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Joined: 14 Apr 2009 / Male ♂
Last Post: 15 May 2011
Threads: Total: 11 / In This Archive: 8
Posts: Total: 16 / In This Archive: 7
From: Świdnica
Speaks Polish?: Trochę

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19 Mar 2010
Law / On the spot payment with Police (ticket) in Poland? [25]

So, I was pulled over for speeding last week, I'm not going to moan about it because I was speeding and I deserve to pay a penalty, which I did on the spot 500pln,

The question I have is, Do the Police always make foreigners pay on the spot? can't I get a ticket on credit like natives? I have residency here, pesel, NIP etc... but no ID card.

I don't always carry 500PLN around with me to pay off Police so what are my options? Next time I get pulled over short of 500PLN will I be taken away to prison if I can't pay immediately?

Any advice would be appreciated!
20 Mar 2010
Law / On the spot payment with Police (ticket) in Poland? [25]

I have my blue "zaświadczenie o zarejestrowaniu pobytu obywatela unii europejskiej"

Is this in conjunction with my passport enough to prove to a Police officer I am resident in Poland?

and thanks to everyone for the advice,=)
22 Jul 2010
Work / Not so good schools (information for teachers in Poland) [4]

the last time I posted this, it was removed by the admins :(
But I think it's important for Teachers to share their experiences with bad language schools.

Here is a pretty startling account of a bad language school in Wroclaw, originally posted on the 'Do you speak Polish' blog, please take a look and read


or directly here:

doyouspeakpolish.blogspot.com/2010/07/beware-incompetant-fraudste r-and-so.html

Do any other people have experiences of bad languages schools from a teacher or learner perspective, which schools should we avoid co-operation with?


btw... I know that 'TEFL balcklist' blog was pretty useful in keeping track of dodgy schools but it hasn't been updated in a while. Are there anyother websites which collect info on good or bad schools?
16 Aug 2010
Work / Average monthly salary in Poland is around 1000 PLN (few hundred bucks). [387]

I found it on a teaching English blog but the article discusses average income in Poland.
and I have to agree with the average value quoted at being around 2,800PLN per month...
Average monthly salary question has been tackled here:

Look at this scenario...
Polish GDP per capita is somewhere around $11,000.
Ignore the ******** about PPP or GDP being an unreal average income value, look at what this figure represent... It is the sum of everything produced in Poland divided by the number of people living in Poland. Therefore it is the empirical average income and your best indicator as to what to aim for in terms of income.

8 Jan 2011
Life / Polish spy or action films? [17]

Hey, I wanted some opinions about the best Polish spy or action films?

I'm definitely interested in seeing any and all Polish spy films but no one can recommend any!

any help?


Does that mean there is none! lol
21 Mar 2011
Life / Wild dogs in Poland, are they a problem for any one but me? [14]

I'm just thinking, is it only my village that seems to be over-run with wild/stray dogs for no apparent reason?

I've read a few news reports that these dogs have caused problems in the past but I'm just wondering if anybody else has some ineresting stories?

I ended up with a nasty bite on my hand after an encounter Friday evening :(
14 Apr 2011
UK, Ireland / Holding a British passport. Married a Polish woman. Applying for Polish passport? [21]

I need some advice. I currently hold a British passport but have been married to my Polish wife for three years and I'm thinking of trying to apply for a Polish passport.

As I understand because of three years of marriage I am now eligible to apply, is that correct?

I have also been living in Poland for two years but the only official documentation I have is my Pobytu Obywatela (A blue residency card for E.U citizens)

What's the process I need to follow?

Thanks for the advice but I need to arm myself with some information before I go head first into Polish administration and paperwork :/

8 May 2011
Law / What banks are people using in Poland? [50]

At the moment I have an account with Alior and Deutsche. But Alior take money from me every month for random things and my wife has access to my Deutsche account so I'm thinking of changing? I'd like an account that is cheap just to have (i.e. no monthly charges)

Any suggestions?
8 May 2011
Language / Super fast Polish language learning strategies from internet polyglots [29]

A lot of bloggers out there who offer an alternative approach to language learning, such as Irishpolyglot ot Yearlyglot have both recently done things connected with learning the Polish language quickly. Irishpolyglot says that using his methods it's possible to communicate at near fluent levels within three months? Mostly, they talk about alternative learning strategies such as 'forget drilling grammar' or 'flash cards are useless'. Using Irishpolyglots methods he claims to be able to learn a new language to near fluent levels withing three months and he has plenty of evidence to prove this including a national radio interview in Spain when he learnt Spanish. Yearlyglot is a little slower and aims to learn a new language to advanced levels within a year.

Does anybody have experience in using these blogs as help learning Polish or any other language. I'm sceptical about what they can offer and I'm definitely not prepared to hand over 60$ for a book which Irishpolyglot produces but saying that the general content in the blog is good and has given me a little extra optimism with learning Polish

Fluent in three months (Irishpolyglot)


There is also quite a heavy criticism of these polyglots here on

An English language and Polish language website

and finally, on this website,


they have a poll collecting peoples opinions on the value of these alternative strategies.

I appreciate everyone opinions. Right now I'm completing lacking motivation to learn Polish, I have B1 level put perfecting my accuracy with grammar is proving a nightmare!
9 May 2011
Language / Super fast Polish language learning strategies from internet polyglots [29]

I've been reading Benny's blog and watching his Youtube videos. The more I watch or read the more impressed I am. Especially the interview in Hungarian, clearly you Benny wasn't fluent but what he could do after such a short time was impressive.

Keep it up Benny, I'm convinced.

9 May 2011
Law / What banks are people using in Poland? [50]

Cheers for the info.

Nordea charge 50pln per month? that seems heavy to me. I might try mbank as others have suggested it to me.

Really I want something I can use when I'm in Ukraine and I hear bank PKO have subsidiaries there.
10 May 2011
Life / Polls on Poland [4]

I would really appreciate peoples input on the polls on DYSP about life in Poland, teaching English and learning Polish.
Maybe we can get some statistical data on these things!

The polls run down the right hand side of the site and right at the bottom is even one about Polish beer brands!

Here's the link - DYSP: bit.ly/ln07qU

Obviously, none of these polls really apply to native Polish people...sorry!
11 May 2011
Life / Polls on Poland [4]

The blog is kind of 'niche' so I don't think many people would just stumble upon it and besides, if you're not really looking for the polls, they are easy to miss so I'm hoping to get some really good data out of this.

1 day has gone and already 21 voters so it seems to be popular!

Here's the link again
