to survive.

I totally agree. But that in no way makes a person as bad as the Nazis!
7 Nov 2010
History / "Poland's Concentration Camp" ?? [570]

Oh please....as a Brit you better clean up your own imperial history first before you go all righteous on everybody else!

What? I'm defending Poland. I'm saying Poles during the war were nothing like the Nazis, nowhere near, and should never be considered as such. The Poles were our allies. They were on the good side.

Britain may have a very bloody imperial history, but please, we're not as bad as the Nazis!
7 Nov 2010
Love / How should I approach this young Polish man that I like? [48]

how are things between you and your Polish boy?

Incredible. :)
Seriously, I have never felt like this. He's the most amazing person I've ever known. I couldn't be happier (and according to him, neither could he!). And the accent...

As for asking a guy out, certainly, it's not something I would ever want to do; and to be honest, if I was a guy, I'd feel the same as you -- I would find it a bit of a turn-off if a girl was that forward with me.
7 Nov 2010
History / "Poland's Concentration Camp" ?? [570]

In the case of Holland lack of means only!

And Germany too! Jesus Christ, if your nation wasn't so crap at being colonial you would have been just like everyone else; indeed, the Herero and Namaqua Genocide springs to mind!

I suppose you think the Nazis are no worse than the Roman Empire either?

There's a reason Nazi Germany's actions are considered the worst in History. It's because they are.

That aside, I agree with your point, AJ. None of *our* hands are actually dirty.