28 Feb 2007
Language / The Polish language - it's bloody hard! [210]
I do not know how easy it is to find now but Poland produced a very good book in the 1960's entitled Mowimy Po pOlsku. It came with records but is a very good course if you can get hold of a copy. There is a course called Linguaphone and their Polish course is very good, Perhaps you could get a copy from a library? Polish grammar is logical and is not so difficult as French.
I do not know how easy it is to find now but Poland produced a very good book in the 1960's entitled Mowimy Po pOlsku. It came with records but is a very good course if you can get hold of a copy. There is a course called Linguaphone and their Polish course is very good, Perhaps you could get a copy from a library? Polish grammar is logical and is not so difficult as French.