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Posts by Porsche13  

Joined: 3 Mar 2010 / Female ♀
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From: United Kingdom
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2 Jun 2010
UK, Ireland / The number of Anti-English Poles... [228]

this reminds me nazi germany policies towards jews

How dare you say this? Do you remember us wan*er English that came to your country's aid, that took hundreds and thousands of orphaned children into our arms and showed them years of love and care. We are a humanitarian country, every single issue that is nothing to do with us, we give aid, we give shelter, we gave love to the children that witnessed their parents brutally murdered by those nazi bast*rds.

I strongly suggest you educate yourself before flying disgusting comments about like that.
I have looked through this post and you are moaning constantly about benefits, a council flat and conpensation that comes from us wan*ers. I have never come across a rude polish person in my life, I have a fantastic relationship with all my staff and many best friends that are polish that I could not live without and I disagreed with the title of this post until I came across your horrible comments. You have a chip on your shoulder, the world doesn't owe you mate. Theres children in Africa being raped every 2 seconds, grow up and thank your self lucky. If you hate us english so much how about you move? Surely you hate england this much you'd be better getting a job in your own country or would the Polish government not give you a free house either or weekly wage for sitting on your ar*se or compensation for whatever next you want to claim for?

I'll let you into a secret, the loss of papers and catalogue of errors you experienced from Job centre has nothing to do with your nationality, every person I have ever known that has claimed Job Seekers has had problems due to errors because they are inundated with claims. Our Country cannot deal with this amount benefits, we are in a recession, in massive debt and have more people claiming now than we have ever done, even through the Thatcher years, we are on our knees with resources so don't think this is because you are Polish. As for attitude from people, from the comments you have made I can only assume you have provoked every attitude you have got.

Think before you type silly boy, your parents and grandparents would be absolutely disgusted with this comment. You would possibly not be alive today if us stupid English didn't step in and fight for your human rights!
2 Jun 2010
UK, Ireland / The number of Anti-English Poles... [228]

I agree, I completely disagree our kids of 17 years old are dying for an american argument, but Iraq was not the subject.
You seem to be educated about the war however are you not aware of the children that were rescued from the concentration camps that were brought to many isolated homes in the UK, their identity were kept a secret so that they could live the rest of their lives trying to get over the trauma that these children saw. So they were not interviewed and prodded like lab rats, they were taken to isolated family homes and given a life they would only dream about. We are a humanitarian country whatever you think and whatever sh*t you have come across. There are many of us wa*kers that actually care about you.

I agree there are complete wa*kers in england and they are usually btween 18-25 years old and can't get a job because they don't want one, they are our generation of lazy spongers and believe me us Brit's are not proud of these racist hoody wearing chavy scum. We hate them too. One comment I cannot stand and I will fight to the death to win is the typical "all of them coming over here and stealing our jobs". The lazy generation WILL NOT DO ANY JOB, even if its a job they like they still pull sickys and take the pis*.

But please don't drag your nation down with you with regards to all of your views. There is some nice guys like me that fight for your rights. I have lost jobs fighting for Polish to be treat equal in the work force. Me personally I believe you are a highly intelligent nationality and caring people but your views on here I can honestly say have completely shocked me.
2 Jun 2010
UK, Ireland / The number of Anti-English Poles... [228]

I feel really sorry to hear that... You've must be a very good man. I hope you are ok now and you've already found a new, better job :)

Ha ha I am a lady, at least I think I am, ha. I work for an ethnical employer now and for years I can now safely say I love my job & my bosses. They think like me and believe in good honest workers, regardless of nationality :-)
2 Jun 2010
UK, Ireland / The number of Anti-English Poles... [228]

People seem amazed that when the population surges by a million that the system has the odd hiccup. Of course, Polish administration wouldn't have any problems, would it?

Exactly my point, we have a large number of immigrants from all over the world and of course our own generation of embarrassing degenarates that don't want to work and were in a recession, Our country is on their knees right now, we can't cope, schools, NI and Benefits is where we buckle the most under this pressure. Its not racism its under training, under staffing and under paid.

As for Police, I am a white, blonde, british women, I was attacked and mugged and was told it was my own stupid fault (the exact words as well), I've had garages and sheds burgled and told to go punch the bast*ards myself. This isn't disrimination this is eactly what British Police Force have become.
2 Jun 2010
UK, Ireland / The number of Anti-English Poles... [228]

Where did gregi go?? Didn't he start this up roar? Ha hilarious do you think Gregi is maybe re-considering his hate for English people .................... Na possibly not!
2 Jun 2010
UK, Ireland / The number of Anti-English Poles... [228]

I'm not feeling the love gregy I must say ha ha
As a Social Worker though please remember what I say, we arn't all n*b heads, we did do good things for your country once, we take care of the victims from the nazi bas*tards and we do nice things daily. Maybe you need to be up North to see more equality. I know Yorkshire's a loving place for you poles ha ha.

What you see with procedures and government is exactly what we get too you know, some services are incompetant because they just can't deal with this amount of people and thats english included. We've bred a nation of spongers and the only people who complain about Polish people tend to be the only ones who don't work themselves.

Anyway, keep calm won't you :-)
2 Jun 2010
UK, Ireland / The number of Anti-English Poles... [228]

I recently found out that it is possible to take GCSEs in Polish language in British state schools

I think thats fantastic, why the hell should we learn German or French at school when we fought with both of the god awful countries? Always found that very strange!

I think there should be a choice of language and definately Polish being in the list. Polish are here to stay I think and English people should embrace the wealth of knowledge and education another nationality could share with us, their children are far more advanced than ours and we should take that as an example and try to educate our children to a higher standard too. A polish child at 5 goes to school with an arm full of books, our children go to school with a colouring book at 5 and maybe spot the dog ha ha, there's a definate worrying difference though!
2 Jun 2010
UK, Ireland / The number of Anti-English Poles... [228]

I learn't French, then forgot every single word of it. Went to Paris and everyone spoke English ha ha, never met a french person in England though.

I have met and worked with Polish, Lithuanian, Latvian, Hungarian, Slovakian, Czech, Russian, Indian, Iraqi, Albania (list is endless) but never met a German person or French person in England yet I was forced to learn and speak the most iritating language on the planet for 5 years! We do have a mental education system I must say!
2 Jun 2010
UK, Ireland / The number of Anti-English Poles... [228]

well, i think its a myth... I dont know hows in britain but surely in poland there is a load of lazy and bad students either ;)

Polish girls I know with children are learning English practically fluently within a matter of a few weeks and I have not met a bad behaved Polish child, they are absolute angels, they know all of their manners, they are chatty and friendly and clever. They do not know any swear words and they don't want to shove a firework up one of my dogs' ar*ses ha ha ha. As you can tell I've met some adhorable little English kids :-)
2 Jun 2010
UK, Ireland / The number of Anti-English Poles... [228]

The number of Anti-English Poles...remember the topic?its not about learning french is it?

Oh there you are you little cheeky monkey you, have you calmed down now and put your dummy back in ha ha ha. You started this Mr I hate English, we were all rioting 30 mins ago now we've all turned into civilised people and are all feeling the love for Polish people now ha ha. Anyway you should be happy you little trouble causer you, I'm singing your tune here but in a less milder tone than yourself. I think its more Stereophonics than metallica right now ;-)
2 Jun 2010
UK, Ireland / The number of Anti-English Poles... [228]

Thats because you are on the public sector gravy train as a social worker.

I'm not actually, you remember you guy who started this riot, the agressive one, he is actually a social worker i shi*t you not

and to the other person that commented

Except she actually works in a sewing machine factory lol

I'm a Project Manager for an Employment Agency thats why i've seen it bad from both sides, I've seen us English exploiting the eastern europeans first hand, I know how sh*t they can be treat sometimes.
2 Jun 2010
UK, Ireland / The number of Anti-English Poles... [228]

i just said what could be the reason for a pole to have antibritish sentiments like

HA HA HA Gregy you caused an almighty shi*te storm and your now your like "well i only said this" ha ha crazy
2 Jun 2010
UK, Ireland / The number of Anti-English Poles... [228]

Maybe if you removed yourself from the hotel bar for one night you might have discovered the real Paris.

Eh I did I went to an underground bar and met some lovely men but they insisted on speaking english, maybe its a female thing, we get away with a bit don't we he he

congratulation!!! first post and already two insults

now now gregy we've spoke about this volitile temper before, nice and calm, deep breaths, your not too big to go over my knee young man ha ha