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Posts by Switek  

Joined: 28 May 2009 / Male ♂
Last Post: 16 Jan 2010
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Posts: Total: 59 / In This Archive: 22
From: Kościan, Polska
Speaks Polish?: fluently
Interests: military, history, human bevaviour

Displayed posts: 22
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2 Jun 2009
History / Polish hatred towards Jews... [1290]

Threads like this and some Jewish hate pride represented by some posters proves worldwide opinion that Poles are retarded.

sad but true...
3 Jun 2009
History / Polish hatred towards Jews... [1290]

Are you saying that some Poles (and none-Poles) who are AWARE of Jewish's antiPolish nasty and sick propaganda are nothing less but retarded ones?

Interesting logic. Antipolonism represented by some Jews (and not only by them) is a mirror reflection of miserable antisemitism and Jews hate. Both are retarded. Seems that "anti Polish sick propaganda" can find a lot of ammunition here. Keep your work going!

Indeed SAD it is.

Quoted for the truth

But fook mi, that is a good one..

As I said some are retarded.
3 Jun 2009
History / Polish hatred towards Jews... [1290]

You must have been born yesterday.

Your reaction seems unstable, apart the fact, is completely irrelevant.
3 Jun 2009
History / Polish hatred towards Jews... [1290]

You just can't resist yourself from your childish behavior ... Happens ...

Most Jews (like Poles, Germans Russians and mmost on this planet) little knows history of their nation except "victim role playing" mainstream. They often repeat some shallow sillinesses about Poles and Poland based on stereotypes, without consciousness of that. Most Jews don't care about Poland and Poles, at all, only few I could name real hard core Polonophobes...
3 Jun 2009
History / Polish hatred towards Jews... [1290]

Spare me that patronizing tone of yours, thank you.

You're welcome.

That doesn't justify them to spit out hateful words and made up 'facts' about Poland and the Poles.

True but it works vice versa: lies about Poland and Poles doesn't justify us to spit out hateful words and made up 'facts' about Jews.

Is that so?

Yes, it is.
4 Jun 2009
History / Polish hatred towards Jews... [1290]

[quote=Harry]Like those who tend to forget that there, in Poland, were imposed by Nazis the most draconian laws for helping Jews. Germans used to executed entire families for such help, in practice Germans murdered all inhabitants of the home where Jews were hidden.
4 Jun 2009
History / Polish hatred towards Jews... [1290]

That would be very much the exception rather than the rule. For examples read "Hitler's willing executioners" by Goldhagen or "Ordinary men" by Browning.

It was a rule. This is what Wiki says:

Poland was the only occupied country during World War II where the Nazis formally imposed the death penalty[39] for anybody found sheltering and helping Jews.[116][117].

And take a look there and there

You might also want to note that, despite the claims of certain Poles, people in occupoed countries other than Poland were also executed by the nazis for helping Jews.

Of course they were executed individually but there weren't collective responsibly in occupied Europe expect invaded Poland.
4 Jun 2009
History / Polish hatred towards Jews... [1290]

Harry, whether you like it or not, deny or not, collective responsibility was a rule.

The difference between Poles and other nations (from western Europe and Baltics) in treatment by German invaders was significant. Dutchmen, Frenchmen, Estonians in Nazi plans were to built one thousand years lasting Third Reich, Poles, just after, Jews, Gypsies and Russians were subhumans to be exterminated. Germans during WW2 didn't care about lives of few Poles more or less. This is why they used a collective responsibility so willingly to decrease potential help to Jews at any price. In this case price was low: a cost of ammo used in such murders. You should also know that first victims of German terror were (mainly) Poles and Jews when Germans started to implement "Intelligenzaktion" in late September 1939 and took 60.000 causalities till spring 1940. Direct terror did not target Jews themselves, but in parallel Poles, what Jews are hardly aware.

It was a common rule, used from 1941/42, when Germans found hidden Jews they usually did not bother with details like special courts and legal procedures, they killed at the place all Jews, and all Poles who could be potentially involved without time consuming investigations and so on. Just because. Subhumans weren't individuals to be protected by law.
20 Jun 2009
Genealogy / Changing my name to a Polish one [35]

Czesław Mieczkowski sounds good. It's very Polish indeed and only Poles (native speakers) are able to pronounce it properly. ;)

Shorter version Of Czesław is Czesio.
15 Dec 2009
History / What British unit liberated Poland in 1945?? [445]

The main seller was a Franklin Delano Roosevelt. Birits, in fact, a the end of WW2 felt to second league and couldn't' decide at the same level like US or USSR. Churchill had to secure British interests first but despite support for partition of Europe he behaved quite honestly letting Poles to stay in Britain.
15 Dec 2009
History / Polish hatred towards Jews... [1290]

If Poles dont speak what they think, someones will do this work for them.

Someone can only say what one thinks about the subject what Poles think... Obvious.
16 Jan 2010
Love / Well.. I got a Polish girl pregnant.. [88]

I guess that more than half of mankind was conceived unintentionally, what's logic by nature itself, so Ogien stop comment stop comment on someone's sex life and don't post if you have nothing constructive to suggest those two whose life will change diametrically soon. You're the last person to judge others unless you're current Jesus incarnation, then I'd apologize.

Congratulations for you jasonmzk, and your girlfriend!
16 Jan 2010
Food / Mother of all hangovers....Polish Beer! [71]

Nope, I guess that Danes brew the strongest beer with alcohol content more than 11% In Netto retail outlets occasionally is being sold Germany produced "North Pole" with 12% alcohol content. I almost forget... sake is technically a beer ;-)

The strong kind of beers sold in Poland are side effect of fiscal policy made by state. The level of excise rate is lowest for beer AFAIK.
16 Jan 2010
News / Should Poland Remove Visa Restrictions? [285]

Please vote.

Should the Polish Government Remove Visa Restrictions?

Poland as EU member do not conduct own visas policy. It's a competence of EU authorities according to Shengen agreement and Polish government is obliged to respect EU's directives on this issue.

The proper question is "Should the European Commission Remove Visa Restrictions?".
16 Jan 2010
Love / Well.. I got a Polish girl pregnant.. [88]

What are you going on about? It's the year 2010 and we have many advanced contraceptive techniques to use to avoid pregnancy if you really have to have sex.

When you invent or discover proven 100% effective contraceptive means (except "having no sex at all", homosexual acts, masturbation or castration) you will become one of the richest man on Earth.

All I'm saying is that if this jackass wasn't planning on having a baby then he is clearly irresponsible and in lack of intelligence.

We humans have been given something what is called sexual desire what switch off logic, decency and sometimes moral brakes. In fact having kids is never a result (even if it's intentional) of logic based decision. Learn more in evolutionary psychology. Interesting study.
16 Jan 2010
Love / Well.. I got a Polish girl pregnant.. [88]

Yet most responsible adults are able to overcome their sexual desires with logic.

It's commonly believed denial.

You're saying having kids is never a result of logic based decision?

When you learn more from latest psychological research results you have chance to understand this process.

If you really think that then you're an idiot.

Do you know what projection is? Never mind... Personal insult attempt says that you're out of merit arguments. You proved who you are yourself. Epic fail indeed.
16 Jan 2010
News / Should Poland Remove Visa Restrictions? [285]



There is no harmonisation at EU level, hence why a person holding a long term Polish visa without a residence card cannot travel within Schengen.

Guess whose regulations are there:

Article 4
1. A Member State may provide for exceptions from the
visa requirement provided for by Article 1(1) or from the
exemption from the visa requirement provided for by Article
1(2) as regards:
(a) holders of diplomatic passports, official-duty passports and
other official passports;
(b) civilian air and sea crew;
(c) the flight crew and attendants

There is no harmonisation at EU level, hence why a person holding a long term Polish visa without a residence card cannot travel within Schengen.

Exceptions never have been nor are nor will be general rule.
17 Jan 2010
History / Polish hatred towards Jews... [1290]

*btw - what is that supposed to mean "POLES(?) STILL(?) hate Jews"?*

This a kind of negative stereotype about Jews which is inherited by successive generations in home education process esp in those families whose members were somehow involved in crimes against Jews (mainly by szmalcownictwo). The hate against Jews is strongly correlated with the conspiratorial beliefs, and personal sense that external forces direct our lives and all the social and economical processes...