8 Sep 2010
Language / Does anybody know of a list of Polish-English False Friends and True Friends? [60]
actual adj - aktualny adj (current, topical)
concurrence noun - konkurencja noun (competition)
divan noun - dywan noun (carpet)
eventual adj - ewentualny adj (possible)
feral adj - feralny adj (disastrous, fatal)
hazard noun - hazard noun (gambling)
knot noun - knot noun (wick)
rumo(u)r noun - rumor noun (uproar, clamour)
confection noun - konfekcja noun (ready-made clothes)
lecture noun - lektura noun (reading or set book)
antics - antyki pl (antiques)
angina - angina (throat infection/tonsilitis)
beckon verb - bekon (bacon)
caravan - karawan (hearse)
complement - komplement (compliment)
direction - dyrekcja (management)
dress - dres (tracksuit)
fabric - fabryka (factory)
gnat - gnat (bone inf)
gymnasium - gimnazjum (junior secondary school)
helm - hełm (helmet)
local - lokal (dwelling, apartment or restaurant)
lot - lot (flight)
lump - lump (wino, lush)
lunatic - lunatyk (sleepwalker)
novel - nowela (short story)
ordinary - ordynarny (coarse, boorish)
pension - pensja (salary)
probe - próba (attempt, trial)
rate - rata (installment)
receipt - recepta (prescription)
rent - renta (pension)
vagaries - wagary pl (playing truant)
Im not sure if it ll helps u but i tried :)
actual adj - aktualny adj (current, topical)
concurrence noun - konkurencja noun (competition)
divan noun - dywan noun (carpet)
eventual adj - ewentualny adj (possible)
feral adj - feralny adj (disastrous, fatal)
hazard noun - hazard noun (gambling)
knot noun - knot noun (wick)
rumo(u)r noun - rumor noun (uproar, clamour)
confection noun - konfekcja noun (ready-made clothes)
lecture noun - lektura noun (reading or set book)
antics - antyki pl (antiques)
angina - angina (throat infection/tonsilitis)
beckon verb - bekon (bacon)
caravan - karawan (hearse)
complement - komplement (compliment)
direction - dyrekcja (management)
dress - dres (tracksuit)
fabric - fabryka (factory)
gnat - gnat (bone inf)
gymnasium - gimnazjum (junior secondary school)
helm - hełm (helmet)
local - lokal (dwelling, apartment or restaurant)
lot - lot (flight)
lump - lump (wino, lush)
lunatic - lunatyk (sleepwalker)
novel - nowela (short story)
ordinary - ordynarny (coarse, boorish)
pension - pensja (salary)
probe - próba (attempt, trial)
rate - rata (installment)
receipt - recepta (prescription)
rent - renta (pension)
vagaries - wagary pl (playing truant)
Im not sure if it ll helps u but i tried :)