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Joined: 22 Jun 2010 / Male ♂
Last Post: 8 Mar 2015
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From: Poland
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22 Jun 2010
Real Estate / Polish mortgage providers - overview of offers? [10]

Thread attached on merging:
mortgage and banks?


In what bank do you get your mortgage now and in what terms and conditions.

The same question is regarding re-mortgage.

23 Jun 2010
Real Estate / Polish mortgage providers - overview of offers? [10]


I have now the best mortgage for foreigners.

please find details at polishmortgages.eu/1,1,267,Current_mortgage_offers

the conditions to receive it is:
full time employment
min. salary - equivalent of 10 000 PLN

LTV is 90% and this offer is very good for new mortgages and refinance.

any questions please do not hesitate contact me.



the offer which you wrote for DNB Expired a few days ago but there is a new "summer offer". The current offer are on the web site


now this offer is the best one. if somebody is in Noble/dombank should do refinance :)

might be new offers like this on in DNB will recover property market. Now I have a lot of buyers for properties in Warsaw but I think in other towns is the same situation.

6 Jul 2010
Real Estate / Polish mortgage providers - overview of offers? [10]

soon there will be another offer available for whose with smaller income :)

Merged: New Poland mortgage offers

halo everyone

There is new offer from DNB:
- 0% bank fee
- 0% for early redemption fee
- 0% for increasing mortgage
- 0% bank margin in first year - then it is 1,6% which is the lowest level

unfortunately it is only for customers with good earning and full time employment.
the customer must earn 10 000 PLN or equivalent.

the mortgage is up to 40 years and 90% LTV.

you can also use this offer for refinance your existing mortgage.

any questions do not hesitate contact us


Merged thread:
This what you could receive from Getin Noble bank and our comments

Mortgage Offer
Purpose of the loan purchase of an apartment/house; both primary (off-plan) and secondary market

Loan period up to 30 years
Currency of loan PLN or EUR
Minimum down-payment 30%
Bank Completion Fee 3,45% for executing the loan agreement
(added to the loan amount, but has no impact on LTV)
Completion time up to 14 work days for the credit decision (provided all the documents required are
Loan interest cost (p.a.)
- variable interest rate, PLN: variable bank index based on WIBOR 12M + fixed
margin (according to the Product Offer -> 4,95%) or
- variable interest rate, EUR: variable bank index based on EURIBOR 3M + fixed
margin (according to the Product Offer -> 4,95%) there is also special offer in Euro
(explained below)
Prepayment fee 1st year – 5%
2nd year – 4%
3rd year – 3%
4th year – 2%
5th year – 1%
starting from 6th year - none
Security 1. mortgage on the property in Poland
2. assignment of receivables under insurance against fire and other calamities
3. blank promissory note
4. submission to enforcement according to The Banking Law Act
5. bridging security: the interest is increased by 2% (until a mortgage register
excerpt containing a final and non-revisable entry of first place mortgage is
6. deposit (six times installment)
Additional information: - Interest-only period obligatory until the last drawdown is issued + 12 months if
- designation of an address for correspondence in Poland is obligatory

Mortgage Offer - “NEW EURO”
Currency of loan EUR
Minimum down-payment 30%
Bank Completion Fee 0%
Home insurance due to legal defects 0,95% for executing the loan agreement
(added to the loan amount, but has no impact on LTV)
Completion time up to 14 work days for the credit decision (provided all the documents required are
Loan interest cost (p.a.)
- variable interest rate, EUR: fixed interest rate of 2,99% for two years
- all the excessive parts of installment (1,96% – part of original Banks margin + Euribor + 2,49% ) are added up to
the capital after 2 years, it will not make a big difference to the capital balance but it will secure your cash flow;
* 2,49% is a fee for the possibility of extending the non payment period by 2 years
- loan must be released as a whole
- annex is valid after 90 days after releasing loan
Prepayment fee
1st year – 4,5%
2nd year – 2,25%
starting from 3rd year – none

one thing to clarify because post was move by administrator:

Getin Noble Bank is GNB

DNB Nord is DNB

these are two different banks

Tomorrow I will check one thing regarding NEW EURO offer from GNB and post our comments

PM Team
13 Jul 2010
Real Estate / Do any UK banks offer mortgages for Polish properties. [37]


I read your post and I do not agree with them.

if somebody is not able to pay mortgage installments in CHF I am sure he would not be able to pay it in PLN.

The rate of CHF increased but the interest rate is in the lowest level ever and the interest rate in CHF can be now 1,3%-1,5% if somebody took a mortgage in 2006-2008 compared to 2,5% in current offers. in PLN interest rate can be 4,8%-5,6% for mortgages taken in 2006-2008

the only problem now is balance of the mortgage in pln converted from CHF. This hold a lot of property from sells because the value of the property is smaller than mortgage in CHF and this is a problem for the next 2-3 years. from short them investment many investors will have now medium or even long terms one.

I do not agree also with a statement that is a danger now to take mortgage in Euro or CHF. It was dangerous when the CHF rate was 2-2,2 but now we have almost 3 and this is a great opportunity which should be taken.

so far there in no fixed mortgages in Poland but the current offers are very good especially in DNB but the borrower have to have very good income I would say.

some of the details you can find below:

1 Sep 2010
Real Estate / Poland Housing prices in July 2010 [129]


is see that the link to the report was deleted by Moderator, that is why I pasted it one more time :)

part of the report you can find here, the rest of the report is available on the web site polishmortgages.eu

might this time they will not delete it.

Bids in July 2010

Warsaw, Wroclaw, Krakow, Poznan, Gdańsk, Gdynia, Sopot

Price changes that occurred in July 2010 confirms the lack of a steady trend in the Polish real estate market. In June, the average bid increased by 0.8%, while in July the average price index was -0.6%. The only cities of the eight analyzed, that did not notice the drops in July were Warsaw and Poznan. However, Wroclaw and Krakow average bids decreased by 0.4% and 0.6%, and the average decrease of 1.4% took place in the Tri-City.

Compared with July 2009 the current average bids are higher by 1.7% in Sopot, Warsaw 1.9%, 2.2% in Gdansk, Wroclaw 3.8% and 4.9% in Poznan and 5.4 % in Krakow. The only city where the average bid is less than a year ago is Gdynia.

Given the fact that in recent months, we’ve had minor increases in monthly average prices, and also with the autumn real estate market experiencing seasonal revival, increases in average bids of around 0.8% to 1% by the end of 2010 are possible.

more date on the website. I am not able to paste everything here...

1 Sep 2010
Real Estate / Poland Housing prices in July 2010 [129]

halo SeanBM

there is not charge to register to the website.

the report show only data and trends, you have to drawn the conclusions by yourself.

You have right that fluctuation of the property prices are very small but this report show also something else... that the bank margins drops significantly and mortgage eligibility is higher.

the crisis started because of mortgages and the recover must also start from mortgages.

I am also happy if the customer will take mortgage or other services which we provide that is why we decided to publish a such reports or news that customer visit our website often.

11 Sep 2010
Real Estate / Poland Housing prices in July 2010 [129]


I have one question to all the people saying that the property will fall or increase. When have you been in Warsaw, Krakow or other town in Poland. Please read some data about properties. Have you compared rental to mortgage payment. Do you know if it is cheaper for poles to rent or buy the apartment. I could write more questions but for me it doesn't matter if the property will drop or increase. the most important thing is that there were transactions on the market. that people start buying properties because.

I always say that property crisis started because of mortgages and to recover banks must start giving money. In Poland bank are willing to give mortgages. We can get mortgage with very low margins again, for 100% or 110% LTV. it is a good sign. I have noticed also a new trend in mortgages but I do not want to write about it yet. I do not believe to any property report which is saying "buy now, this is the best time to buy" but I can say that I am more positive than negative. there is always possibility to earn on the properties and now I see a lot of opportunities but you have to remember about selection and location.

come now and see Warsaw and you might change your point of view.

23 Oct 2010
Real Estate / Poland real estate transaction prices higher than at the beginning of 2010 [28]

Milky you as always belkoczesz the same story... :). The fact is that situation is improving in mortgages and this will have impact to properties... and economy. I was first person who experienced crisis and I am also first person who see recovering...

28 Oct 2010
Real Estate / Poland housing prices in September 2010 - report now available [18]



it is a very good question. I will check in Gus data. I hope there are these information. I have notice an increase in mortgage applications but it is also interesting information for me.

23 Nov 2010
Real Estate / Flat/apartment Rental Sites in Poland [12]


Try also tabelaofert.pl for off-plan development.

We can help to find property in Warsaw

1 Dec 2010
Real Estate / Poland's Banks Association: 61,100 housing loans in Q3 [2]

In Q3 2010, banks advanced 61,100 housing loans with the total value in excess of PLN 13bn (€3.22bn), according to the data of the Polish Banks Association (ZBP)...

rest of the article in our website

I am a bit surprised about this figures...
This clearly show that there is no crisis in the banks in Poland and property buyers take advantage of so called "crisis" to buy property in good price.

Also higher than expected GPD is showing that we can not say about crisis in Poland

1 Mar 2011
Real Estate / Poland house prices recovered faster - Summary of 2010 [89]


Report regarding house prices in 2010

part of the report ad link to full article polish mortgages .eu/2,1,27


House prices are based on much longer cycles than the recent crisis in housing prices. Declines began in the second quarter of 2009, while in the case of rent, reductions began in autumn 2008. In 2010, house prices responded more quickly to the economic recovery. Everywhere outside of Lublin, where the average price has not changed since the fourth quarter of 2009, bids are higher. More than 10% increase in prices in Krakow and Poznan, Warsaw 5.4%, Wrocław by 5%. On average, the largest Polish cities, prices of small homes rose by 5.7% while the offer prices of flats at the same time increased by 3.7%. It is worth noting that in the case of houses a few percent translates into tens of thousand.

23 Jul 2011
Real Estate / Foreigner buying house with 'Rolna'/Rural land in Poland - ever possible? Advice/help. [38]


to be honest the only option to check if the bank can chase you in UK is to ask a lawyer, but the good one. Any one of you have spoken with lawyers?

Now I am at the stage of checking it for one of my customers, but if anyone want to receive some info, please write me daniel(at)polishmortgages(dot).eu. I will not paste a such information on the forum...

23 Jul 2011
Real Estate / Buying agricultural land in Poland as an investment opportunity? Cost of ploughing? [16]


what do you think about buying an agricultural land as investment. It make sense?

I got a such offer:
land is located in Mazury close to the lake. I have to admit that it is charming place but I do not know if it is worth.


some more information:
In investment complex there are 100-200 units. One unit has 3000m2 which is the lowest size possible for agricultural land in Poland. I want to buy 4 of them to avoid paying PPC tax which is 2%.

The cost of one unit is around 60000-80000 PLN depends on the location.
I pay only 20% deposit and rest of the amount I will be paying in Instalments. after I pay 6 instalments the company assign on me shares in LTD company as it is the only option that I was the owner before 2016. option where I pay in cash is 5 PLN cheaper than regular price. One share is one unit. Instalment is 500-600 PLN per unit.

price per m2 is around 25-30PLN depends on the location.

I am thinking to use leverage and to chose option with instalments.
key factors to buy.
- location: close to main roads, in nice areas, close to lake,
- in complex with other investors and people which just want to buy a land to build a house in the future or have the place where they can relax. there will be no more than 20-30% foreign investor in one complex. the more people in complex the higher possibility the land in the future will be a building plot which only increase value but I predict this will not happen in the next 5-10 years. it is rather 10-15 years investment.

- company guarantee if the land will not be a building plot in the future return of the money.
- land over the last 20 years have not gone down and it is higher possibility that is will be going up as it is limited good especially in good locations.

- no tenants, no fit-out and other cost.

everything looks ok but I do not have experience. What do you think?
and like the site :)

23 Jul 2011
Real Estate / Buying agricultural land in Poland as an investment opportunity? Cost of ploughing? [16]

I confirm it. It is really looks ok for me that is why I a bit sceptic. Poles first sign preliminary purchase contract and in 6 month final purchase contract. Over this 6 months the owner must divide complex to unit which I buy. In my case the owner will have 6 months to assign ownership to the company.
23 Jul 2011
Real Estate / Buying agricultural land in Poland as an investment opportunity? Cost of ploughing? [16]

I agree with you that you cannot build in rolna but as you know when you get permit/allowance then you can. I do not want to talk about price because you can find a land for 1pln in middle of nowhere or you can meet rolna close to Warsaw for 150pln or more. Here I see what I buy. A good location, nice view, with other people who wants to buy a house. I do not have also experience in finding land and also time. I do not have time to go to Poland to often. I will check the prices only if in this location prices are competitive and then I take a decision to buy it or not.
23 Jul 2011
Real Estate / Buying agricultural land in Poland as an investment opportunity? Cost of ploughing? [16]

Warszawki good idea with diving. I hope that someone will do something like that in complex. there will be 100 or more people so for sure somebody will build a nice hotel or anything...

I will do that again soon as I want to move back to Poland as soon as ownership of the company change...
29 May 2012
Real Estate / Foreign investor, properties in Poland, walk away from mortgages? [209]


I would like to put some comments to lodz161 and give a short advice to whose who consider to leave the abandon the mortgage and property.

to cut the long story short I do not advice to do that. Most of the investors got a mortgage through metro bank = noble bank = dom bank = getin bank which is the same bank and now this holding run a new institution getbank who will specialize in receiving debts from customers outside of Poland. they will not come in a year or two but they have 10 years to claim the debt and this is sufficient time how to learn how to get the money back. please do not worry about the bank lawyers, they will earn money for their salary...

I advise to contact the bank and speak with them how to restructure your mortgage. with every month we have a few enquires regarding "leaving property". if you want to have more problems you can leave it and forget it for some time.

22 Feb 2013
Real Estate / Non Pole Applying for Mortgage in Poland [11]


we specialize in mortgages for non-residential customers, this is not a good time for applying as most of the banks changed their policy... but each case is different. please describe me your situation and I will try to advise
14 Nov 2014
Real Estate / Ideas how to invest sum of 500,000ZL in Warsaw - real estate is recommended? [20]


500K is a good money to buy good property with reasonable potential. I sent you PM but i do not know if you receive it. I manage some properties in Warsaw and I see how important is to buy property in right location. I also strongly recommend home staging for rental and sale. the difference before and after is huge and I do not understand why people do not do it.

kind regards
18 Nov 2014
Real Estate / Home loan for foreigners (not from EU) in Poland? [10]


Looker i would say that it is not possible to get mortgage for a land by people having income in Australia, US. it is very dificult to get mortgage by foreigner from EU zone not saying US, Australia. Sorry sorots but you need cash to buy a land

kind regards
18 Nov 2014
Real Estate / Purchase of Apartment (Krakow) by proxy from the USA. [4]

Hi Malyniebieski,

We helped our customers to buy property and we had some people from US. I can send you draft POA which help you in purchase and in management of the property. Just email me and I will send you draft. remember that it must have apostil stamp

kind regards
18 Nov 2014
Real Estate / Extra costs when buying a flat in Poland [13]


just look at this calculator:

use google translator when opening page.
