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Posts by Bolle  

Joined: 29 Apr 2010 / Male ♂
Last Post: 16 Dec 2010
Threads: Total: 1 / In This Archive: 1
Posts: Total: 144 / In This Archive: 121
From: warsaw/wroclaw
Speaks Polish?: fairly well

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7 May 2010
Off-Topic / I need Polish nationals. Who wants to be a millionaire? [54]

I would too and have worked many ****** jobs in my life but teaching simply didnt make me happy, neither does it make most of my friends in the industry happy, they do it cos they havent the motivation to get out of the rut.

Well said.

on line education

Good luck getting that through the polish school board system:)
10 May 2010
Love / Are Polish men romantic and caring or... "plain"? [85]

i really don't see the point.

lol you left poland because you are not very smart. I bet you didn't do well in middle/high school and didn't get good grades to get into day time university. Private/evening unis were too expensive therefore you left for the UK to work manual labour which pays much better than in PL.

You'll do fine in britain though. I bet you'll find (if u haven't already) a british sucker who will marry you and you won't have to worry about your future.

Good luck to you though. I'm glad i was never (and never will be) in a similar situation.
3 Jul 2010
News / Komorowski - Russian stooge, traitor background [42]

Who told you to gossip this nonsense of yours, Varsovian

Varsovian - just another foreigner in Poland who thinks he understands the country. Change your name to Londoner please and preach about the UK.
29 Jul 2010


population of poland = ~38million
chinese population in poland = 5000

understand now, or do i have to do the math?
9 Aug 2010
Love / Possibility of Marriage with a Polish lady [96]

also i heard polish girls are better than other EU countries in chaste and virginity
and now i am really crazy !

No, you are ****** up and so is your religion.

I feel sorry for polish women who marry muslim men.
17 Aug 2010
Love / Korean guy wondering about girls and life in Poland [50]

Although foreign men are not as popular as they once were in poland, they are still quite desired by polish women simply because they are perceived as being more financially capable than polish men.

There are many dead-beat men here in poland (like anywhere else) but foreigners are mostly successful individuals here so polish women quite often perceive foreign men as being better (until of course they go abroad and realise that people are the same everywhere).

I don`t think asian men are popular among polish ladies but you can try to change that.
19 Aug 2010
UK, Ireland / Ive been in the UK for 6 days to relocate and im going back to Poland. [281]

From what i can see here, many british expats in poland teach english or run some shady internet business. When they try to make a return to the UK, they complain about not being able to readjust BUT the real reason is that they can't find decent work!

The recession is one reason (UK is a bit ****** up in other ways too as mentioned by others ITT), but the other is lack of a relevant education. A degree in english lit (or some other useless program) and a celta certificate + a few years of teaching grammar isn't going to get you far in today's competitive world (outside of the esl market).

If you people (those complaining about the UK) had degrees/qualifications in in-demand jobs (science, engineering, medicine etc.), you wouldn't have any problems readjusting.
19 Aug 2010
UK, Ireland / Ive been in the UK for 6 days to relocate and im going back to Poland. [281]

Bolle, you have completely limited both the whole teaching process and the transferability of the skills involved. I've known teachers who have gone on to work for major corporations like Kraft. It's a very broad church and many have a wide range of options. They just need to find a company willing to take them on.

But in this recession and increasingly competitive world, companies don't need esl teachers to transfer their skills to work for their companies when they can just hire someone who already has experience (prior professional employment, internship etc.). There are plenty of people out there who lost jobs in the recession and want to get back to what they were once doing, only this time for a difference company.
22 Aug 2010
Life / My own thoughts about life in Poland (have lived here for two years) [133]

Now, I expect to be slated...

Nope. Great review, i only have a few problems.

Poland is one of the most materialistic societies I have encountered. Far more so than any other 'western' country.

It's not materialism, it's a game of catch up. Americans are by far the most materialist in the world. If anything, poles like to do things for "show" because it makes them feel better than their neighbour when they have a slightly better car, for instance.

So generally you are wrong on this point.

Taxes / Health system.

population of hypochondriacs.


racism and homophobia in a society.

Somewhat true. Most racists in poland are the older generations. The younger poles seem to be more open, less religious (religion = evil IMO). I found a lot of brits as closet racists - they come out when you talk about how immigrants are taking advantage of the "system" in the UK.


You need to read more about this event.

About 90% of her former friends, classmates etc have left Poland.

This brain drain has slowed over the past 2 years, and as a matter of fact it is reversing due improvements in poland - eg. PLN worth more.

class system

Been like that for ages > Pan, Pani, magister, dr, etc you can't say "you" to a stranger.

Prices are next.

Prices are ridiculous, i agree. But poles don't buy their clothes in "galerie", they go elsewhere. Galeria's are only for viewing purposes and ideas for what kind of fashions to buy.
23 Aug 2010
Life / Fascination of Poles with German Laundry Detergent [16]

Haha i noticed the detergent obsession. Poles should focus more on getting better better washing machines. Most of the (new) washing machines here ravage clothing.

Poles are fascinated with anything foreign. Some time ago greek cheese was immensely popular in grocery stores - until greek tourists revealed that it had nothing to do with greece. There are many such examples. Fuckin' pathetic if you ask me.
24 Aug 2010
Life / My own thoughts about life in Poland (have lived here for two years) [133]

Let's not even talk about contracts some women are made to sign promising not to get pregnant for a pre-determined period.

I looked into this today and it turns out this is illegal and almost never happens.

It was a minor problem back in the 1990s but now employers are afraid, in case a woman brings in a hidden camera to a job interview to collect evidence.
24 Aug 2010
Life / My own thoughts about life in Poland (have lived here for two years) [133]

There is sth of a superiority complex of those Poles that come back from Germany :(

It goes back to foreign things being more appealing to poles. When a pole goes abroad, he seems to feel more enlightened (because generally things are much better in the west than in poland) and as a result shows off/acts cocky.

I've never seen so many people with brand new state of the art mobiles in Poland than anywhere else.

Really? I only see people using old nokia phones. Few higer end phones like BB, iphone

Tesco Polska were insisting on this for female middle-managers shortly after 2000. Hopefully they've stopped.

24 Aug 2010
Feedback / The image of Poland according to PolishForums [90]

s PF the place where the foreigners get the real image of Poland?

Probably. And the UK as well.

Does it create good or bad image of Poland and polish people?

Mostly bad.

How the experiences shared here corresponds with yours?


Do you think there is too much pointless discussion on unimportant matters?

Hell yeah.

Do you think that the atmosphere here is friendly, neutral or hostile?

The atmosphere is ****** up. But that's what you get when a forum gets flooded by bored expats.
26 Aug 2010
USA, Canada / PolAms -- do you regard yourselves only as 'white Americans'? [187]

There has been a movement in somw quarters of Polonia to have PolAms cross out that term and pen in 'Polish American'. How do you feel about that?

Never heard of this nonsense. Provide a link plz.

I would be against it. Why would we white people want to divide ourselves when we are slowly becoming a minority and our rights are diminishing for fear of some a$$hole pulling out the race card?
31 Aug 2010
Travel / My (short) Poland experiences - bad luck? [142]

basically Poland in Polish is a lot more interesting and fun than Poland in English.

This ^^

You have to speak polish in order to fully experience poland - otherwise you are on the sidelines.

I've noticed that the more my polish improves, the more i enjoy living here.
6 Sep 2010
Off-Topic / Does anyone else find Cygans fascinating? [60]

I have been observing gypsies lately here in poland and I have to say I am "fascinated" by their laziness, dirtiness, and ummmm uselessness.

I don't see how they contribute to society. I only see them leaching off the state.

They also appear to prefer to beg all day long then actually work. They don't like to go to school - most stop attending classes after completing elementary school.

The few that do work are either criminals or engaged in selling rugs.

Fascinating people, allison.
7 Sep 2010
History / Where Are Milicjanci (Polish Police during Communism) Now? [7]

In the 70s and 80s, the milicja gave me and my family heavy looks and followed me around, presumably because I used to have VERY long hair and looked alternative. More than once I nearly got my head kicked in by these protectors of the workers paradise.

Sounds like a good reason to beat your ass.

Are they forgiven and forgotten? Not as far as I'm concerned.

Move on, hippie.

Being so confrontational was truly uncalled for!!

Sometimes i think the police should be more aggressive and confrontational, particularly in american inner cities.
7 Sep 2010
Food / Is Polish food still more natural than in the West? [142]

In Poland when you say "meat" it seems to generally refer to processed/preserved sliced meats or sausage.

Not quite.

Mieso = meat
wedliny = deli meat (sliced ham, sausage, cured/marinated ham)

Wedliny are highly processed and contain lots of preservatives/additives - generally not very healthy but widely eating in poland for breakfast and the evening meal.

Overall i think polish food is increasingly becoming less natural. Powdered soup and those goroncy kubeks are flooding supermarkets.

And beef in Poland leaves a lot to be desired.

8 Sep 2010
History / polish eagle tattoo, eagle head is facing to the left, is this a bad thing? [10]

No, I don't know what you mean. You said you have 100% Polish blood, so that means that you have a clear, unbroken line of Polish blood dating back to the founding of the first Polish state.

Either that, or you're not 100% Polish.

I've read quite a few of your posts on here and i must say, you are one grumpy mother******. Are you turning into a pole, limey? Or is teaching english wearing you down?
9 Sep 2010
Life / Before 1980 family in Poland was friendly towards immigrants; now they are not [11]

If I still had something to offer them, such as in the way of easy money, things would definitely change once again.

This is precisely why they have turned hostile towards you. Presents have always been expected, especially from family living outside of poland. Not just any presents, but really nice and expensive things. So it's not surprising to me that your family has shunned you when you stopped sending them presents and invites to the UK. This was very typical of poles in the 1990s, not so much now from what i can tell.
9 Sep 2010
News / Poland hosts lowest proportion of foreigners in the EU [115]

This is not necessarily a bad thing, harry. However i'm certain this will eventually change - i already see more colored people in poland than in the past.

It would be wise for poland to have stricter immigration criteria than western europe to avoid bringing in uneducated/useless 3rd worlders. They should be brought in at a slower pace to avoid social/cultural problems.